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Everything posted by Isobel

  1. Do they have to be charcoal or can they be black? I know the steel looks a bit bright, but will the black be acceptable? http://www.cottontraders.co.uk/jersey-pin-tuck-jog-pants-31+quot-79cm-inside-leg/invt/ac11955/
  2. Isobel

    Not good news

    I wish I was 9.5 stone. I'm 14.7, still proud of it as I've lost a lot of weight since last year.
  3. You may as well be describing me. Officially diagnosed with aspergers 3 years ago, I'm 27
  4. Its not something I'd feel comfortable doing. What would be better would be to do an organised convention like my sister goes to graphics art conventions that are held in hotels so you are sleeping in the same place as the place you're going to.
  5. It is frustrating when people say things we don't understand and take too literally.
  6. I have an element of that. Sometimes when people ask me something, it comes out like a load of gobble-de-gook and I have to ask them to repeat themselves, so its like my brain can't process requests quickly.
  7. She does sound like she could have autism. She's displaying a lot of the behaviours I used to do (and sometimes do now if I don't catch myself beforehand like repeating things people say)
  8. Yeah, I was watching her cry as I was doing something else, but couldn't just automatically go over and start comforting as sometimes I just simply don't know what to say. I ended up asking someone else though why she was crying so at least I did show I did care. And I ended up talking to her later when she calmed down. She was back in today looking a bit better at least.
  9. I'm not usually like that, but I was almost in tears myself after watching a colleague break down in front of me due to depression At least my empathy does work sometimes. Its sad when people go through that, I've been through a similar thing.
  10. thats why I only go to my small sainsburys. Can't cope with anything bigger unless is really necessary.
  11. I'm the same as your daughter with the obsessions and I sometimes don't understand questions first time around. Confirmed diagnoses three years ago.
  12. I shall copy that wording and use it in a note, thanks very muchly. I shall post a piccie of this bush but it is very much mature and should be able to take a cutting. I'm not exactly Alan Titchmarsh but I can do a bit of pruning.
  13. I've got three other houses around my own mid terraced house that I'm joined to and have shared access. One of them at the front has an overgrowing bush that's starting to affect my access to my house from the road. I'm not good at approaching strangers out of the blue so would posting a note saying 'I'm from number 50, do you mind me cutting the bush back a bit? Or can you do it?' Might be easier for me. Problem is is that they are only renting the house so may not be there long term/permanently.
  14. Yeah, dangerous things I hate the sound of motorbikes, especially the idiot that decides to come along on the road behind my house and start revving it really loud People who ask stupid questions, like someone at work who came along pointing at an empty chair and computer desk (no work set on it etc) and asking, is anyone sitting here? Slow drivers I could think of more but I'll be here all night...
  15. I've never gone to such lengths as your daughter but I do sometimes find it comfortable to sit on a towel at home with no underwear on. One of my homely comforts I'm afraid. When I do have periods, I tend to sit on a towel at home as the pads are irritable if worn all day (despite changing them).
  16. Yeah, she found out. I knew I had told her previously that I was going to turn up to ride about 3:15 so didn't think that she would be there hanging around between 2 and 4pm which apparently she did I did apologise for lying, and she replied back saying, 'sorry this didn't work out, hope you find another one' so I don't think she's going to let me come back. Its been a tough week for me with a cold too and a stiff neck that's reared its ugly head again. Hey ho, I'll try and look on the bright side of things now. Plenty of fish in the sea and all.
  17. I class myself as an honest person, but sometimes I can just blatantly lie for no reason. I'd met a lovely owner who had a horse needing riding, and I rode her for two weeks. I suddenly had to go to the doctors yesterday and forgot all about seeing her. The owner texted me later asking me if she had behaved ok, and I thought I would just say I did go and see her. Why? No ###### idea, I'm now virtually slapping myself as she has now asked me not to come and ride her horse anymore. I'm so stupid!
  18. Yeah, I had a pretty long trip to Los Angeles two years ago and the tiredness from the jet lag just made me all ratty and impatient when waiting for bags to come on the carousel. This also happened when we were out very late at disney land and after the fireworks (big sensory overload) tiredness and rattyness was on the cards.
  19. Yeah, I've been seen by an endocrinologist who gave me further advice for pcos and I'm under a weight management program run by nhs. I've lost two stones with the help of diet and medication, although the medication Xenical is unavailable at the moment. Unfortunately my father's mother has passed away but I couldn't tell whether she had it or not. She certainly had no trouble socialising and always liked going out to places. I certainly do get plenty of exercise so I think I'm managing my pcos pretty well.
  20. I love animals, although I was a little scared of dogs as a kid, but now I'm confident with them. They're the one thing I can relate to when humans become a bit confusing.
  21. I'm happy being single, with a few friends I still keep in contact with on facebook and I feel I get enough companionship from work and my hobbies like dog agility. I've also started sharing a horse with an owner, and its nice using the horse to speak to her as I can share my interest with her, which is where I'm more confident talking about. Not interested in a boy friend and I'm certainly not interested in love or having children, but that's probably because I'm a bit immature in that area.
  22. I'm quite sensitive and get upset if people pretend to want to like me, and then suddenly dump me. Its like dangling a carrot in front of a donkey and then taking it away.
  23. Can you take anything else? When I had my car accident end of April I had to take Dicloflenac for a week for the whiplash pain, then a further few weeks of ibuprofen/paracetamol. If its causing that bad a reaction, I'd try something else. But I don't suffer with stomach ulcers or anything, that's why I can take something as strong as dicloflenac. Also, I take it with food.
  24. Most of them are fine in the shops in town, but I have been on some really fast ones going down and I didn't like them. I still need to look down and hesitate just slightly when stepping on them to go up or down. Sometimes I let a step go by before stepping on. Been to the london underground stations and some of them have really steep ones.
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