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Everything posted by mygifts1306

  1. Hi Charlie, folk in here are absolutely awesome, so welcome to the forum x
  2. Chin up and all will work out. I think CBA is a good starting point. kind regards
  3. Attention Deficit_ one is unable to maintain the concentration for a reasonable amount of time which is expected of people thier age Hyperactive Disorder- one seems like they are on something, they find it hard to sit still ( sitting still at meal times is something we expect, we are enjoying our food, people with adhd are constantly on the go, for example they seem to have lots and lots of energy and do not appear to get tired, Other symptoms They find it difficult to complete assigned task ie, you need to be contantly reminded to finish their work they tend to like computer games and physical things such as jumping on a trampoline IF you suspect you have the symptoms or some1 you care for your first port of call is your gp hope this helps
  4. you welcome Just. I am sure things will get a bit clearer for you in the near future. It is so frustrating when you are waiting on your appointment. Kind regards
  5. It sounds like he will benefit from having a speech therapist assessment. Sometimes boys can be a bit slow. I am sure you keep a diary off all these events and you will be able to discuss them at the innitial assessment, because in the first instance they just want to get as much information from the parent as possible. The name calling is outside my experience, the worst thing that ds1 has said is "shut up" to his friends, not to his brother. He sometimes sound rude when he speaks to his brother, but because of his AS he does not understand what we mean when we say he sound rude, he does not know anything about the tone of voice. I hope other parents and careers wil be able to advice you. Did Dan use a soother when he was a baby, there is evidence to suggest that children who used a soother tend to not pronounce thier consonants properly. You will be feeling anxious about it all. Also he does not like hugs, i can symphathise as DS1 does not like spontaneous hugs, he likes a hug at bedtime which he initiates. Does he like stories? let us know how you get on with the app x
  6. Thanks Kathryn for that, I have indicated what the controversies are in the reply i just sent, I have pretty much decided the boys will get the malaria treatment. We are planning to visit the high risk area, we will also get the nets as well, think Ikea sells them. We know some1 who is a doctor in botswana, i am actually going to ring him and see what he advices.
  7. the last time we were over we were advised it is better to get the symptoms before you get treatment because if you get treatment b4 you get ill it wil make you resistant to the drugs used for treating it in the even that you get it, like the old saying "you damned if you do it, you damned if you dont do it" I think i will get the malaria medicines for the boys,
  8. I am so happy for you. I know how worried you were about Sam. Success so make sure you go to Pizza hut for a big celebration. It can only get Better Just xxxx
  9. Thank you very much Ria for your advice, after reading your reply I decided that I will not let myself dwell in this melancholy. So i decided to go to my parents in law house, they were out and I took their sheep dog for a 1hr walk. I had my Music and played Enya, had my sunglasses on and I really felt at peace with myself. I just tried to think of some positive things, and i thought about the fact that this year I lost half a stone and I felt good about it. The trouble with me is when I feel low I comfort eat, which is something i know i don’t need. Thanks a lot Trekster and JSMUM for all your comments. I have recently passed my driving test on the 8th attempt and that i feel shows that I was very patient, i have always felt “once i drive I will feel a bit happier”, but I sometimes shake a bit in the car and I really don’t want to give up after trying to pass for nearly 5 years. And that is another positive thing that happened to me this year., Also I got a place at the university but I am in the process of deferring this. I have identified things causing me stress at present. We are due to go to Botswana in 2 weeks. All the four of us and we have had to have thyphoid and hep A vaccines. I worry how my family wil take my autistic child, I am sure they wont be a problem but I worry. I have so many things to sort out, because of his AS we did not talk about going on holiday and I have left things a bit late for getting organised, So i really need to get going with this. Its been 5 years since we went to Botswana, the reason why we did not go was DS2 who was born 3.5 years ago has severe allergies and is very petite and usually poorly and so susceptible to getting ill. Our Nurse asked if we are going to give the boys the flu jag, we declined as we feel they have survived the big freeze without it. I don’t mean to be horrible to the Brits reading this forum but sometimes Nurses/professionals can be so patronising and the minute they hear AFRiCA theyjust think “ famine, diseases, dirty food and dirty water”, Yes Botswana has its problems for example its the size of France with a population of 1 and a half million and there is HIV Aids, which has got nothing to do with the education, its just promiscuity from time to time. My other issue is Malaria, I cant decide if we are better to get the treatment befor e we go. Ther e are so many controversies when it comes to it, especially for my little boy so I have to decide what to do. And my other worry is MMR, there is an outbreak of Measles just now inbotswans, as you know here in GB children get their mmr a around 4 and in botswna you get the single jag at 9 months because apparently it is not medically possible to catch measles b4 9 months, i know some1 and adult at 33 who got measles ( by the way she was immunised as a baby), she passed it on to her son who is 5 months, I worry about this that my son might get it. So i am planning to give him the single jag of Measles in Botswana because I know they give it, do you think he will be protected. Its just worry worry about all these things. My oldest son has just finished P3, the one with autism, i should have done a holiday schedule for him and i haven’t done it, got it written out and will print it tomorrow, I sometimes feel like life is passing me by, Thanks for reading and sorry for long post
  10. Thanks Ria. Me time is a problem really. I spoke to my doctor and she says the medication can do that as i am trying to come of it. I have however considered if i am getting the menopause, i have since went for blood tests and await the result. I will try to come here online, people here are such an inspiration kind regards Jax
  11. I feel so down at present, could this be menopause I wonder? I am 35yrs old. My children behaviour is challenging i admit but why am i so depressed. I am on antidepressants just now on 10mg of citalopram. I try running and jogging but I am finding it difficult. What is wrong. Jax
  12. We dont get Dla. we applied and got declined.
  13. Hi Just, There is a good film called "ADAM" and another one called " All About Steve", one called Extraordinary measures. I havent read a good book in ages, but if you looking for escapism why not try Meg Cabot Boy meets girl, or Cecillia Ahern The book of tomorow,
  14. Can anyone help me in this dilemma My 7 year old does not seem to see when people are taking the mick, he believes every one, how can i teach him to be wise of the world, i know he is only 7 and has asd, but i am wondering perhaps a social story will help?
  15. I am not aware of any relationship between diet of a pregnant woman and the embryo? x
  16. Thats great, a lovely day indeed for it, make sure you got your sun cream on (sorry for mothering you), my boys went to bed a 930 pm as it was mega hot. J
  17. Hi Justine, I feel for you i know how hard it can be with little ones. At this point I really dont have any solution. Does Dan have a bath before bedtime, maybe try putting lave nder oils in the bath it is suppossed to held calm and soothe. If I remember correctly I think you said he was under weight because he is not a great eater, How is he now, Is he any better, If he is crying it does sound like he is in a lot of pain. Is he ok for you to rub his tummy in a clockwise motion, this is meant to help if he has stomach cramps. I hope things will get better for you. kind regards J
  18. Sleep sleep and the lack of it. I completely symphathise with you on this as I have suffered this greatly. My son who is 7 got diagnosed about 2 years ago with As. I still remember vividly to this day, he was about 3, I put him to bed at 7 as usual, have always had routine, bathtime, storytime lights dim and bed, for a week he slept at 11, I was distruaght at the time especially that i was expecting DS2. We wanted the transistion to be as smooth as possible and we involved him in all the preparation for the baby, we read stories, but maybe he was unsettled because the baby was coming. I would definately say when the nights are light it does seem cruel to send them off to bed at 730, I have blackout curtains and dimmer switch so that is good, youngest sleeps at 7 without any problems (touch wood), oldest sleeps at 830 and gets up at 730, I wish he had 12 hours because he is so knackered in am., My son does not get anything for it, I tried lavender drops( pure lavender) in a cotton wool and inside a pillow, I have also tried meditation for relaxation, but this normally takes 1hr, and when you got the ironing its not so practical. I have also tried massage with lavender, this has helped. Yes it is difficult but try and look after yourself as well. kind regards j
  19. A very interesting time for Great Britain, I dont know much about British politics, and have only read stuff and observed it in the last 7 years of being here. So my opinions are not to treated as gospel truth, but Cameron being an Eton boy and all that, i feel somehow us the less affluent will be left in the dark. but then again who is to say it wont work. Just my thoughts. I am younger that DC not by much tho.
  20. mygifts1306


    not a twitterer myself, i used facebook tho,
  21. Hi Marc and welcome to the forum
  22. hi Justine, sorry to hear that Ds3 is still unsettled. I think you had a similar post a few months ago and a lot of people felt perhaps he refused to eat because he wanted to be with Dad. It does sound like he is in a lot of pain, poor lad. Have you tried herbal medicine, or homeophathic perhaps and see how you would get on with that. My youngest son who is 3 will not eat at tea time, and the peadiatric dietician that i went to see said that she reckons its more of an attention seeking thing rather that food thing. Does your son take yoghurt, or cheese strings, if he does not like the cow milk products you can get soya products. Sorry to hear this. Jax
  23. Happy Easter every1, yes it is over commercialised like christmas. My son goes to a catholic school 7 with As, takes it very seriously, Bless him. I just dont want to be disappointed when he gets older, expecting that every one is full of goodness and all that. I believe in God and yes I am humbled by it, and very far from being perfect.
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