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Everything posted by Tilly

  1. Wonderful thanks for sharing that.
  2. Hi JM I know exactly where you are coming from. My Dd is exactly the same. Things that she took in her stride when she was younger are now huge issues to her as she is getting older and becoming more aware of dangers and outcomes. Funnily enough I have had this conversation with my sister this morning. With Dd its the not being in control and the uncertainty (I think). We did have a book where we wrote down what she thought would happen and what really happened e.g. Your J would say he was frightened that he would get stuck in the train- then when he got off the train it would be "I thought I was going to get stuck but there are lots of different people to make sure we are safe, and nothing happened etc." We sometimes look at the book at what she use to be frightened of and she roars in laughter to think that she thought she would fall down the plughole in the bath. Must admit sometimes it works and other times I can't get her to do something that really scares her. I remember for about 6 months every morning Dd thought that I'd telephoned the caretaker at her school to check that there were no fires. Interesting to realise that they are both the same age. Tilly
  3. Oh Hev love <'> . You're having a rotten time of late and I would take any help that is of benefit and offered to you whether that be going to the doctors, counselling, alternative therapy or even ranting and offloading on the forum Take care Tilly
  4. Tilly

    T.V. Programmes

    Which everyday T.V programmes make your kids run for the off button on the remote or out the door. In our house Dd cannot tolerate and never has any type of programme such as You've Been Framed. I don't know whether its because she just doesn't get it i.e. laughing at other peoples misfortunes (which I suppose she's right and we are in the wrong) or the unexpected laughter. She has a few certain episodes of certain kids programmes she can't stand, but just hearing the theme tune to YBF turns her into an athlete sprinter Tilly
  5. Tilly


    Just thought I'd let you know I failed miserably at giving up crisps for Lent, about 2 weeks ago I just HAD to have a bag of cheese and onion walkers, then there was no turning back. My 11 year old who gave up crisps for the whole of Lent last year has my respect Tilly
  6. Thanks so much for the positive comments. Dd has had a few tears again about the dog and that we shouldn't have brought one home, so it was heart soaring to hear the success stories, hoping mine becomes a success story too. Tilly. P.S Yes Lynden we have got a cage, marvellous things and thats when dd seems to enjoy her most, stoking her and watching etc. Can anyone advise on the spray that deters the puppies from chewing, as dd was distraught when the puppy was going for her socks.
  7. just thought I'd let you know that we did decide to get a dog. we got a Westie puppy and after quite a lot of tears dd seems to have accepted her, but at the moment the puppy has slept a great deal and isn't a great threat. she has fed the puppy but is still very wary, fingers crossed that we too will be like jen and say its one of the best things we have done. tilly
  8. In my DD case I think a lot of her tummy aches are due to worries/stress/anxiety, rather than a bug, but I genuinely feel that to her it is a pain or ache. Lets face it a lot of people have these feelings when worried - for me it was when picking up dd from school, or when I have to go to the dentist etc. Its heartbreaking to think of our kids feeling like that a significant part of their time. For those who know about IBS - can IBS develop because of stress or is it or is it through other factors. Its a very fine line isn't it wondering whether they are ill or not isn't it tilly
  9. My dd went to CDU (child development Unit) to be assessed. It was a half day appointment where she was observed playing in a nursery setting, whilst me and dh were in another room answering questions. We were then offered for dd to attend 2 mornings a week. She was in a group of three children with two adults. The CDU see a lot of children with a wide range of disabilities but group the children who have similar dx. i.e children with communication problems attend on Monday, Tuesday mornings whereas children with physical dx attend on alternate days. At the CDU I met other parents and learned about Earlybird courses etc and got to meet professionals and for me the staff explained my rights. Very positive for us. Tilly
  10. Just thought I'd let you know that my daughter has just began a listening programme. I believe she will wear headphones twice a day for 15 minutes, where she will hear music. Has anyone elses child followed this type of programme. Tilly
  11. I know most parents find it nigh on possible to make their children feel like everyone is getting a fair deal amongst the family dynamics, but when one of the siblings have an ASD it seems that in our household its quite often the typically developed child has to forfeit something. e.g. Leave a venue early, or totally avoid certain places, have no spontaniety or even a decent nights sleep. The major issue in our house at the moment is on getting a dog. Our older daughter who is only 14 mos older than our dd has wanted a dog for many years now but hasn't been able to have one because dd is scared witless. Then dd decide she too wanted a dog so as a family we chose to get one - they're not ready yet but will be very soon. My older daughter has been very excited about this, when out of the blue our dd has become extremely upset and very tearful about not wanting a dog . Now my older dd looked at me and said "Please don't say that we aren't getting one now." I've spoke to my dd who is worried that it may bite her, scratch her - in fact I've told her not speak about dogs anymore today, she's got my mind totally frazzled. Any suggestions would be gratefully received, should I force dd to face some of her demons or upset my eldest daughter again - I feel she had to grow up really quick bless her. Some birthday this turned out to be. tilly
  12. He's a little Topper. What weight is he now? Tilly
  13. This so reminds me of the time me and my mate decided to wax our legs. To cut a long story short I had to wear trousers for a week or more until the hairs grew long enough for me get a pair of scissors behind the blessed strip and cut it off my right shin and wait for the left shin to heal. Tilly
  14. Me too. I was given 37 hours free lessons. I was awarded 12 hours before I took my theory test, which I passed last week , and now FF have released the next 25 hours for me to take, although I think for me it will take longer as its nots 'clicking in' for me. Hubby took me out twice but on the last occasion we came back not speaking and a wheel-trim missing It would be lovely to pass for the summer - fingers crossed. tilly
  15. Hi Worried Mum, Have you tried your local Carers Centre. They have a benefits advisor there who will help to fill in any necessary forms for you. Tilly
  16. When My daughter attended mainstream school i was quite relieved when she was given a certain teacher as I know the other reception teacher "did not want to teach SEN children but Mainstream children and that is why she chose to work in a Mainstream school, as opposed to a SEN school." Her words not mine. Julieann you sound exactly what an LSA should be and are doing a wonderful job- some teachers are highly qualified but have little common sense . Tilly
  17. I'm so glad that this question has been posted, because the thoughts of my dd going into a Secondary school brings me out in a cold sweat Sorry to jump on your post Jomica but I too would like a guide as to which questions I should ask and what I should be looking for. I know that when we attend visits we will be told about resources, lessons, ratio of staff to pupils etc. One of my worries about dd attending a SEN school is, is it appropriate for an 11 year old girl to attend the same school as 18 year old boys both having learning difficulties and not d foknowing what is acceptable behaviour. Another concern of mine is that we have the threat of closure of one of our SEN schools, which will limit our choice further still. Tilly
  18. Tilly


    Last year when my oldest daughter was 10 years old she decided to give up crisps for lent. Amazingly she did and I was very impressed with her willpower. I have never given up anything for Lent before so this year I've decided to take a leaf out of dd book and give up crisps, which for me will be extremely difficult as I adore them - any make any flavour. I think its going to be a loooooong 40 days. What other things have other members decide to give up. tilly
  19. I saw Daniel Tannet on a documentary called "The Man With The Extraordinary Brain". If I remember right I'm sure the T.V. producers gave him a couple of challenges and one of them was to learn Icelandic in a week or so. I didn't know he had a book out, I think I'll be visiting the library very soon. Cheers Tilly
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