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Everything posted by CarolineJ

  1. Bim picks up on any accent he hears and becomes obsessed with it. We live up in Northumbria right now, so he tends to have a "lercul" accent when talking to his peers. My 6 year old daughter sounds like she comes from Yorkshire. She's never lived there!
  2. You discover your child has helped themself to a sweet from a pick n mix section. You are still in the shop. What would you do? Would it make any difference if this child had an ASD or was NT? What if the child had never stolen before? What if they had?
  3. CarolineJ


    I'd call you a cow, but you're a boy, so I'll call you a lucky git instead! I hope you enjoy it. Let us know what you think of it please
  4. It means she was hoarse. Her voice was crackly and she needed to cough to clear her throat to get her speech clear again. Thanks for asking questions like these. It reminds me to be literal with Liam.
  5. 7 years and 8 months. Technically 7 months once we finally got to CAMHS, but we'd been pressing for help for all of Bim's life.
  6. My son seems to be pretty low at the moment. He's had episodes like this in the past, but this time it seems to be because he's noticing his differences amongst his peers. I don't like to see him like this
  7. I wonder whether your DH knows everything, even if only subconciously, but finds it hard to talk about it? ((hugs))
  8. Good luck. I hope it goes well for you. xx
  9. This is what happened with my son, but he was still diagnosed with AS. I can't fault the CAMHS up here actually.
  10. I have clickable links in my sig. They are to isolated photos of my children. I see that image posting is disabled, so wondered if any members felt uncomfortable with my including links to photos of my children. I wish to respect feelings of others.
  11. You could be in there a while then. They often want to scan both knees going through a range of movements, so they can make a fair comparison.
  12. Can your child ride a bike? If not, why do you think this is? Can your child tie shoelaces? I'm asking for all of your children. My 9 year old NT daughter learned to ride her bike at 6 1/2. She learned to tie shoelaces before that. My 7 year old AS son can ride a bike, in his own fashion. If he looks one way, the bike goes that way too! His bike gets wrecked within a few days of having it and he's constantly injured, but we tried really hard to teach him to ride because it's a huge thing amongst the children on this patch of houses. It's helped him to fit in some. He too learned to ride at 6. He just learned to tie a knot today, so we have started on the route to learning to tie laces, though it's not something we're worried about. My 6 year old daughter taught herself to ride at 5! lol I have no idea if she can tie laces yet. She never wears them.
  13. I let go of the guilt and my expectations and use the DS, TV, PS2 etc if it makes for a calmer house. I'm getting past hating myself for it, but have come to the conclusion that I have to let go and well I suppose I've already greived for the child I thought I had and am coming to terms that he's different to my expectations and I need to accept that. It does make things easier now I'm coming to terms with things.
  14. Depending on what you are having it for, you might need to have movement in the scan. I had them done on my knees and had to extend and fold my knees, sometimes against an infalted beach ball, for pressure. I don't have any inkling of claustrophobia, but found it really hard. Oh, remember the no metal rule, so forget your underwired bra that day!
  15. I hope he feels better soon.
  16. You can use Aveeno in the bath or even better, get one of Dad's old socks, fill it with oats and then hold it open under the hot tap, so the water runs through it. When the bath is run, tie a knot in the sock and chuck it in the bath for your son to play with. You can squeeze the goop out of the sock and smear it over his skin. It's so soothing. If you let the goop dry on to his skin - even better. Also, Calamine cream is better than the lotion. It seems to stay in place better, maybe because it's thicker? My older three had CP all about the same time. My son had it first and came out with it at the start of the summer holidays. The girls had it worse and I think that it was because they had prolonged contact with the virus as opposed to their brother having a lot less contact. I gave my children Medised so the paracetamol would ease the pain of the spots and the antihistamine in it eased the itching. When they no longer needed paracetamol, I just gave Piriton. I hope your son feels better soon.
  17. Bim tied a knot for the first time this morning! I've been working with him since Blue was born in August. I pass him the nappy sack to try to tie a knot in it. Often I'll have him put his hands on mine whilst I do it, or hold his to show him, and other times, he has a go on his own. I showed him again this morning and he actually did it!! Is this going to be his new obsession now? Tying knots in everything? LOL!
  18. I'm cracking up here!
  19. I noticed this morning that Bim (7) is reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
  20. *Deep breath* I wouldn't admit this anywhere else, but both DH and dreaded the thought of having another baby/child like our son when we were expecting Blue. We love Bim to bits, but couldn't manage and indeed, wouldn't want two of him. I don't know how we cope with 4 children as it is, especially with one with AS and his surrounding needs. I know I'm not a bad mother, but that doesn't stop me feeling guilt.
  21. I've already had the police. I didn't see any other option than to call them and ask for help. They were so good. We've had the fire brigade too. And the ambulance! I really don't want to have to call the coastguard to the house to complete the set......
  22. I take mine to the library and let them pick what they like. I don't have to moan about spending a fiver on some tatt then! lol We have hundreds of books on the shelves and they love to work their way through. My 7 year old is just getting into paperbacks. She's leafing Jacqueline Wilson books most of the time.
  23. I don't feel like I come from anywhere, but do feel like I've found home finally. Dad comes from London and moved to Kent in his teens. He met Mum in Norfolk and I was born in Cambridgeshire. I then moved to Abingdon, then Odiham, then Norfolk for a bit, then 2 places in Germany, back to Abingdon, off to South Wales, then Stanmore, followed by High Wycombe, Peterhead, then Norwich, then here - 5 miles east of Alnwick, on the Northumbrian coast. If I have my way, I'll never leave here.
  24. Where do you store photos online? What's your favourite for sharing photos?
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