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Everything posted by Kerre

  1. I want to be able to play the violin. But I'm too lazy o.O
  2. In Harry Potter it's Ron's *job* to say ######
  3. Kerre

    Its snowing over there

    That reminds me of Steve Irwin. Austin Stevens= wannabe.
  4. I'm intolerant of soya... I won't tolerate it anywhere near me!
  5. Aah God, I don't think I'd be able to do that But maybe I'm not giving myself enough credit Well done That felt weird
  6. I'm not sure about my youngest bother... he's mad We don't like each other much, probably because we're so similar
  7. Kerre

    Home tuition

    It was quite easy for me and me mam, I think. We did some research then we said "HAY HES NOT GOIN TO SCHO0L LOLZ" And that was about it, I think
  8. You shouldn't have posted this here, now maybe an AS person who visits will become paranoid that an extra arm is going to grow out of their mouth
  9. Some quality advice there. And by 'quality' I mean 'awful'. Aren't counsellors supposed to help you cope?
  10. Kerre

    MMR Update

    Isn't ho�me�op�a�thy junk?
  11. Kerre


    My mum got a Dyson but she got rid of it because it made the carpet bobbly.
  12. *highlights :lol:s* AAARGH THE EYEBROWS *hides under bed*
  13. It's one of the arguments from advocates of Intelligent Design. They say that evolution making animals like us, lobsters etc. is about as likely as a tornado going though a scrapheap and making a Boeing 747. But of course evolution doesn't work like that, it works randomly in small steps.
  14. *coughcough INTELLIGENT DESIGN ADVOCATION cough*
  15. Kerre

    AS Parents

    I am 14 too and I'd say the answer is definitely no, I will not have a child, AS or not. I wouldn't be able to cope at all and I'd prefer to have lots of animals.
  16. Kerre

    Strange test thing

    *does it again* For some reason I always go for the third colour on the bottom row first o_O Your Existing Situation The existing situation contains critical or dangerous elements for which it is imperative that some solution be found. This may lead to sudden, even reckless, decisions. Self-willed and rejects any advice from others. Your Stress Sources Feels that life has far more to offer and that there are still important things to be achieved--that life must be experienced to the fullest. As a result, he pursues his objectives with a fierce intensity that will not let go of things. Becomes deeply involved and runs the risk of being unable to view things with sufficient objectivity, or calmly enough; is therefore in danger of becoming agitated and of exhausting his nervous energy. Cannot leave things alone and feels he can only be at peace when he has finally reached his goal. Your Restrained Characteristics Feels that he is receiving less than his share and that there is no one on who he can rely for sympathy and understanding. Pent-up emotions make him quick to take offense, but he realizes that he has to make the best of things as they are. Trying to calm down and unwind after a period of over-agitation which has left him listless and devoid of energy. In need of peace and quiet; becomes irritable if this is denied him. Your Desired Objective Desires a tranquil, peaceful state of harmony offering quiet contentment and a sense of belonging. Your Actual Problem Needs to achieve a stable and peaceful condition, enabling him to free himself of the worry that he may be prevented from achieving all the things he wants. How dare it look through the screen and into my brain?!
  17. Kerre

    Strange test thing

    Late news: Kerre does something right p. 94
  18. Kerre

    Strange test thing

    I also find a little clicky thing. Amuse your bored children! Clicksky
  19. Bit of a laugh, really. Clicky I got this: Unable to exert the efforts to achieve his objectives. Feels neglected, desiring greater security, warm affection, and fewer problems. Distressed by the apparent hostility of the environment. Feels coerced and subjected to intolerable pressure. Is rebellious and resentful of what he regards as unreasonable demands on him, but feels powerless to control the situation and unable to protect himself. Egocentric and therefore quick to take offense, leaving him rather isolated in his attachments. Tries to escape from his problems, difficulties, and tensions by abrupt, headstrong, and ill-considered decisions. Desperately seeking a way to escape, and there is danger of reckless behavior to the point of self-destruction. Depleted vitality has created an intolerance for any further stimulation, or demands on his resources. This feeling of powerlessness subjects him to agitation and acute distress. He reacts by considering that he has been victimized, and insists--with indignation, resentment, and defiance--on being given his own way. The tensions induced by trying to cope with conditions which are really beyond his capabilities, or reserves of strength, have led to considerable anxiety and a sense of personal (but unadmitted) inadequacy. His inability to enforce his will causes him to over-react in stubborn defiance and by assigning to others all the blame for his own failures.
  20. Our family goes to the Isle of Wight. Might be a bit tricky though because of the ferries- my 'NT' brother has bigger issues than I do with this o_O
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