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Everything posted by forbsay

  1. Hi. Welcome to the forum. My son was diagnosed as being autistic when he was 2.5 years old. It was his nursery that approached us and it was about the same time as he had his review at the health visitors. It all started from then.
  2. Never had any wine last night. Went to bed and read my magazine.......... Weigh in tomorrow
  3. My son does not have any friends either. I get sad watching other kids walking about with their mates or playing football...................
  4. That is good about today SG. I am fed about though I have not been stuffing my face. Am going to have some wine tonight............
  5. forbsay

    Fed up tonight

    Well posted on another thread about M and school. I really like my new temp job - money is really good but I am a bit bored. Having a chat with manager tomorrow so will see what she says. M is watching this calming programme on TV - think i should watch it as well. It has waterfall etc on it and calming music. Might have a glass of wine tonight......................
  6. Well M started back at school today and he had a bad day. Doing his usual of calling the boys different names to annoy them. He was also saying words that I say when I am annoyed with him - which i am really embarassed about. Feel quite a bad mummy tonight and know that I should not shout at him or say things to him. I am going to have to go into school to speak to them to get this resolved. He is been ok in the house tonight though. Forbsay
  7. forbsay

    my positive thread

    i really like my new job. the people are so lovely.
  8. These aero ball thingys are fab! I managed to steal some from my little girl yesterday.
  9. That sounds nice. I love the weekends when I can do this as well. My little boy is going back to school tomorrow
  10. Glad you are feeling better Mel.
  11. forbsay


    Oh Brooke - sending you lots of hugs <'> <'> <'> <'> Is it possible for you to go and see his school before the review meeting? I totally understand where you are coming from. Take care
  12. That is great news Pearl and JP!
  13. I have just made a healthy meatloaf - it was fab.................
  14. brooke sending you lots of hugs. Just do what you have to do ................
  15. Just start again tomorrow - it is a new week. It is so easy to put weight on like. Hev - that free diet link is really good.
  16. that is good I have got four apples trees all growing at different stages
  17. I am really sorry to hear that. He helped me alot My thoughts are with his family.
  18. Enjoy yourself tomorrow. No screaming when you first see him.
  19. Enjoy yourself Bagpuss - you deserve to have a lovely night out.
  20. Just start again tomorrow SG.
  21. Thanks Bagpuss. How is everyone today? I am having some vino tonight. I only drink alcohol on fridays and saturdays. When i was in my old job i was drinking every night! Oh, remember i was telling you about the free diet thread - well i joined it as it reckons that i will hit my target weight around 30th May - it can be done but i will have to lose 2lbs a week. I keep thinking about this date.......... Forbsay
  22. Mel -sending you lots of hugs <'> <'> <'> Just take each day as it comes. A few weeks ago i was eating everything is sight and like you I didn't know what was wrong with me. Take care
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