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Everything posted by Zosmum

  1. Thanks Mumble I don't know whether me being there will make it worse or not just don't know which way it will go but have been asked to be there just in case
  2. Hi Karen A Wishing you all the luck in the world and keeping everything crossed for you. Don't forget the tissues, you'll prob'ly need them partly for the shock of dx and partly for the relief of it all
  3. CONGRATULTIONS Hope you enjoy the vino Good luck to your son I really hope he enjoys this placement
  4. Thanks for your replies The school are trying the jab first and if she won't have it then we can try going to the clinic. After this first one there's another in 1 months time and then a third about 6 months after the date of the first NobbyNobs-I don't think they do BCG any more(Thankfully) But I don't know about rubella!!!!!
  5. Hi hedders I think to go onto school action plus your DD must have been on school action for a certain length of time and not made adequate progress and I think it's down to the school to move them onto school action plus You will have to check this out with someone who knows more than me You can also ask school to get ed psych, slt etc involved Hope everything works out for you
  6. This makes really interesting reading Z had grommets age 5 then went on to have Tonsils and adanoids out and a second set of grommets age 6 A lot of her early problems with social and behaviour in school and home were put down to her not hearing Maybe she wasn't able to listen rather than not able to hear
  7. Z is due to have the new cervical cancer injection in school tomorrow and I am absolutely dreading it. The last time she had an injection was to have a tooth out and that was horrendous. She doesn't do needles. When the dentist wanted to give her a filling she went ito complete meltdown and wrecked the surgery so she was sent to a dental clinic where they were really nice to her but she still wouldn't have it done From there she was sent to hospital to have the tooth taken out and 6 nurses pinned her to the floor so they could put her to sleep Didn't help the fear of needles much Now you can see why I'm terrified. I will be with her in school while they attempt it Do you think it is worth all the anx that goes with it or if she doesn't want it in the morning tell the school not to do it?
  8. Hi Hedders If she likes it and is gonna play wth it, buy it. It's no use buying something cos that's what they're s'posed to play with at that age. Waste of time, effort and money. Z is 12 and wants some Barbie doll or other so I'll get her this knowing she'll love it Last year she wanted a handheld game console(you know the one) but they cost to much to be left under the bed if she wasn't interested so I bought a cheap one off an auction site that way if she didn't use it, it was no biggy Instead of thinking age and ability why not just go for what she likes? It's so much easier
  9. Mumble Hope these help <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'>
  10. This sounds just like Z. A light touch and she goes up like a firework A great big squeezy tight hug and she loves it So ScienceGeek you're not talking rubbish and you're not the only one
  11. <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> for you and Kai Hope your MP can help Thinking of you at this really hard time Zosmum
  12. Z used to have these kinds of problems at primary so it was suggested for her to have someone as a point of contact. I would take her to school then she would go straight to her point of contact, completely avoiding the playground. This person would then take her to class just after everyone else had gone in. Now she's at secondary school where they have an early morning contact group for kids who can't handle the outside hustle and bustle. The kids are dropped off at school but instead of waiting outside they have a room just inside school where they wait, with supervision from a TA, until everyone else has come into school before they have to go to their form rooms. It really helps Z. Maybe you could suggest something similar, there must be other kids in the school who would benefit from this. But be sure to mention that you go through a main entance door and not a door on the playground(if that's possible) Good Luck
  13. Hope it goes well for you Good Luck and enjoy your moment
  14. <'> <'> <'> Hope things are getting better for you all
  15. Just took Z to see the psych again. Her solution this time was to put MAT in place. MAT is Multi Agency Team which includes a SW. Does anyone know what they do and how this will help? She called them on the phone while we were in her office and said about how Z beats up on C, bearing in mind Z is 12 and C is 5. She was also talking about how some of this is down to C winding Z up. Yes she does but she's only 5 and if by picking up the wrong thing in the house is winding Z up to the point of explosion then yes she's guilty of causing the trouble. We've had a TAC in the past (Team Around the Child). Is MAT similar? If it's the same kind of thing I don't see how it's going to work.
  16. Hi Fi Never heard of this but I will be looking into it and look forward to any replies you get Zosmum
  17. Sooo knowing that feeling The constant pressures and the waiting for the next meltdown Keep your chin up, paint on a smile and grab a large bar of chocolate, then pat yourself on the back at having got through another day and eat the chocolate
  18. Added 1 for the girls My dd Z is 12 dx ASD, ADHD, Dyspraxia and complex learning diff's
  19. Zosmum


    Glad to see you back
  20. Hi Flo' Hope things are looking better this morning <'> <'> <'> for Ben and for you
  21. Z is just like this. When she comes in from school it's like a war zone here. She is 12. When she is like this there is no way she will sit and talk, we just have to wait til she starts to come back down before she will say anything about her day and then she doesn't say a lot about it. She does like to be out doors after school I think being couped up in school all day is just too much and being allowed outside seems to help her a little
  22. Zosmum


    Oh you poor thing Hope things have settled down <'> <'> <'>
  23. Hi chris54 The worst part of this is she has the same teacher as last year. And the homework.........She didn't do well at all. Most of heranswers were wrong.
  24. Oh Loulou This sounds truly awful Can't really give any helpful info but sending hugs <'> <'> <'> <'> Hope things calm down soon for you
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