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Everything posted by mandyque

  1. Well, she's home for the weekend, she seemed quite surprised to see me, I wonder if she thought that was it and she was staying forever?!?! Ah well, she's been happy enough since we got home, although I'm shattered from the long drive. They've managed to keep her off the swimming costumes, apart from actually going swimming, but it hasn't been easy for them. They told me to hide all the ones I have at home so I have, but the first thing she did as she walked in the door was strip off the alternative clothes The challenge will come when I try to take her out myself. They advised to buy some more UV tops, she had one already and chose to wear that so I have managed to get two more, not that I can afford them but needs must. The cheapest I could find were in Next Directory I'm a George at Asda girl, Next is posh!!! And out of my price range I guess I'll just have to hope Family Fund help me with some clothing money. I'm just hoping that she won't be too upset on Monday when I drop her off again
  2. My dd is virtually non-verbal too, she is 11. Over the years she has learned a few simple things eg 'I want drink please', it was learned through using PECS with verbal prompts. She still has very little speech but displays a lot of echolalia and you can often figure out what she is singing in her babbly way. She vocalises a lot and will use the same noises to display emotions, eg when she is angry and upset she does exactly the same build up to an ear piercing scream which hurts my ears owwww!!! I think she would learn a lot more if school actually bothered using PECS as communication instead of just for timetables As for the nappies thing, she just clicked at 6.5years, we were on holiday and she thought it was great fun to go to the toilet in the caravan every two minutes. She never wore another nappy! e2a would he use a sports bottle instead of a baby one? DD still uses one as she just can't fathom how not to spill drinks
  3. mandyque


    You looking at me punk?
  4. mandyque

    had enough!

    Hi Liz, just PM'd you Glad M is back at school, what a relief!
  5. Yeah I know, the tesco ones were �40 though so cheaper still. Never mind
  6. I used to love lifting my coat up above my head to catch the wind when I was a kid, we'd all do it on the playground and go flying backwards :S
  7. mandyque

    had enough!

    Oh what a nightmare! I'm sure me and P will be up for a Starbucks if you fancy too
  8. Good news Caroline They are usually very generous with first timers, you will probably get much less in future but it's really worth it isn't it I'm not holding my breath for a decision from them at the moment, which is a shame, I'm after a sewing machine and they had a load in tesco a couple of weeks ago really cheap
  9. Well, I left her at the hospital today, she seemed to be fine, pop music on the TV, wooden train set all over the floor, home from home I was a bit cheesed off that I had to go through everything again with the doctor when one of the nursing staff had spent 2.5 hours last weekend writing up all sorts of in depth background info, but it's done again now, we'll just have to see how it goes. She was happy to stay when I said goodbye so that was ok, I had to swallow back my own sobs though That in itself worries me a bit though, that she wasn't bothered about being left with a load of strangers in a strange place *sigh*. There's always something isn't there I'll see her again on Friday, but it's going to be a difficult time for us all, not least when they send us home with new things to try eek!
  10. I'm Chandler Lisa Simpson and...... ermmm........ oh yeah.. Mr Forgetful The spelling in that Mr Men one was atrocious!
  11. Wow, well done you, and your daughter!
  12. Hi there, I'm shocked and disgusted at your ds's school, that is appalling, good on you for fighting them!
  13. Try your local CAB or Welfare Rights, if you have no joy then contact your local MP who should be able to help you. Does your son get mobility allowance for his autism? If he gets higher rate he should get one no problem, if it is lower rate you might be able to ask for special consideration, especially as you also have a disability.
  14. It is mainly for the Teesside area but I'm sure we could squeeze in a couple of not-so-locals Liz, I know how you feel, nowt worse than kids off school ill! Well, there is but you know what I mean I'm bunged up full of cold at the moment urrrrggghh!!!!!!!! Have you had a look at the website lately, there's loads going on, and we've got a new fundraiser on the go, I got some friends to put money together to have dd's name engraved on one of the Day Centre bricks
  15. Hi Liz, of course I know you Hope you are doing ok and we'll see you soon Looby, it's for all ages, the Links group is for anyone involved in the care of someone with an ASD, one of our members has a 26 year old dd so that's not a problem. For the activities we accept children up to 18 so your daughter can come along to anything she (and you) would like There are nominal charges for some of the activities, eg cinema, but no more than �1 per person.
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