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Everything posted by LizC

  1. you made my laugh! I thought that my have happened to me but it didn't lol, do you not know where your mouth is??? lol well I made it till I got home!
  2. LizC


    Hi Just wanted to welcome everyone new here!!! <'> this site, you will find, is wonderful and everyone are so friendly! in particular wanted to say hi to you Justamum (hey you aren't 'just' a mum lol, best but hardest job in the world and don't you forget it ) I wanted to say that I also suffer with hypermobility too! it can be awful can't it? Mine is managed fairly well with diclofenac. anyway look forward to getting to know you all! I am mum to three kids, my middle child who is 7 1/2 has asperger syndrome diagnosed at 5 and adhd dieagnosed at 6 1/2.
  3. Hi did you buy it in the shops or on line?
  4. Hi I also have about 2 1/2stone to loose too, although really I should loose more than that, but would be happy to loose to 2 1/2 something I did loose 2yrs ago (now i have put it all back on!) I started 2 weeks ago, It is really hard!
  5. oh so pleased for you baggy! wow 2 bracelets now!
  6. Hi Matthew has AS and adhd and currently not on any meds. I give him eyeQ fish oil everyday which he's been taking for over a year now and works well with his concentration but he gets very wild/hyper at home and won't calm down/finds it hard to calm down, which is normally on a night! anyway went to holland and barrett and they couldn't recommend anything other than the fish oils which he is already on and rescue remedy but that contained alcohol so I decided best not. any ideas on what I can give him to help calm him on an evening? he is 7 1/2.... thanks (he can get violent too!) oh and dr is reluctant to put him on melatonin!
  7. Oh baggy! <'> what did dh say? by the way did you get to the toilet in the end?
  8. Hi yes Matthew does like to warp himself up, especially in his fav blankie with silky edges he had since a baby! he also loves to drive under cushions and loves him inside his duvet, literally inside it like a tent lol, as a baby he loved to be swaddled!
  9. LizC


    Hi Matthew likes to strip down to his undies, doesn't care who sees etc lol. he is just like my grandad was (also aspergers, who also liked to strip down to his undies even when he was married lol) and also my friends son is the same also with AS! I have heard they get hot! He also is obsessed with latex gloves!
  10. uniform (ok embarrassing but brown was my school uniform...yuck!)
  11. Hi Baggy and loobyloo, was a lovely evening and the film was really good wasn't it? so sorry to hear you lost your bangle though! <'> <'> poor you, and worse still that it was really special! did you have a luck with ringing the cinema? I hate it when people don't hand stuff like that in which obviously would have meant something to somebody!
  12. HI I voted yes. I have had depression on and off for 10 years since my first child, so the depression wasn't the total cause of my AS child although it had made things alot worse. anyway I am off anti ds now and hope that I never have to go on them again. They did help though as they have kept me calmer lol I don't see anti ds any different to any other drug you would take if you were ill. my depression started as postnatal depression which is caused by a drop in your hormones so it makes sense to take something to make you feel better, would you take paracetamol etc for a headache? or just put up with it? Councelling may have been good as i was offered it but they could only offer it to me during the day and there was no one to look after the kids, so it just wasn't an option.
  13. lol lol, I have replied in the positive posts. hope you don't have wind tonight lol!!
  14. LizC

    my positive thread

    Hi Baggy well done on loosing the 1 1/2lb!! yes that is positive. it is healthier to loose 1-2lb a week than loads all at once in a week (just what I have been reading lol) think I have lost 1lb too!! now that aside, the wind! that definetly is not positive lol!! I can't eat certain veg or fizzy as I end up crippled in pain, I have IBS and if I do eat the wrong stuff have very bad wind too lol I seem to have settle down lately though !! try not to drink the pepsi, that certanly won't help lol!
  15. just bumping this up for people to see!
  16. Hi Happy birthday to your daughter!!! I have been told Matthew is beautiful,. many people are drawn to his big eyes and long eye lashes!! Matthew was very different to your dd though. he would always cry and suffered reflux, I remember 2 days after his birth was getting ready to take him home and he threw up all over me!!! he always wanted to be held/swaddled and would never settl on an evening, crying etc (some things never change Lol) anyway hope your dd has a wonderful day!!
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