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invent 10 things b4 breakfast

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Everything posted by invent 10 things b4 breakfast

  1. I am sure I have heard people talking about getting grants to carry out work on their homes for such things like extensions etc if they dont have the space for their disabled child to cope. Does anyone know what this grant is?
  2. I did this poll a few months back and the results were outstanding proof that somewhere someone must have done a paper/article on the effects that stress build up during the school day has on our kids when they get home. i.e. the passive/aggressive school child. Any one got any ideas? My LEA are trying to blame our Statement Tribunal on the fact that we are only requesting changes to make our life easier at home!!! Original Poll. http://www.asd-forum.org.uk/forum/index.ph...wtopic=6111&hl= Many thanks guys.
  3. Congratulations Fiorelli Did you plan to have him at home? Glad to hear Dylan is in the mend and back home.
  4. Pink - that's all we ever get. However I have just had a clause inserted into his Statement about him being allowed time out (of his choice - not punishment) if he feels the stress is getting too much. The fun part will be getting them t ohelp him recognise when that point is. We just had a review and the SENCO said that he doesn't present with stress at school so we don't want to pull him out of a lesson he's fully engaged in! Ok no, I'll just deal with it at home shall I
  5. Sorry to hear about your dilemma Pingu <'> So ok then, I have also just ordered a Dell for my son's birthday later this month, it's sitting here unopened. It's a Dimension 5150 with a 16x max. DVD+/-RW Drive, apparently this does everything including burning cd's... is that right or have I been misled too?
  6. I'm so sorry to hear Caroline <'> <'> <'> <'>
  7. I've just had a response back from a psychologist I contacted through the BPS (British Psychological Society) and shes lives about 40 minutes away from me. Her specialty is Autism and Aspergers and she charges ?200 including a report and mileage expenses on top. Her qualifications are BA Hons, PGCE, MEd, DEd - I don't know what they all mean or their relevance. She sounds awfully cheap from what I have been hearing. In this field do you think you get what you pay for? Zemanski - that centre looks good, is it expensive? I really need someone to do an assessment in school. He's already had a full EP assessment when he was 4 ys old, but his needs have changed and the LEA EP won't spend any time on him because she's only got 7 hours left for rest of the academic year for his school.
  8. phasmid - it is IPSEA that have recommended I get this done but they haven't offered any help with finding one. Do you think there is anywhere that lists just ASD professionals?
  9. I have been trying to find an Independent EP to carry out an assessment for my AS son. I have infact found several listed in The Directory of Chartered Psychologists but they just won't respond to telephone messages left or email I have sent! I guess they don't need the money I have also tried NAS but their list is so out of date the phone numbers are dead! I need this done quite quickly for a Tribunal and I am really struggling as to how to get their attention Any ideas?
  10. Helen, Sorry, no can't make it. Unfortunately there was an event that the NAGC was running locally that S was really looking forward to but they were fully booked. Instead I have promised him (on pain of death ) a trip to INTECH for a "make it" session. Have you ever been there, it's a great hands on science place in Winchester? http://www.intech-uk.com/
  11. MumTee - you mean you arn't expecting one on the 14th you could bring with you?
  12. My son was informally excluded at luchtimes because he could not sit and eat his lunch properly. I was telephoned to come and get him a couple of times and then he was refused to stay at all. When I spoke to PP they told me that the school couldn't exclude your child like this unless it was in writing and that if they did it again I could refuse to collect him. Now as a parent you would feel awful knowing you've left your child there but I guess that's the card they play on you, guilt!
  13. Tensing - I am feeling for you, hope good news come soon. I have this all to come, just filed for my son's tribunal today not sure if I've got the stomach for it. How long does it take to get a date? My son already has a statement but I want changes, anyone know if they can decide not to hear it if you want changes? Who is there? is it held locally to you? Are the school present or just the Education Officer?
  14. I think there may be something in that because when I have received my sons end of year report it only goes up to a certain date because we usually take holiday at the end of June and the reports come out about then and our holiday is never counted in it. However, this year they are changing it around and giving an end of year report in February Don't know how they can work that one out!
  15. ...not forgetting that many of our ASD kids cannot cope with the hussle and bussle of holidaying in school holidays because of how busy it is and how they cannot cope with all the people and noise. I always take my son out of school for holidays and quote exactly that as my reason!
  16. We also do what "reuby2" does and that is to have a seperate account for just the bills which go out by direct debit each month. I work out what they are on a spreadsheet and make fine tweeks if necessary and then put that much in the account and leave it until the following month and do it again, less stressful than worrying if you've overspent and things are going to bounce.
  17. Waccoe, I have the same issue, not that my sons statement has been changed but that the cover is too vague. His reads "support should include 5 hours of welfare assistance to provide supervision at lunchtimes". I am in the process of having his statement "tightened up" to include dedicated 1:1 support at luchtimes, because he used to be an escapee too but these days it's for his own protection from the bullies and to prevent misinterprutation of his actions. My son's statement doesn't refer to where the funding comes from. You are right to be picky as a Statement is supose to quantify the provision.
  18. My child has had several accidents at school, mostly from bullying. I am never told about them unless he tells he. Last Friday he was pushed over from behind in the classroom and landed on a metal bit of the table with his knee - consiquenty he has been limping all weekend. The teacher (apparently) couldn't weed out the culprit. I questioned the office staff this morning and they were very vague and couldn't show me the accident book as there was more than one. They had to run it past the Headteacher Usually, I was told, they don't report things unless they are a bump to the head. I spoke to the Disability Rights Commission and they seemed to think that it was poor Health & Safety procedures and that there should be reporting poilcies in place for reporting to parents. I don't know what the "normal" procedure is, anyone help me - should I have been told about this? I hope this poll works, my last one didn't
  19. Forgot to put the link incase anyone wants to check through the "how to make a claim" section http://www.drc-gb.org/uploaded_files/docum...8_360_Edu20.pdf
  20. Spoken to the Disability Rights Commission this morning, they say that if my child, who has Aspergers, cannot come home and tell me about his day because of his communication problems then the school could be in breach of the DDA 1995 Act 4. She has recommended I write a letter to the Head with the following, this was taken from their website as an example letter. Hope this helps some of you guys!
  21. Thanks to Baddad for sorting this poll for me! Never done one before, first time for everything My original post was: Just a thought, as I'm sure my son's Head thinks there's nothing wrong with him and implies we have a home issue because he can generally behave at school. It doesn't matter how much you try and tell them about the effect the school day has on the child, it's always the same response, "oh he manages fine at school" I found some information on the NAS website which I adapted for my son and sent to his Head, it read... They still didn't get it or chose to ignore it!
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