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Everything posted by forbsay

  1. I used to think that Bucks Fizz were cool In fact I remember dancing at a street party to one of their songs........................
  2. Good luck with your house hunting.
  3. forbsay


    Glad everything turned out ok Brooke.
  4. Well done both of you I am weighing myself tomorrow so will see what the damage is. Mel - sending you some hugs <'> <'> <'> . I don't think i would have stopped at 4 biscuits - i think i would have eaten the packet!
  5. M is alot better today though think I have got the bug now
  6. Welcome to the forum <'> <'>
  7. i was ok on the eating front until this evening and now have been stuffing my face. M is not well tonight - he has been in bed since 5.30 saying that he has a sore head...... We had such a lovely day today. Went for a walk and he was scared of the geese. He was calling them dogs and was scared they were going to bite him. Hope he is better tomorrow - really don't like seeing him like this.
  8. That is brilliant SG - well done. Well done everyone.
  9. i am away to have some red wine
  10. I am found an online diet plan which you used to have to pay for and now it is free. Let me know if anyone would like this via PM. Forbsay
  11. So how is everyone doing?
  12. I go walking with MP3 player - music at full blast! Or go driving - again with the music really loud. With M, he likes looking at his favourite book.
  13. forbsay

    One whole year

    Happy anniversary clare!
  14. forbsay

    Valentines Day

    I really like valentines day. Probably because I never got any valentine cards when i was younger. We will prob just have a bottle of wine on the day and then at the weekend have a nice meal. Hubby works in the evenings as a trainee driving instructor. Mind you Thursday nights are usually his quiz night that he goes to and he is not allowed this Thursday though i had to remind him why..................
  15. Could you make him a toy lift out of a cardboard box? My son plays with this and put people in the lift as well............ I think the picture book is a good idea. I made one for M and it really relaxed him. Forbsay
  16. i remember how i was feeling when I wrote the start of this thread and it was a turning point for me. I can now see the light at the end of tunnel.
  17. 3rd week in new job and I really like it. People are lovely. Tonight i was going away and the manager thanked me for helping him this week. Next week, I will be doing part of the job on my own as the girl I am covering is on maternity leave. It is so nice to get up in the morning and not dread going to work. I used to be sick in the morning before I went to my old work and I used to shake at my desk. There is none of that now. Forbsay
  18. Hi Sue As well as pylons, my son is obessed with church towers,masts,pipes and telephone masts. Oh and our water tank. Not had the trees yet but watch is thread! Forbsay
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