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Everything posted by butterflycake

  1. Im so glad theres such a thing as these forums to talk about things Its feels weird you all know how im feeling as you all are going through the same thing and i dont know any other autistic kids in rl. It certainly is an emotional rollercoaster thats a good way of describing it. Thank you everyone for your replies.
  2. Thanks for the replies. In my head i feel like i should have been dealing with this quicker as my dh seems to be dealing with it better or maybe its because women cry more than men it seems like men deal with things better or something. I just want something to click in my head to make me accept whats wrong with ds2 but probably like you said the only thing is time.
  3. Thats it really, im finding it hard to come to terms with ds2 diagosis of autism. i didnt take it a quarter as bad with ds1 diagnosis of adhd cos i had a good idea it was. i dont know if i was in denial with ds2 but its just knocked me for six. Whenever i talk to people about it i end up crying. How can i be stronger about this, i need to grow a thicker skin or im going to end up a bag of nerves. I need to be mentally strong for my kids but im finding it hard. Its been 2 months now, i was in shock at first but once it hit me i cant deal with it. Sorry for the rant but its helping just to put the words down.
  4. I couldnt do it but i have thought of it, and i love my kids and thats what would stop me from doing it but i can understand how people cant see any other way forward. Ive got help from my mum and my husband but if i didnt have them i would need respite for my kids as i wouldnt be able to cope. My son is 3 with asd and is noverbal and my elder son is 5 with adhd.
  5. I feel really sorry for the poor woman and her son. My heart goes out to her family, i think all of us on here can understand her turmoil and what she was going through and how hard it can be to raise an autistic child and everything that goes with it.
  6. Hi thanks for the replies. Ive been depressed and feeling tired and weepy for a few days. My mum has been great and helping with the kids and taking them out. My dh has even been doing housework and thats a miracle. Ive feeling a good bit better and definetly stronger for feeling like that.
  7. Im feeling really down at the minute, like im not coping too well with things. I know its not the kids fault. But i dont know how to get myself out of feeling like this.
  8. I watched a few minutes of the jeremy kyle show, the guys a ######. He doesnt know what hes talking about.
  9. Hi ds2 had a bit of a temperature this morning and i gave him some calpol and he seems ok now. Hes been eating and looking for lots of drinks as usual. Thankfully he hasnt been sick again.
  10. He could have tummy ache thats maybe it. He was wriggling if you know what i mean, sort of rolling about. He fell asleep a few minutes ago there.
  11. My ds2 whos autistic was sick over an hour ago. He keeps crying with his eyes shut as hes really tired. I think he still feels sick and thats why he keeps crying. It must be frustrating for him as hes non verbal and cantg tell me whats wrong. Thankfully he doesnt have a temperature. I keep checking on him but i feel a bit helpless as what to do.
  12. Well to be perfectly honest ive had the mmr but ive had measles and mumps. I cant remember if i had the measles before i got it but i definetly had the mumps after it. Ive decided when my kids are older im not giving them the booster i`ll find out where to get the seperate jags and pay for them. Im not blaming the mmr im just saying i wish i never let them both get when they were younger cos i`ll just never know if that made them worse or they were always going to have special needs.
  13. I dont think its right, it shouldnt be allowed for any illnes unless its 100 percent true. My hubby didnt even want to look at the site. I read it out of curiosity but i wish i hadnt now
  14. I read a website called generation rescue i think its called. It says you can cure an autistic child by diet and other things and the metals come out of them and then the mercury. It sounds too good to be true. How can sites get away with claiming to cure autism and then there are people success stories on it too.
  15. Hi Mel, i know exactly how your feeling. When my son was diagnosed in Feb i thought the paed would say Aspergers. But she said its asd which i know now is worse. I cry sometimes, i think a good cry sometimes helps. Everyone on this site feels the same, its like a kind of grieving. I get angry at myself a lot of times as i feel my genes caused this. But i know thats wrong. I cant imagine what my sons future will be like and even though my other son has adhd its the youngest im worried about the most as hes only saying a couple of words and doesnt have a good understanding. I give my 2 eyeq liquid and since my youngest has been taking it he started to say a couple of words again so i would recommend it. Before i started him on it over a month ago he wasnt saying a thing. He stopped talking about 16 months old so im glad he is saying words such as up and daddy.
  16. Hi i was wondering do you need to have a social worker to get/put in for direct payments? I dont have social worker. TIA
  17. Thank you everyone for the replies. I needed to hear other peoples views who are in the same boat as me. I dont know anyone else personally who have autistic kids. And as im sure a lot of you know cos youre going through it too, the paed, the ed psychs etc are not giving me any information. How do they expect you to know how to potty train asd kids for example. A lot of things im just learning from reading other peoples experiences.
  18. Thanks for the reply Melly, im thinking along the same lines that you have for your son. my sons not speaking he doesnt understand a lot. The ed psych who came out to the house to see him was a t**t excuse the language. I said what if he goes to a mainstream and gets bullied and she said he wouldnt if he had a statement in place? What planet is she on doesnt she realise kids can be cruel to kids who are different. Part of me feels the need to protect him from all that and the other half wants him to go to mainstream. Another thing is this school has a special needs unit but its for moderate learning difficulties. I dont know if its enough for him. Hes still in nappies im going to pottytrain him shortly (hopefully) ive just been waiting for the better weather. I dont know how he will cope with that as he is addicted to drinking. His nappies are always soaking.
  19. Thats brill Its good to see our wee boys or girls eating something decent. My wee boy ate potatoes, ham, cabbage, peas and gravy. My older boy only ate the meat though!
  20. Thanks for the reply Tylers mum. the paed who gave the diagnosis based on the asessment of my son at a child development centre wasnt helpful in any way. She gave me a leaflet on autism a very basic one. She said your son has asd. I said is it high functioning she said no. She then said he will have to get a different way of learning TEACCH and that was it. No how do you feel about it or anything.
  21. Hello im new here but i just wanted to hear other peoples view on mainstream and special schools. My son will be starting nursery in September, im waiting to hear at the end of April if he has a place. Its a nursery unit at a mainstream school. He had a diagnosis of Autistic spectrum disorder made in Feb. Hes non verbal with symptoms such as hand flapping and walking on tiptoes. What would you do? The ed psych has been out and asessed him to see if the board will do a statutory asessment. I reckon hes probably going to be statemented. Some days i feel he would be better off in a special school and other days i feel i want him to go to a mainstream. The ed pysch didnt make me feel any better when she told me of a little autistic boy who runs round the fences of his mainstream school on his own. I think im worried about him getting bullied at mainstream especially as he cant talk and understand.
  22. Hi. i have 2 sons with special needs. My youngest has asd. Hello everyone
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