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Everything posted by tmf

  1. tmf

    Wheres Hev

    Ditto....it makes me melt
  2. Lol....my son is exactely the same....argggggg. Doesn't it drive you potty. Anyway was gonna suggest what everyone else has suggested and thats a little trampoline. Rather than telling him he mustn't jump on the bed, you could tell him that if he wants to jump then he must go to the trampoline....something like that anyway!
  3. hi Hev.. Sending lots of <'> <'> I haven't got no words of wisdom i'm affraid, in fact i threw a bag at my ds the other day and told him to pack his things and go! He's only 6 but has the attitude of a teenager sometimes......god help me when he reaches that age
  4. tmf

    Wheres Hev

    Glad u had a good time Hev.! Sounds like fun....all them irish blokes......ummm
  5. Don't stop, it really is good to get it out! I think you need lots of these... <'> <'> <'> <'> My son wasn't dx until he was 5 1/2.....and i was told that was quite early, so u are very lucky to have an idea at this stage and get things into place b4 education starts! At 2 1/2-3 my son started to have speech problems, and was referred to a speech therapist, after about a yr with her my son luckily grew out of it. In fact if it wasn't for my hv referring me to her and speech and language clinic i'm dam sure to this day i wouldn't know ds has AS. Basically she gave us tasks to work with him and over time his stutter stopped. She was wonderful! Also at this age ds still loved his cuddles, yet now i look back realise it was on his terms and didn't like his personnal space invaded. I don't get cuddles very much any more, he hates contact. On the rare occassions he gives me a cuddle, i cherish it as it could be wks b4 i get another. I'm affraid i can offer no advice on the eating part, my ds eats very well, he has never been a fussy eater. Reading a lot of the threads on here many do, so i guess i am just very lucky indeed! Potty training took a good couple of mths, i just thought this was norm until my dd was toilet trained, she was fine after a few days! In all honesty i don't think this was down to him having an ASD, i just put it down to boys are lazier than girls. nx doors son took a yr and he is NT! Where abouts in Hampshire are you? Can you get in touch with the national autistic society to see if there are any groups in the area. I am in Berkshire and there is a Berkshire autistic society, i beleive this form part of the NAS, so it maybe worth a try. There website is www.autism.org.uk, you may find some helpful advise on there, i know i did! Good luck tmf xx
  6. tmf

    Role Play

    Ds does not like role play unless instigated by others, and even then its a push! So you can imagine my suprise when out of the blue he started writing down children's name from his class and sat there calling their names out and marking if they were absent or present. When i asked what he was doing he commented he would like to b ms c. and take the register. Like you tilly, it was very short lived, but hey it's a start!
  7. tmf

    Wheres Hev

    Ditto! for her and hope she will be back soon! Have you pm'd her, could maybe try that?
  8. Hi Nikki and welcome to the forum <'> <'> You couldn't have found a better place for help and advice, and just a generall chit chat. This forum is a godsend. be warned though it becomes very addictive! Take care and look forward to speaking to you on the forum. tmf xx
  9. tmf

    Wheres Hev

    Paula quite agree, if theres one person you can rely on to post on here it's Hev! Hope you are ok Hev....
  10. Hi All, Thanks for the advice, i will try and get hold of the book, it sounds like it might be a good starting place. Luckily df has accepted ds dx (took 7mths mind) and since reading up on it, he is now also seeing he may well have AS.....in fact although i could see traits mths ago i kept quiet coz i didnt want him to think i was blaming him for ds dx. I let him come to me and tell me he could see these traits in himself. <'> <'> received loud and clear, thank-u! Patience isn't one of my strengths (unfortunately) guess i have a lot to learn and fast. I know he is the best thing that could ever have happened to me and he is a fab father to the kids as well, and that is something i want to hang onto! ....or not!
  11. Hi an welcome <'> Couldn't say if it was related to AS or not really. When my ds was 3 he wouldn't go in my mums hallway because he said he could see a man there, this went on for about 6 mths. Now here's the spooky bit, when my daughter was 2 1/2 she went through exactely the same thing, same place. Back a couple of mths ago we had real trouble with ds he would wake in the night screaming that there was a monster in the room. No matter what we said to convince him there were no such things he was adamant, even refused to go to bed. He could describe this 'monster' down to a t, big eyes,nose ect. Anyway i told him that was no monster it was mummy coming in to tuck him back in bed and kiss him good night (i have a big nose ) This seem to do the trick, and hey presto no more sleepless nights about monsters! tmf
  12. Hi DS was born with a bi(something) earlobe. He was on a drip for his 1st day, after numerous visits they decided they were concerned about his earlobe and whether his hearing was affected or not. I ended up having to stay in hospital for 5 days with him whilst he had numerous tests. All of which were fine. During his 1st year though, he had a number of ear infections and plenty of hearing tests. Glad to say now his hearing is fine and no long term damage. Just selected hearing
  13. chinese.... ..........prefer indian mind! Yum yum
  14. tmf


    Madonna as always! Just love her new album, confessions on a dancefloor....its fab!
  15. marriage T last a word i don't have to look up!
  16. passage....english translation
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