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Everything posted by elainem

  2. this thread is very thought provoking, haven't posted until now. I just wish I understood MORE. Why my son does the things he does. I most of the time try not to stop his stims. Sometimes if his noises have gone on too long/become too loud when he is on the trampoline I ask him to keep it down a bit for the neighbour's sake and he is happy as long as he can still jump. Mostly I just leave him to it. Elaine
  3. thanks everyone for the replies. Matthew presently has TA in the mornings - 5days x 3 hours (9am to 12.00) = 15 hours. He doesn't have support at lunch time. The question was in respect of the TA's own lunch break as school are saying if we get 25 hours TA support (which in fact we have won for one term and then review) the TA will need a lunch break which is not inlcuded in the statement and so they will have to pay for it. I do agree with everyone who has said it's not my problem but you know what it's like, once they mention to you, you start to wonder. I don't even know if the break is paid or unpaid but they must be assuming lunchbreak is paid and therefore as 25 hours is for lessons they will have to fund the break for the TA. I'm going to have to speak to them now anyway having got the 25 hours - might speak to the caseworker first see what she says. Thanks all. Elaine
  4. sorry, didn't mean that Zemanski - what it is, is that because TA will be there all day school are saying they will have to pay her for her lunch - implying that funds for it won't be in the statement so they will have to bear the cost - does that make sense? But my argument is why tell me, i can't do anything about it - and anyway I thought either break would be unpaid or funded in statement. Elaine
  5. Hi, my ds age 5 currently has statemented support for 15 hours (mornings) we have applied at review for full time (25). We were awarded 20 so have disputed and it is going to panel today. IF we get 25 school have raised with me the issue of lunch hour for TA. It seems that if they get 25 then lunch time might be an issue in terms of paying the TA lunch hour. I am fed up about this because it's not my problem, what can I do about it - so why mention it to me. But in any case seems bizzare 'cos I would've thought either the break was unpaid or if paid should be funded through the statement. Trouble is I don't know enough to be able to discuss it properly. Anyone know what the deal is? Thanks Elaine
  6. Hi Eva my ds is also 5.5 and has made some progress, although still very behind. We have lots of strategies being used - handwriting programme Handwriting Without Tears (OT recommended) and funded by LEA - sloping board for writing - little exercises to develop fine motor control and using the things ds loves - eg he loves drains so I draw a huge drain pipe, he has to draw a line all the way down (it's a very winding one!!) I then draw poos in it and he has to colour in (I know!!!!) - the things he has to colour in are very small so just concentrating on very small fine motor movement. Anything really where he either has to colour in tiny objects or where he has to follow the lines (always inbetween 2 lines not dot to dot). This worked because it wasn't like 'work' it was a drawing game using his interests. - trial him with different pencil grips, there are lots and he may have a preference - we use a Handiwriter - an elastic that goes over the wrist and holds the pen in place - we also use felt pens as less pressure is needed than with pencil - our ds is an arm writer - so all control comes from shoulder so our main focus is getting the pad of his hand down - writing whilst lying down on tummy forces the arm/hand down - we bought an Aqua Draw as this goes on the floor and good fun. We also de-sentisize his hand first in case he doesn't like to feel of of hand down. I suspect he doesn't mind but he likes the exercises anyway - gets him ready to write - little finger pulling exercises or get some sugar/salt in his palm and squirt some liquid soap, rub over his hand like a facial scrub and then rinse - writing/drawing on an upright whiteboard - writing on a small desktop whiteboard so mistakes can easily be rubbed out If I think of anymore will post Elaine
  7. Hi, this one covers Greater Manchester Manchester Stockport Salford Trafford Oldham Wgan Will have playschemes according to the site Elaine
  8. I have just chanced upon a Manchester/Trafford based charity that offers playschemes for ASD children during school holidays. I was unsure if allowed to post the link here - if I can,will a moderator please let me know in this thread, thanks. Alternatively I can send by Pm to anyone who wants. elaine
  9. woo hoo fabby news. we are ok now on the toilet front but have been through it and know how much it means when it falls into place. just wish he would remember to wipe his bum but that's minor in the scheme of things. really pleased for you both. Elaine
  10. Oh yes, I definately can identify with your elation. I would have gladly swapped a major lottery win for my ds to poo in the toilet. YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY well done Tom (and mum and dad!) Elaine
  11. Hi, I am no expert but if he has auditory processing problems it might make understanding language more difficult if you insist he looks at you as he has to then concentrate on 2 things?? I know when my ds is thinking he looks away out of the corner of his eye and doesn't focus on us. Maybe give it a try and see what happens. Elaine
  12. Hi Viper <'> <'> <'> <'> so sorry you are feeling unwell. It's hard enough sometimes coping without the added problems of your own health problems. I know you say your GP can't dx but has he referred you on to a specialist, it can't be right just to leave you to struggle? Is there anyone who can take the kids for a day or two to give you a total much needed break? I'm no doc but sounds like chronic fatigue or something like?? Get better soon <'> elaine
  13. Hi, my ds used to do the food in the mouth thing. I am still unsure but I think it was a sensitivity issue but not in the same way your OT has suggested, but I am just guessing after much observation. I THINK my ds used to like the crunch of certain foods eg carrot and then when it was all mush in his mouth he could not tolerate it. He used to have so much in his mouth he would gag and be sick. The only thing I can say he is now 5 and hardly ever does this. Sounds to me like your ds is a bit thrown by the changes going to your mums. It's hard to find a balance sometimes. I wanted to give my son new challenges my doing things going places. If it seems your ds might have been affected my the holiday why not try some very familar activities, books, movies, places etc. i bet he will soon be back to himself. This often works with our ds. we have even kept some quite babyish videos and toys to bring out as a comfort to him if ever needed. In terms of the ups and downs we see this we our ds - sometimes I look at him and think THEY have it all wrong re dx but then things go awry again and I know the truth! Elaine
  14. NT - neuro-typical DD - dear/darling daughetr ds1 - dear/darling son one ds2 - dear/darling son two not sure about OH - occupational health?? DX is diagnosis some others you may seem ASD - autistic spectrum disorder AS - asperger syndrome OT - occupational therapy/ist SALT - speech and language therapist Elaine
  15. thank - you, great to be back was starting to panic! elaine
  16. elainem


    I use a couple of other parenting sites. also moneysaving expert but only read posts on there.
  17. elainem

    Camper Van

    thanks folks, still umming and arring - getting right on dh's nerves!
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