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About Zorro

  • Rank
    Salisbury Hill
  1. Zorro


    Well the Psychiatrist said today that he and every other Psychiatrist in the world would have diagnosed me AS in my teens, but there isnt enough (although a lot ) now for him to feel he wants or needs to diagnose. He said I seem to have adapted and know my problems and get around them so did not feel inclined to diagnose. i wont be getting a 2nd opinion as this has caused way too much anxiety for me. I will live with it. Its actually the best possible result for me. He confirmed I am AS without making it official. So I can still look at the condition and study how to make life easier for myself without the process of having to tell people (which would cause me anxiety) or get singled out for being AS. Thanks all for contributing.
  2. Zorro


    Ive always thought of myself as a monkey...Im obsessed with them. I think thats what I really am. I dont seem to know anything about anything. Now I realise I can see patterns and can figure things out that way, I think it probably means that that is exactlly what I am...a monkey...clearly I dont have that extra 3% DNA that makes humans different from monkeys. My nickname for years has been caveman. My social skills are really bad. Monkeys cant talk but appear very clever. They are merely seeing patterns in things and working things out that way. That pretty much sums me up. I dont know anything about anything but can now work things out with patterns
  3. Zorro


    Mumble....the explanation of the phrase is that he clearly knows a fair bit about Aspergers as its a big and common thing these days. He knows that I will have analysed everthing he said and the way he said it in detail over and over again afterwards and would have noted his tone and wording......he very clearly not only believed me ...but believed iIN me. Ive always seen patterns but never knew that I see patterns. Since he said that and I left the interview my IQ seems to have exploded and I can solve things at redicululous pace that i know nothing about ...i actually look for patterns in everyday life now. I can tell why my parents have the same rediculous argument every Sunday lunch now by analysing patterns in my head. Ive explained it to them so hopefully that should stop. All the info is out there in life ...you just need to see it. I feel like Neo from the Matrix now. I even worked out in seconds why my video didnt record a program the other day. Its because I had had taped something on Sat night and only watched half of it...intending to watch the rest the next day. Id already preset to record another program the next morning....and thought to myself...good job it failed to work otherwise it would have taped over the rest of the film i hadnt yet watched. Immediately I saw a pattern. Aspies think in detail to make life easier. They can see the end result of things done so tweek things in life (OCD) to ensure things dont happen. I thought if i were the video manufacturer I would tweek the video so you could not accidentily tape over a program you hadnt finished watching. Then i thought ....aspies are probably the ones designing Hi tech stuff so they HAVE probably thought of that......guess what ...I tested the theory out the next day and it proved right. Im now seeing patterns in the ways Aspergers think and act. I watch House everyday and am becoming more and more like him everyday.
  4. Zorro


    I had hour and half initial assessment last week.......Psychiatrist then phoned my parents for 1/2 an hour to ask them about me. Psych said to me "you see patterns" in a positive acknowledging manor. I know he knows Im Aspergers. He clearly knows I know he knows I know Im Aspergers. I can debug any doubts he throws at me in a second. Question is.....will he diagnose me this Thursdays return meeting or do I have to go through more ###### and tests etc? Anyones help would e appreciated...T.I.A.
  5. Thanx Luigi I have googled the Dr (which will presumably be Psychiatrist) my GP has referred me to. He was trainee last year so clearly not experienced in such matters. I thought I was autistic about 15 or 16 years ago from watching Rain Man, a couple of years before AS was recogised outside of Austria. But as I have mainstream education and am intelligent and live a normallish if difficult socially life thought its not quite me. I was ironically looking at the detail not the big picture. When I came accross AS on the net several months ago by chance, I thought to myself that I had been right all them years ago.
  6. I always say Ciao....dunno why...Im English
  7. I have a Prelimanary consultation next week with a Phychiatrist regarding AS assessment after being referred by my GP at my request. I am in my 30s. What am I likely to expect to happen. It is to be a one hour consultation. I have done a spreadsheet as suggested by NAS of examples of the impairments listings relevant to me which I intend to take with me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I am very anxious of this consultation.
  8. I never lie....infact I if someone asks me something i will tell the truth in very great detail...
  9. I live by myself and hoover about once a year. Dust about once every 6 months. Not cleaned my curtains since I moved in 3 1/2 years ago
  10. I hum all day....gets on peoples nerves around me...also pace...also gets on peoples nerves around me.......and spin things in my hand...gets rid of the stress
  11. Ive always thought I was here to fight injustice....hence the name Ive taken. I get so angry when imocent people get wronged and hurt.
  12. Zorro


    How long would an adult AS dignosis take. I work full time and cant really afford to take too much time off.
  13. Have been researching AS for last 6 months on net after seeing a post on a site on the net that Bill Gates was Autistic. I knew nothing about AS and thought Autistics were supposed to be retarded so was shocked to read that the condition AS is basically a pretty accurate desription of me. taught myself. Im very good at what I do in accounting and have been since I taught myself when I was on a training scheme in a practice when i was 17. I could not understand what people were telling me and was practically mute, but after hearing I was close to getting the sack I got a basic accounting text book and taught myself and after a few months I was a better accountant than my work mates who were all several years older than me at least with several years experience. The technical side of it bores me but at accounts prep Ive always been regarded as the best everywhere Ive worked.Yet im no good at anything else in life. I was always 2nd top of the class (never top) at school in maths but bottom with very bad marks in English Literature. I could never understand the reading between the lines thing about what the author was thinking when he was writing the stuff or what the character was thinking. Special gifts......I see patterns in things, eg behaviour. I have used mind games to outwit people because I can identify very quickly what they are likely to do because of studying similar people showing the same patterns of behaviours, therefore Ive set traps to beat them. I tend to notice minor details. I am very honest, to the point whereby Its like Im on a truth drug. If you ask me something I will tell you the truth in great detail. I pace up and down constantly when Im stressed or waiting for the kettle to boil. I have routines which I get down if I cant stick to the routine.
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