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Everything posted by Pancakemaker

  1. Ah.bless him,best of luck Sally,xxxx
  2. Special thank you for sharing that,your very brave.xxxxxx
  3. Welcome and happy birthday to your lovely boy,sounds like he's come a long way. <'>
  4. Hi Julie,your boy sounds so much like my boy! Damien's 4, he's still in nap pies,speech delayed,gos nuts if a car is moved out of place in the lines he so carefully makes round the house,has to be the 1 who opens the door and puts the tv on etc,also has only been walking to school a few months,I used to have to take him in the buggy. But he's on reins now,as he runs off and lies in the road.once behind a reversing BMW.i took my son to Speech therapy and they referred me to the community paeds,he's now on the waiting list to be diagnosed with high functioning autism.try your Gp as well, and if you want a chat,message me ok?Emma.xx
  5. Pancakemaker

    Moving House

    So you can take your cats Tally,that's good then,everything happens for a reason.xxx
  6. Congratulations it takes courage to speak in front of people I couldn't do it,that's something to be proud of,sounds like you've made some new friends to.xxxxx
  7. Thank you,no he hasn't got an OT but th ED did say hat she would refer him to one,I just want him to be somewhere that will understand him and have the know how to help him,just came back from a NAS coffee morning,had a good moan which helped!xxxx
  8. Thank you ,feel like I'm pushing against a wall and it's pushing back!
  9. Hello all met Damiens ed psych today,she was very nice and helpful,said she'd go and observe him in nursery and do a report.my gripe is with the head nursery teacher,on their academic review day Damiens dad and I attended and at the end of the meeting,after being told in a sorry tone that they had set my baby the lowest possible targets they had available ie. To take off and hang up his own coat,I asked if in her opinion Damien got the attention and help he needed at their nursery,and she said "to be honest no", I then asked if she thought he'd be better off in a specialist school and she said "probably".I asked again last week just to be sure that I heard right,and she again said that he does need more help then he gets.today,before the ed psych meeting I said to the teacher that I would like to get Damien statemented and would she mind as I didn't want to do it behind her back,if I said that she'd admitted that he does need more help then he's getting? She said "I didn't say that!" I said that she had and she said no what she had said was in reply to a question that I had asked which was would Damien get more help and attention in a "autistic" school and she'd said probably.she peed me off,I really didn't expect that at all.good news is the ed psych said she wants to refer Damien to the occupational therapists,and on Thursday a music therapist is doing a home visit to arrange what days she'll see Damien,and I've joined the local toy library as well as they have a lovely sensory studio that I started taking him to last Friday which he loves,so every Friday he gets to go there. <'>
  10. Pancakemaker


    I'm sorry Tally,I didn't know about David,I hope the driver gets what he deserves,and that you and your family find the peace you deserve.it's always very hard when someone's taken so fast and unexpectedly,it makes it so much harder to accept.xxxxxx
  11. welcome it's a lovely friendly forum,my sons 15 and only just being put forward for assessment,and my little one is fou r and is also been put forward to be diagnosed,.xx
  12. Katt Williams,Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor,Stir Crazy and Trading places,love 'em!!! <'>
  13. Wow!!no experience of that but that sounds like a lovely way to see the world!welcome.xx <'>
  14. Emma,mum to Damien who's 4 at the end of this month,and Rio who's just turned 15 ,they are both going through an assessment for high functioning autism,also I have an 18 year old who suffers from psychosis and a 12 yr old daughter who loves sport and makeup,and lastly a 20 yr old who definitely has something but won't get assessed.They are are lovely here,very helpful,O sounds adorable by the way.xxx <'>
  15. Hi love,ask to speak to your schools educational psychologist,and contact your local ASD outreach service and tell them the situation,I did and they sent someone out to observe my boy in nursery and advise the teacher and senco what your boy needs and what needs to change.if your son has special needs he's going to need a statement any way ,he's entitled to itso don't let them make you feel like your wrong.xx
  16. That's good,I hope Damien enjoys it,don't know how long the waiting list is,hopefully won't take to long.it was good to meet other mums who knew how i felt.xx
  17. Went to my first coffee morning ever and was pleasantly surprised at how nice the parents there are,will definitely go the next one.also at the same place they have music therapy,I wondered if any of you have had music therapy for your kids or even yourselves and if it helps? I've put Damiens name down for it as he loves any type of music and enjoys dancing to.also put his name down for accsess to a sensory studio,which I know he'll love,and with him doing his yoga class for autistic children every Saturday as well which he does enjoy,he'll be a social beasty with a lot going on,makes for a happy lad.
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