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Everything posted by sesley

  1. http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-22261441 I was very careful last year about P not listening to those prohpesys about the end of the world last year, incase he got upset. He loved the film Wall e, but he was constant asking about all the large people on the ship who did not walk. The sky high rubbish scenes he was ok about.Jurassic park I tease him when we walk in the forest, to look out for dinosaurs.He is growing up now and does not fall for that anymore.
  2. Just been speaking to a Romania n lady in church about the challenges they face of even worse ignorance and indiscrimination for all people with disabilities including autism, where there is little or know understanding of autism.There are places in the world that are even worse, than here for people with autism, the negative and ignorant perception of autism and other disabilities. We have learnt so much in the Uk and need to learn more, but other places have not learnt at all and are trying to catch up. World Autism Awareness days highlight this in the UN. To hopefully educate more people world wide the difference and needs of all people with autism.
  3. As soon as he feels secure, the anxietys, hopefully will diminish. Just keep to your usual routines as much as possible, and prepare him for any changes that you might expect.
  4. 4 years ago we did the flying thing, using social stories of pictures of the plane and all about the queing for checking in and queing for security checks and the procedures on the plane. On take off he went whoosh!.he was a bit anxious on landing, but he thoroughly enjoyed the flying and keeps asking, when can we do it again. What part of the flying does yours dislike. Maybe you could get in touch with the airport/airline for a pre flight visit and preapartion time.
  5. Planning and preparation like you have done makes things easier and successful. We do the same when we plan trips etc.
  6. Arrange all his things in his room identical to his room now, do a social story to explain the move, what happens and show him a map of his new address and where his school is.Can you show him the new house? and his room?
  7. Mine likes the game machines in pubs.i tell him he has to be 18 to play them, he is 13 and they are money eating machines that eat more money, than pay out they are gambling. So he recently sees a young couple playing them, while I pay the bill and he says to them are you gambling?
  8. sesley


    Can you seek help through your GP for a consultation with a child phsycologists. You need to get tough now and make your Gp listen , your son is having phsycological issues, which do need to be taken serious.The fact that he is on the road to self destruction, tells you urgent help needs to be obtained.
  9. Now he is 13.The rabbit and fish died. He had know real emotion about them only they were ill.. Last year his granny died at 93. He could not quite get the process of the funeral,he had a ipad to keep him amused on the talking bits. He was interested in the hole and the digger. Dropped the dirt on the coffin with everyone else and dropped a flower in too,just copying what everyone else was doing,he talks about that advert with the old man and the baby for Marie Cure i think, about terminal care.he asks Granny was sick wasn't she?He is aware to be safe crossing the road a flat head means dead and gone from us for good,not regenerated like in computer games. so its matter of processing what death is and what it means. Interesting conversations every now and then about it.
  10. sesley


    Your the parent here at 15 you are still responsible for him, and his well being. If you think any poison was harmful to him, you still need to step in and over rule his desires.What will you do if he started to smoke drugs, because it made him feel better, would still standby and let it happen at 15?
  11. sesley


    smoking. you can't buy ciggies until 18. I would discourage strongly your sons habit on the grounds of his age,the difficulties of breaking a dangerous habit that will cause awful health implications.at 15 its wrong he should be hooked on them so young. Find something else to interest him. thats less of a health risk.
  12. Mine suffered bad constipation in primary years, he exasperated it by refusing to use school toilets up to P6. We had the school nurse on the case , they can have runny looking poo and still be very constipated up in the bowel.We were advised to get him drinking plenty, use movical as well, it helps them to push.we stopped dairy milk as well and use soya milk instead, we also try to eliminate aspertarmine, which is a sweetner in diet food, because it can make them even more hyper.Mine has a limited diet, so I hide veggies in smooth soup on his mince and rice dinner., which his choice for a hot meal.He won't eat anything else for dinner.Have you sought medical help? Is there a school nurse you can see? Explore all options with the medical people and get them to refer you to a paediatric/physcologist.and a food nutritionist if necessary.
  13. you are not a the worlds worst mother. you care and love them,people staring are because they are thinking glad, its you not them. Poor you. Do you have a chocolate draw,dare I say it a nice glass of wine,when they are in bed?Just remember they are just being naughty and pushing the boundarys and proberly one feeding off the other,finding which of your buttons to push. Little one with autism needs the strong discipline as much as your other children.
  14. he will learn,it will take a lot of patience and consisitancy. Does he have sensory issues for flashing lights,noise smells? and of course large crowds. I know how difficult it is for you,but be persistant. Or do you have a friend or relative to leave him with why you go out with Jack? When you go to the cafe have a packet of biscuits or cakes he likes with you then he can have his peice with his juice but not at cafe prices.Toys just get him to say you get those when you have say 4 gold stars. make a star chart he can see for when he is good when you go out. or the birthday fairy if its near birthday,or Easter bunny anything.He won,t have much sense for time so mark on a calender when he can get a toy,then he can see when its possible for a toy.Maybe a social story of going shopping when you go into the shop,what you need to buy and when you go to the cafe,avoid the toys section if possible,let him help you follow your shopping list,with pictures. sometimes just being in a chaotic place like a supermarket is enough to send most people into meltdown,so if you can give him a way he can understand what you are there for with the socials stories and pictures.It might help with coping. Mine is older now i leave him at the computers section playing with the i pod tablet things, though he is 13 now,and collect him when we finished shopping, but i did get him to find his yoguts and mars bars and he took charge pushing the trolley,when he got a bit bigger,yours is younger so you can,t leave him yet,Its finding things that work for you.
  15. the say they love you one minute then they hate you the next. don,t take what they say to too much heart. it sounds upsetting because its awful what they say,you have to rememeber they are scared and are just lashing out . its important that they know you are someone they can trust and are always there for them.. Its alright to say no to them even if they start swimming on the floor.They have to know were your boundarys are,when the tantrums start just stay as calm as you can and find ways to defuse the situation,like giving them your shopping list and finding the things they do like to eat, which are part of their diets .If you need to tie young one to buggy to keep him safe then do so, running around a busy shop looking for him is not a good ,All young children will test you and you need to make sure they know you are the boss even with the autism. The main thing is you stay in control.
  16. Jacks brother is 9? Watching his brother in such distress will be very scarey for him,and says things like that because of his fear,of not fully understanding whats going on. Public meltdowns are tramatic as uncaring and ignorant staring,just ads to your anxietys. There is nothingt much you can do,only reassure Jack in a calm voice,because he will be scared as well.All you can do is make sure he is safe and can not harm himself or others and wait for all to calm. I know its hard but if you can stay calm then it helps recovery. If necessary inform the shop staff of his autism so that they may assist you in keeping all safe. Do you know what the trigger was? When Jack is calm maybe you can talk about it and see if you can come to a point of how to cope the same situation again. Hard i know because it can come out of the blue. Only can symapthise with you, because been there as well. In Tescos Perth when he was 10. over a computer game.
  17. Altough your child is 6 years, his social development of language and undretsanding language and short attention span in a very noisey enviroment maybe about that of a 2 year old. He is angry because he is confused and proberly anxious and scared .Does he have a chance for a quiet corner, where he can destress?
  18. Sometime when you don't expect it, they say I love you mum
  19. is American research, but do some children grow out of autism, or is it that coping strategy s are more used.I know autism is a life long condition and some cope very well and others do not.mine is 13, we still have a way to go, though he is getting a grip on the aggression a bit more.His mindset is about 11 now.He still needs support in lessons and around the school. http://m.bbc.co.uk/n...health-21029593
  20. Darkshine i find you fascinating. where ever you are in life, make a message on here from time to time to let us know how you are getting on. I am glad you are able to go out.Of course you are a person a individual person a human being . I hope you will find peace for yourself.life might look caotic and scarey, but its adventure worth exploring,if you make mistakes then like all of us we all do,learn from them,Your life is worth living,there is so much to see to experience and learn.
  21. I guess you have all had a mixed experience of the festive season good and bad. So i hope you are all well. and hopefully happy to back to your normal routines.
  22. i twiddle with my hair when i am anxious my son with asd,jumps up and down,flapping is arms when he gets excited his little sayings and flapping seemed to have disappeared now he is 13,but he still walks on his toes and his feet turned in.
  23. maybe your move is whats upsetting him,do you have his things in a different place?the layout of the house as well. and the area and routes to home for the shops and school etc.
  24. what is keeping him awake? what time do you start bedtime routines?if there is a lot of stimulation around like tv a compter games.also evening meal,you might want to avoid aspertarmine a sweetner in low diet drinks.
  25. the obessesions/interest change with age.for mine at first was Bob the Builder,then Spongebob ,pinball machines and Rollerball.10 pin,definately the computerThe Sims,then recently,Mooshie monsters and Bin Weevils,now its Road Blox.He has made friends on Road Blox and can chat on line.still loves ten pin bowling.He is 13 now,so will be intersting to see whats next. his favourites now are Super Mario.he studys other peoples games on you tube,to see how the games work.
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