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Everything posted by ASue67

  1. Hope everything goes ok today <'> <'>
  2. I will just come for the day with my boys! Like Pearl I am just happy to meet up with you all!!!!
  3. Wow Mumble! That has really given me an insight into the way my son reacts to things! Thank you so much.................
  4. Glad you are feeling a bit better Lizzie, really hope things aren't too bad for you and you can get things sorted. Mine are back in school tomorrow and the SENCO is supposed to be sorting out application for ESAP funding (we have to do this before we can go down statementing route)............. I am dreading all the messing about and backwards and forwards with things. Anyway, hope you have a good evening and good luck with everything! <'> <'>
  5. Big hugs Shell <'> <'> <'> <'>
  6. I am dreading next Tuesday. M is already telling me he doesn't want to go and he hates school. They have mixed up the class this year (first time they have done it) and he has a new teacher who is also new to the school, and he goes on the upper playground where year 4 are the youngest pupils which he is dreading. Last September was bad enough but the last 12 months have been worse than ever and I think that this school year is going to be hard work. Good luck to everyone!!!!! <'> <'>
  7. Take deep breaths hon................. it is early days and you are only human! You will be fine............... Next week is a new week, think positive and don't dwell on what went wrong. <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'>
  8. ASue67

    What Age?

    Will do Allie!!!!! <'>
  9. ASue67

    What Age?

    My son has only just been diagnosed with ASD and he is 8 (9 next April). I am struggling with how to explain his dx to him and what it means. If I talk about how he is maybe different from others he freaks and tells me he is not different. I know I need to explain ASD to him so that I can deal with his behaviour and anger management issues but I don't know how! Have got a meeting at CAMHS (on my own) next week - first meeting since the dx - and am going to ask my support worker what I should do.
  10. ASue67

    can i please just say

    Feel free hon <'> <'> <'>
  11. You could be talking about my DS................ M is just the same, starts the minute he is up and doesn't stop till he eventually goes to sleep. I am covered in bruises, everything gets thrown or slammed round the house and his brother is targeted all the time as well. And when he does stop he is screaming that we hate him and he hates us all and he wishes I was dead ................................. Sorry that doesn't help you at all but I just wanted to empathise cos they sound so the same. M isn't on any meds other than melatonin to help with sleeping. Feel free to PM me if you want to off load again!!!! <'> <'> <'> <'>
  12. ASue67

    carer's point

    It was good of you to post the information Di!!!!! I have just started looking round for help and support for carers so I was hunting around as well. Everyone is greatful for any information or help they can get - I know I definately am!!!! Thank you!!!!
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