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Everything posted by harmony

  1. Yep, I had a big G and T, feel much better today, It is good to know we are all in the same boat. thanks so much harmony xxx
  2. Warren. You are fabulous! To see your room and hear what you say makes me understand my daughter more. I will be more tolerant with her, and together we'll sort it, if not.... well, if she turns out to be as sweet a soul as you, who cares about the room Harmony x
  3. Thank you all for your replies, you are so kind. So fab to know I am not alone in this. I love the timer idea, will get one asap! also good to know their is light at the end of the tunnel Tally. Thanks all xxx harmony xxx
  4. Havn't been on for a while. Am so stressed about daughter. she is 12 and was diagnosed with AS and ADHD earlier in year. Her scatty behaviour is always driving me nuts, but we can cope with that and most of her other symptoms. She is of course in total denial except when it suits, usually when I ask her to sort her bedroom out. I have tried to organise it, paint it, add more storage, get rid of rubbish, put everything in some sort of order but within 24 hrs her room looks and smells like the devil. She wets quite alot (again can deal with that) but her personal hygine is dreadful and she smells like a public loo most of the time Today she had a meltdown as I flipped at the sight of her dreadful 'pit' gave her hour to pick her new clothes off floor and pull her duvet up and pick up rubbish, then 30 min warning, then 15 min and when I went in she was sitting on her bed twiddling with a bit of paper. I went balistic!! My friends say to me how lovely to have such a wonderful daughter, she must be a great help! we havn,t told them about aspergers, she asked us not to, so I have to say 'oh yes she is great to have around' when truth is her 3 year old brother is much more helpful and easier to deal with. I work most days and some evenings too, but I think I am going to have to cut down as I think i need to help her more, as she evidently can't cope with life in general. If only she wouldn't leave a trail of devistation behind her, if only she would put soild knickers in the wash bin, If only she would wash and brush her hair and take pride in her beautiful apperance. So Sorry to rant on, didn't know who else to talk to, hubby useless, leaves home at 7 am, gets in at 8 and can't see whats wrong, as I have done everything by then, including 5 hours at work! I need a stiff drink and a good cry. Harmony
  5. My AS dd age 12 can't ride yet. Took cycling test along with her classmates last year, she insisted on doing it although I knew she would fail (she did) The school made her take it again 6 weeks later, as if that was going to make any difference, so she failed again. My NT son can't ride either he's 9. Son no 2 peddals away on his trike (he's 3) He also has AS traits, has to put everythig in lines, obsessed with feeling tickets in clothes, counts vans (white) whenever we are out, and now has started telling me his times tables backwards (I can't keep up with him) Harmony x
  6. We had private diagnosis from a very highly regarded Pead/consultant. Saw him in Surrey though. Too far for you probably. Harmony
  7. Somewhere on this forum I have mentioned DD 12, with bladder probs, wets day and night (4 or 5 wet beds a week and will not wear pull ups) Have tried G.P Incontinence nurse, consultant all to no avail. Apparently it is bcause AS children have poor muscle tone, the nerves are not properly supported and are floppy and weak (in some casses) hence messages to bladder and brain become distorted. My DD has always had this, but it can occour around puberty when children grow, but muscles remain weak. IN conclusion the physically stronger kids are the clearer the messages to the bladder will be (consultants words not mine) Good luck Harmony.
  8. I am a yoga teacher, work when children at school/nursery. Also work 4 nights a week when hubby comes in from his job. I teach lots of different classes including one for physically disabled people, one for pregnant women. Also teach young people, as well as classes in gyms etc. Busy, but I love it. It is good to be teaching people who want to listen, and come to the classes out of choice. It is my sanity as my daughter (12) is having a really bad time with her AS at moment. Hard work, but grat work. Harmony
  9. harmony

    Beauty disasters

    My Worst beauty disaster!!!! Havn't been around for a few weeks have had shingles...hideous.... rash all down my spine, on shoulder, neck and right side of face. Sooo attractive. now back on my feet have beautiful red scars and flakey skin, look like a monster. Yuck. I will cut out a couple of holes in a paper bag then I won't scare the neighbours! Harmony X
  10. harmony


    Here goes. I am a yoga teacher, have been teaching Hatha/Ashtanga and yoga based on the teachings of TKV desikachar for 10 years. ALL yoga that is posture (asana) based is Hatha yoga. weather it is dynamic/ashtanga, (lots more movement, flowing sequences, strength power etc) or Iyengar bassed primarily on postures. Integral yoga is just another way of saying that the style encompasses all 8 limbs of yoga (is anyone still with me) in other words, includes moral codes, postures, pranayama (breathing techniques) relaxation, focused attention and meditation etc. The vast majority of good yoga teachers will cover all these aspects whatever they choose to call there particular style. Does yoga help AS? well each to theire own i say. I teach many groups of people from disabled adults, to very fit athletic young people, and yes, some people with AS. Focus with the AS group can be hard, but when they get it!!! WOW, fantastic students. Helps with balance, co-ordination and strength (if you are hypermobile like me, will help to strenghen the muscles, thus protecting joints, also it can help with the basic understading of how to hold joints correctly, and not to hyper-extend) Pranayama (breath control) wonderful for my DD when she has a meltdown, now she is older she knows that if she can slow her breathing, the nervous system will quieten down too. There are so many wonderful positive aspects to yoga. Yoga means to yoke or join, the mind,body and spirit. So we feel at one with ourselves, and others. Oh, and as for the F...... question. The answer is yes people do, yes I have, and as a teacher do I care..not a jot... we are human we all do it so what!!!! Om Shanti Harmony XX p.s yes yoga teachers get stressed sometimes too. xx
  11. What a fantastic, loving family. The word family was designed with you guys in mind. it has been a privalage to be invited in to your home.
  12. It's funny you should say that, I have been thinking of her, and Peaches quite a bit, i know peaches had an op but havn't heard anything since. Anyone got any news? I hope both will be back soon.
  13. harmony


    I am sure we have the EEC washing stockpile. DD changes her clothes/ bedding several times a day, and throws it all in the wash bin. (3 loads today) Mind you I do have an odd thing about hand washing. If I have time I love It (weird I know) My sink overlooks the garden, lots of soapy hot water, radio on, lovely fresh smells... bliss... I make sure I do it when Hubby is about, he thinks I am being a good housewife and then does some manly thing like mowing the grass, or cleaning my car. Yet I am really chilled and quite content. I don't understand ironing, is it in the Oxford English? maybe it's foreign, never heard of it here!!!! Harmony
  14. You poor thing. I really hope you manage to get some rest this pm. love Harmony x <'>
  15. harmony

    sunny day

    You can do it tomorow too, as the sun is going to shine all day, perhaps we should have a sunshine song thread A few to be getting on with. Summertime (and the living is easy) (well not always) In the Summertime when the weather is fine. run out of songs already. too late need some sleep
  16. Sometimes people don't get it. My DH makes very few alowances for my DD. I think deep down he finds it hard to accept his princess is not quite what he had hoped. I also think there are some similarities between them. DH never had any help at school, I think he wishes he had, I sometimes think he gets jelous about all the time and precious finances I give DD. If you need to rant, it is good to do it here, we all understand where you are coming from. Harmony
  17. harmony

    sunny day

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