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barefoot wend

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Everything posted by barefoot wend

  1. Obsessive thoughts are not uncommon and can be very difficult. I can only suggest you talk again to your doctor/psychiatrist about the problems you are having and ask for something to help - maybe a course of cognitive behaviour therapy and/or medication. There is a good book called 'Mind over Mood' which explains how to use CBT as it is not too difficult to have a go at yourself if the help is not forthcoming.
  2. Tally I'd put on an ipod and ignore her - if you don't have an ipod or like using them, just put the white earphones in you ears and the other end in a pocket so it looks like you've got one on.
  3. It is tricky but I think you should at least talk to the girl's parents - they may be okay. Much better that he proposes her coming here, imagine if he asked to go there! Very difficult, not sure what I'd do but I would try to look into the possibility as otherwise your son will think you think he's a complete no-hoper and that you will always be a barrier to his forming independent friendships - he will possibly resent you for this. Whatever happens I think you should be the one in control over any possible meeting.
  4. My son was on both at 13 whilst still at school - I think it was an attempt by the professionals to keep him in education. They made him very tired. Unfortunately, they didn't seem to have a huge impact and he left school a few months later. Having got rid of the main cause of his anxiety (school) he eventually calmed and we withdrew meds. A few years later we tried fluoxetine again and it made a big difference to his general wellbeing but still causes excessive tiredness. Do you have any idea what the trigger for Glen's anxiety, moodswings, depression may be - I'm sure it's probably multi-faceted and difficult to pinpoint. I hope you manage to get some help for your son. Barefoot
  5. Crikey! Well done Kathryn and many thanks for putting in so much time and effort. Barefoot
  6. Tally I went to a pub in the Isle of Wight once and there was a car with its boot open and three baby white lions in the back - they were lovely. If you go and see them in Sandown I can also recommend the Dinosaur Museum there who do some interesting trips out - look up Dinosaur Isle on Google. They also have some unusual animals at Amazon World - although I wasn't convinced they were kept in the best conditions, not terrible but not wondrous either. Barefoot
  7. There is some info about it here:http://www.autism.org.uk/en-gb/about-autism/autism-library/magazines-articles-and-reports/article-collection/solution-focused-work.aspx
  8. Tally, I'd guess your Mum's having a difficult time and taking it out on those she loves most. I'm sure when this trip is over she'll go back to normal and maybe even realise she's been a tad difficult and try to make it up to you by being nice (that's what I do). In the meantime, I'd let her rant a bit probably laugh about it inside. Have you tried chatting to your Dad? Hope things get back to normal soon. Barefoot
  9. Matzoball I don't post often but am compelled to write here and ask you not to leave - you will be sorely missed. Please think it over a day (or even a week) and come back. Your posts are highly valued by many here and it always upsets me when people feel they have to go. Barefoot
  10. I would definitely recommend talking to or emailing the admission departments of those unis that interest you and ask their advice as you have good grades. Most universities offer a Foundation year that helps with catching up on those subjects you may be rusty in or have little experience of, say science - look at their online prospectuses for foundation year courses. Alternatively, do the A level you need in one year.
  11. One A level at grade C is 80 points. As you have 3 that would be 240 points. One AS level at grade B is 50 points. You cannot combine scores for AS and A level for the same subject. I would say that it is worth talking to Admissions departments where you are thinking of going as many will use other criteria if your exams were some time ago and will give extra consideration for work experience as well as extra for any other experience, such as an OU course.
  12. I would agree that the ability to empathise does not preclude you from having Asperger's. My son (18 with AS) has a highly developed sense of empathy. It can be very extreme for him and can manifest itself slightly differently to others around him. Barefoot
  13. Agree with everyone that you should accept treatment. It will free up space for someone else who would otherwise have to wait longer.
  14. barefoot wend


    Michael Welcome. Just wanted to say I agree with Zen and also that, whatever happens regarding whether you have Asperger's, it's important to remember that you're still the same person you've always been. Look forward to reading your posts and best of luck with everything. Barefoot
  15. Am really struggling now - was seriously thinking of voting for local MP that I've met and like even though I don't much like her party - Conservative. Then Kerre said he'd seen a Conservative poster the other day with a BNP sticker on it and wondered why they'd bothered as it was like "Pooing on poo". Struck a chord with me so am back to the drawing board with 24 hours to go. Feel I must vote but really dithering and have watched all the debates, politics programmes, etc. AAArrrrggghhhh!!!
  16. barefoot wend


    Oil of clove is very good - you can get it from the chemist. Just apply a little to the tooth/gum with finger or cotton bud. Have to say it is the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted but it works really well.
  17. JeannneA My son was prescribed both at 14 and was also on Ritalin - seems excessive but it was an attempt by the specialist to keep him in school - it didn't work. He was in such a state at the time with school that it just got too much - nothing had any effect. We took him out of school and things gradually improved - as there seemed to be little help the meds were giving him we gradually cut them out. He started on the Prozac again a couple of years later when he was very down and they worked immediately (apparently they can do that, though it's more usual for them to kick in after a few weeks). The difference in him was incredible and has enabled him to go back into education in a different form. 20mg is a pretty low dose for Prozac and I'd give it a try. However, as in our case, I don't think it can work if there are other big underlying issues that remain unresolved. I hope he gets on well. Barefoot
  18. How completely bizarre! I think you're right to totally ignore him. Barefoot
  19. Jannih Really pleased to hear such positive news - was wondering how you were getting on. It must have been difficult going through everything but I'm delighted that you got a referral. Barefoot
  20. I like our local MP so tend to vote for her on local issues. I'm not sure that she belongs to the party I'd be inclined to vote for nationally but I feel better as she is also the person who raised the autism bill. I'm looking forward to the TV debates - Gordon with that horrible smile that appears at totally inappropriate moments, Daaaave who'll probably roll up his shirt sleeves and 'get down' with the people, and isn't there a pesky kid involved somewhere on the sidelines trying to attract attention? Have a horrible feeling it may all be terribly boring in reality though.
  21. Talking of dumbing down..... I laugh at Masterchef when they always label one of the contestants 'Children's Doctor' - do they think we are too stupid to understand what paediatrician means, or is it because they worry that the public will mistake it for another word beginning with paed and they'll get hate mail? Either way, it's a bit sad. Barefoot
  22. Hi Vicbee My sister went through choking phobia when my Dad died and lived on yogurt, without fruit lumps , for ages. She was in her thirties and had counselling (there was no CBT at the time) as well as Fluoxetine. She has coped well since but always has to be on her guard against relapse - same for any phobia really. She still detests swallowing pills whole but I always make her if I'm around - what a horrid sister I am. Hope your daughter continues to make progress. Barefoot
  23. Tally Hope you've managed to have a restful weekend after your busy week. Enjoy the next part of your course and well done on surviving a busy week. Barefoot
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