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Everything posted by Stella63

  1. Hi I need to say more but can't this evening. Will post tomorrow with more info and ideas. Stella x
  2. Hi Di, I went through a similar experience with OJ. In yr5 he had a complete breakdown and couldn't cope with being at school or around other children. He was diagnosed Aspergers and OCB with extreme anxiety. At the time he was only School Action for handwriting difficulties so the school put forward a request for a statement. This was agreed fairly quickly, i think the fact that he was missing a lot of school actually helped get the statement and he has no learning difficulties. The school need to get as many reports from the multi professionals who have seen him, including CAMHS to support the case. Good luck and keep fighting!! Stella x
  3. Hi Just to let you know, took OJ to Chessington last week. I took a letter confirming diagnosis of AS, Tourettes etc and was told at the entrance to go to an office in the Main Square. Lady looked briefly at the letter, gave OJ a yellow band and we were able to go on all the rides without queuing up - fantastic!!! Apart from the fact that OJ doesn't actually like rides!!! Went in Bubble works twice and some laser shooting thing!! Stella
  4. Hi Joe Male Will try and get OJ to have a chat with you tomorrow. He is 11 and will be moving up to secondary school in september.... be in touch. Stella x
  5. Stella63

    my toothache

    Hi Hev I really sympathise - toothache is the worst. I always go for strong iboprofen interspersed with paracetamol, cos you can take both and get some oil of cloves to rub around the whole area. Hope it helps!! Stella x
  6. Hi this is a really interesting one. I have suffered with this for as long as I can remember and good job I have a strong bladder! It causes so much embarrassment for me if I am at work or out with friends. I have never been able to 'go to the loo ' with a girl friend 'cos I would just stay in there until they had gone and how they can chat to each other whilst weeing I don't know!!! Both my boys are unable to poo at school or using public toilets but I don't think weeing affects them. But they both come home and go the loo at the end of the school day with a big sigh of relief!!! I had no idea it was a common problem, thought it was just me as its not something you can really discuss with most people. Stella
  7. Sorry - about 4 behind!!! how silly Stella x
  8. Dragonfly (my favourite - have several tattoed on me!!!)
  9. Thanks Bagpuss, I am shocked at my inability to apply a bit of lateral thinking!!!! thanks for the advice. Stella x
  10. Just realised we went out last night and forgot to record the last episode and its not repeated aaaagggghhhhh!!!!! Stella
  11. Well, what a day!! OJ has been saying for months that when he finished yr6 he wanted to have a water pistol party for all his friends. Considering a year ago he had a screen in front of his desk so he didn't have to look at anyone in his class, on the odd occasion when he could cope with school, he has come on so much. I thought the idea would go away but, no, this was one of those 'have to do' things. So this afternoon I had sixteen 11yr olds plus AJ and 3 of his mates all with water pistols, caterpults and water bombs going totally berserk in our garden and at the front of the house, totally manic!!!!! We let them soak each other for an hour then got them changed and fed them, they were amazingly well behaved AND NOW THEY HAVE ALL GONE HOME!!!! (apart from ours of course). I confess I have just poured myself a large vodka and coke and am breathing a huge sigh of relief!!!! A very tired Stella xx
  12. Stella63


    Hi My OJ was diagnosed with OCB which is behaviour not disorder, he exhibits a lot of traits, normally involving counting or touching things. We have seen hundreds of different ones over the years and like Krystaltps, some you have to encourage him to do in his head. At the moment he touches my hair a lot, which is kind of annoying! His bedtime ritual is the worst - he has to bang the end of his bed 17 times with his teeth, then kiss me 15 times, then give me 3 short hugs followed by one long one! i know I should be pleased with the affection but it is not actually affection. the latest one is counting how many syllables words have and repeating words over again to see if he can make more syllables! Does my head in but he has to do it!! The other problem is the Tourettes and sometimes the two problems blend into each other. I am really worried how he will cope with secondary school and all the teasing that I know he will get. He wants everyone to be told what he has and why he does all these things which I guess is quite a mature way of dealing with it. Stella x
  13. Thanks guys!!! Another addictive game to stop me having a life away from my computer!!! It reminds of Kula World the best ever PS1 game!! Stella x
  14. Stella63

    Centre Parcs

    Hi If you want somewhere like centerparcs you ought to consider Sunparks in Belgium. We have been going every october half term for about 6 years. It has all the benefits of centreparcs but works out under half the price including ferry over channel. The one in DeHaan is right by the beach and and the beaches stretch the whole of the belgian coast. You can get a tram all the way along the coast, reall ycheap. Bus into Bruges takes 20mins. Theres so much more you can do whereas at centreparcs you are almost prisoners on site. The kids absolutely love it and going in october you see all the towns get ready for halloween, which they do beautifully, mostly with chocolate!!!! you can book direct through their website or Hoseasons do it in their europe brochure for about the same price - definitely worth cosideration. Stella x
  15. Hi Lizk, I really sympathise as my AJ has been chewing since a baby. He's 14 and still chews anything, always got something in his mouth, thankfully at the moment it is plastic straws. In the past it has been pens, pencils, lego, remote controls, cables, clothing, duvets, sometimes he chews his arms and shoulders. I don't think he has ever swallowed anything but it does tend to be plastic or plastic coated things. I think MrsDDH's idea is great, a teething ring which at least will be safe at his age. Good luck and keep us posted! Stella x
  16. Hi Marmalade, That really made me laugh!!!! whats even funnier is I was having a new path built in my garden today and the workmen were really cursing the rain!! Ha ha ha what a warped sense of humour! Stella x
  17. hi Marmalade, I'm dancing away and it is trying to rain!! Can't imagine they will go ahead with it on wet grass - all those health and safety regs!!!!! Stella x
  18. Hi Marmalade The school situation you're talking about is sounding horribly familiar and the reaction of the Head is giving me feelings of deja vu!!! Were you recently attending the Freemantles meetings on a friday morning at this particular school????? I have had to take OJ out for the last week and a bit and he is only going back for his last day on Wednesday. the advice given is right. Put everything down in writing and start seeing the new Deputy and senco at the beginning of term. Also get freemantles involved and that whole team that was attending those meetings - they are all on your side! Good luck. I must admit that I will be so pleased to see the back of this school. Hopefully we won't have the same problems at secondary. stella x
  19. Hi Well this has been a stressful 24 hrs. I was looking forward to a quiet day taking oj to shops to buy his first mobile phone. He had his meltdown last week and has been out of school all this week. So, the rain came. Bear in mind on 13th august last year we had a rainstorm that lasted 4hrs and we ended up with a foot of water throughout our downstairs. We lived for 6mths in a state of limbo with no floor, kitchen , furniture etc with 2 AS kids. Our house was ok this time but I spent all day sweeping water to keep it out of my neighbours house. She also got flooded last year and had just sold the house, OJ was very upset having witnessed our flood and then just as OJ was going to bed we had a power cut. I was up half the night because OJ had got a candle in his room and not his lava lamp! thankfully, today has been more mellow..... Stella
  20. Stella63

    Beauty Salons

    Hi OK time to confess! The lovely soft peachy skin of my childhood has now turned against me and become thick, wiry hairs sprouting out of my chin on a regular basis ugh!!! Have had electrolysis regularly for several years now and it is a lifesaver! Yes it is uncomfortable and that depends on where you are in your menstrual cycle, except I can never remember when I shouldn't have it done!! But compared to childbirth or having tattoos done, no comparison!! And the effect of having all your hairy bits waxed (apart from these funny brazilians) is astounding, a couple of minutes of pain and complete smoothness for weeks is just to die for (not literally you understand!!) Stella (hairy at the moment cos i want to get it all done when I go in holiday and thats not for 4 wks!!)
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