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Everything posted by Caroline-

  1. Hiya Di, thats ok, no probs. Hope you are feeling better soon <'> <'> i often gets days myself when i feel very run down & just don't want to face the world but have to push myself for Hayden's sake, so i can understand how you feel <'> Ah bless Daniel eh could of been me though, perhaps i didn't send it properly didn't want you to think that i just dismissed your lovely PM I can but try eh, if they turn me down then so be it. As long as Hayden gets it thats my main concern. Only took them 5 weeks to deal with Hayden's claim - was expecting much longer so was pleasently surprised Caroline xx
  2. Hi Daisy, thanks for the reply Sorry to hear you didn't get it, i probably won't get mine either but my CPN thinks that it's worth a try at least. I just didn't want the people at DLA to look at my claim then look back at my son's & think 'how on earth can this woman cope with her son's problems as well as her own' sort of thing.
  3. I know what you mean Pearl - it's HUGE! Makes me feel very important
  4. Hiya Gail, glad it gave you a giggle it did me too - after the event Great idea for a 'tool' btw
  5. Great news Pauline & you didn't have to wait long to hear back from them either!! Have applied myself a couple of days ago
  6. Hi peeps, My son has recently been awarded DLA, & this afternoon my CPN brought round the DLA adult form for me & we filled it in together. What i want to know is if it's ok for my son and i to both be in receipt of it considering we are both from the same household. Just wondering what the DLA would be thinking, as i'd hate to jepodise my son's award because of my new claim for myself. Caroline <'>
  7. Ooooh i love Christmas!!! Hayden loves all the glitter & lights & of course the presents! I have to leave any Chrimbo shopping right till the last minute & my parents normally have him Christmas eve till about 10 just so i can wrap all the presents up in peace, then give them to next door to look after, wait for sir to eventually go to bed then leave them out under the tree
  8. OMG Pearl how awful! There really are some dangerous & strange people out there Thank goodness you have a radar key now, i like it cos it's private & i can go in with my son. I always felt very uncomfortable if my husband wasn't with me & Hayden would run into the men's loo's & spent ages in there, he also panics & won't lock a toilet door so this key is a godsend!
  9. I won't get started on how tonight he also pulled my lounge light clean off the ceiling....nothing but the computer glow & fish tanks for light tonight
  10. Hi Fran, thanks for your reply <'> The paed see's Hayden every month due to his difficulties getting worse & his meds. The Atomoxetine (strattera) capsules he was on during the day were doing nothing at all for him, so the paed told me to try the higher dose & if that doesn't work he'll talk to CAMHS to see what they can offer. His night time meds are working fine (at the moment) so hopefully this new dose will work better for him.....we can but try. The ritalin med he has tried before was dreadful & we took him off it after three days, didn't like the effect that had on him at all. Caroline xx
  11. Bit of advice to anyone trying to unblock the toilet after your little angel has just filled the bowl with anything & everything. Take today for example, toilet water rising, toilet bowl nearly over flowing.... & out came an old trusty wire coat hanger!.... bend the two sides in & stretch... wallah!... your very own de plugger perfect for getting out those pesky items your angel shoved down the loo....
  12. I picked up a radar key from my local council office today for my son - FREE will come in very handy especially as he is always running in & out of the toilets when we are out & taking ages in there & as i can't very well just barge into the men's loo's & startle some poor man in there doing his business, then this key will come in very handy for some privacy for him
  13. lol that's what i'd like to know too! Can you still get it if you have low rate mobility?
  14. Hi Di, Have you a tax office near you? if you do, it might be worth popping in & talking to them as they are really very helpful. They have a phone there which you can use & it goes straight through to someone from working tax/child tax so you don't have to bother with press button one for this or press button two for that etc They also backdate three months and can backdate even further (think about six months) if you write to them & let them know the situation - hope it works out for you Caroline xx
  15. Hiya Di, i was yes lol I just hope you get your's sorted out now, you & your son deserve it!! Let me know how you go Di, i'll be thinking of you xxxx Love Caroline xx P.S. Did you get my PM the other day? not sure if it sent or not couldn't work out how to reply at first lol so i hope i sent it ok
  16. Hi Claire, Thanks for your reply It was such a postive outcome & i'm so pleased that Hayden's paed has now got a better understanding. I find it very positive knowing now how the paed can really help him now he can understand him so much better & what he has to go through. He has also reffered Hayden to the Sussex Autistic Society And like you say it is very good that the two trainee doctor's where there so they also can learn more about special children like my son - we need more of them lol!
  17. Sooooooooooooooooo Happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I phoned up the DLA after Hayden had the appointment with the paed this afternoon to tell them that he had upped his dose of the medication & the man told me that he doesn't matter how much or little meds he's on as they had already made their decision yesterday!! I gingerly asked him if he would mind telling me of this decision & he told me that Hayden has been awarded Middle rate care & Lower Rate mobility!!!!!! YAY so pleased for him he told me that i will get a letter in the post soon to confirm!!!! Just applied online for Care's allowance
  18. The paed was very interested to see the video evidence of Hayden (Hayden was present & didn't mind me showing him) the paed said that it's helped him form a wider picture of things & he didn't realise just how difficult things are. He has decided to up his medication (not because of the video) but because he saw Hayden in full action this afternoon & i've told him that the dose he's on during the day isn't having any effect on him even though the night time one is working brilliantly. There was two trainee doctor's in the room as well who were taking notes on the way Hayden behaved, I'm pleased the paed saw him in full swing today & that he saw the video, he needs the full picture in my mind so he knows the best way to treat my son P.S thanks for all your replies
  19. Anyone read this book? It's fantastic! My paed gave me a copy, it's a parents guide to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children
  20. We tried the burning off energy bit too! We took Hayden on hikes, swimming, farms, woods, indoor fun centres etc etc & he still wouldn't settle until between the hours of 12 - 2am sometimes longer (not good on a school night!!) would really irritate me when people would say 'have you let him burn off his energy' Umm yes, just a bit! because he would settle so late at night he was a real nightmare trying to get up in the morning for school & he would get really angry when i would try & get him out the bed. The school would say how tired & pale he looked due to lack of sleep. The paed put him on Melatonin & i have to say that so far (ssssssh) it's worked, he has the tablet at 6:30 & by 8:30 he's fast asleep! He will wake early about 6am but we don't mind this at all cos at least he's getting a decent nights sleep & is refreshed for school in the morning it keeps working, for a while anyway
  21. That's brilliant - congrats to Mrs Shaw
  22. Hi Fran, you are spot on there! I spent half hour tonight also taking notes on how difficult things have been this past week. Tonight i left him doing some painting while i went to wash up...BIG MISTAKE!, when i came back into the lounge he had stripped off completely in the nude & had splattered himself in paint from head to toe in greens, reds & purple's & had stuck glitter all over himself (this of course i didn't video lol) took ages to try & get off in the bath
  23. Hi JsMum & thank you It is only the paed who i will be showing it to on Monday, i feel at least this way he will have a even more better understanding with how Hayden behaves. When Hayden & i go to see him, Hayden will still quietly drawing he doesn't do this every visit mind, but i need to let him see to the extent of his behaviour. Last time we went to see him i was in tears as i was finding it very difficult to cope with anymore.
  24. Hayden knew i was using my camera phone & foundit funny. I need the paed to see it so he can understand just how much more difficult things are for him. I would not have filmed him without him knowing.
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