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Everything posted by TuX

  1. TuX

    Happy Birthday

    Thanks Brook,DaisyProudFoot,Kathryn,Paula,redberry,tmf,annie,LKS,lorriew and hallyscommet! On friday,I was given some money,went to the trafford centre with my sister and her boyfriend,and got: http://shop.game.net/ViewProduct.aspx?cat=11251&mid=327982 Breath Of Fire III [PSP version] It was released this month and is an almost direct port of the original Breath Of Fire III on the Playstation 1,from 1998[?],except this one has an extra mode and extra PSP functions,it's an oldskool style turn based RPG. http://shop.game.net/ViewProduct.aspx?cat=11274&mid=326973 Ghost In The Shell [uMD format] Classic Japanese anime.
  2. There isn't much for 16+ provision here,there's http://www.aspirations.info which is only a couple of streets away from me but is only worthwhile for those who enjoy socialising.it's also the base for Autistic Society Greater Manchester Area. There are NAS residential homes not too far away in Northenden and Todmorden for people with ASD[the one in Northenden also has a day centre] but to get a place,a social worker is needed,and they do not give a dam* about adults with high/er functioning Autism,plus there are rarely any spare places. There is also Prospects employment Agency [no idea where in Manchester it's based] which is for HF/AS Autistics,for career/job related things. Creative Support also look after ASDers [with accompanying mental health problems] to-in support and residential homes.
  3. TuX

    freezing children.

    Why do school teachers treat farting like a criminal offence? it's just as natural as breathing...except noisier.
  4. 'IV sedation' should be an option,ask own dentist if they offer this,or if they could refer to someone else who does it. IV sedation is what most [if not, all?] dentists use instead of general anesthetics now,because the risk is minute,the wearoff time is less and the side effects are mostly non existant. It does not send the person into unconciousness like general anesthetics do,my understanding of it,is it blocks the brains ability to store memories,so there is no memory of what is going on whatsoever even though the person is experiencing it,and once the drugs wear off it's like coming out of a general anesthetic,it also relaxes the person. There are no painkillers involved,so novocaine [local anesthetic] injections are still needed in mouth,but this is no problem with IV sedation because it doesn't exist to the person having it,the person is awake [unless they have gone asleep from the relaxed state] and able to do what the dentist says but the memories are wiped until the drugs wear off. What they do is give gas at the start,which calms/relaxes,and then put a thin canula in the hand,and inject the drugs via that,releasing it over time. I have had it regulary for a number of years now,when having to have treatment involving needles in mouth,I recommend it very much!
  5. LPs are not discontinued yet ,it's the most common format that electronic music is sold on,other genres are still sold on vinyl,places like Vinyl Exchange in Manchester is a good place to get the classics from. It costs around ?3.99 to ?7.99 for UK vinyl singles now,white labels [can commonly be found in shops such as HMVs larger stores,Reflex,Spin inn and HTFR] tend to cost more due to having less of them printed than those signed to labels.
  6. Aspergers Syndrome is an ASD/Autism Spectrum Disorder,do you mean in comparisson with Kanners syndrome/classic Autism? If a lot of the kids diagnosed with Kanners Autism today- have no speech difficulty as they get into adult hood,the diagnosis can change to Aspergers' Autism-i'm not sure whether every specialist will do that,but it is getting more common.
  7. TuX

    very sad today,

    She was a very strong dog to survive that long with cancer! I think it was probably better that she 'went' in the car,rather than in the vets because she was surrounded by the people she has grown up with and wasn't subjected to the clinical smells and strange people in the vetinary clinic/animal hospital.
  8. TuX

    AS Parents

    I like the way you think!
  9. TuX

    any ideas

    Horse riding,and visit a nearby public animal farm. There's a Red Squirrel nature reserve near you as well I think.
  10. I think the Brit awards is the worst of the awards ceromonies,it awards popularity more than talent. They have completely missed out one very popular genre to[electronic/dance] which is filled with many talented artistes such as UNKLE,Hybrid and Matt Hardwick [uNKLE should undoubtably get a contribution to electronic music award for all their own work,and work with others such as Placebo,Richard Ashcroft and Ian Brown] but, it's probably a good thing as they wouldn't stay true to the genre and have groups like the Pussy cat dolls representing it.
  11. I never read fiction,have a few non fiction books [suSE admin and user books,ASD/ADHD books],and computer magazines I read.
  12. I am not sure how this will help other than to make it harder for our difficulties to be taken seriously because people assume we're all highly intelligent with just a bit of a problem with socialising. The effects of highlighting the achievements of AS is already prevelent for adults with AS,because it is nearly impossible to get help from people like the social services due to their belief that we all have it mild and are able to manage with everything. I wonder is a specific Aspergers year an attempt at getting AS viewed as a condition of it's own rather than part of Autism?
  13. Bathroom photos: http://images.google.co.uk/images?q=bathro...G=Search+Images Toilet photos: http://images.google.co.uk/images?svnum=10...ets&btnG=Search There's a lot of both types.
  14. They look like horse bits,with the rings open.
  15. If going to be seen by adult primary care... First,there is the time to wait until the GP appointment [this can be long in certain places],then it can be around 6 months to get an appointment with a specialist,and once at that stage-the time to get diagnosed,can depend on: *How much childhood history/evidence is provided *How subtle or profound/severe the symptoms are,and whether other conditions and LDs are present *The length of appointments *The experience of the specialist *The borough/area lived in [it really differs all over the country,some have to wait months more than others] At the end of the first appointment I went to,the pysch told me what he suspected,and on the second appointment got multiple diagnosis',without needing to speak to any of my family. The waiting list,diagnosis process and time will vary though.
  16. I'm trying to build a list of films that feature real animals [in major parts],and also animated films/non films about animals. [Ones I can think of] Real Animals: *The Homeward Bound films [cats,dogs..] *Free Willy 1 [wasn't Keiko retired from further free willy films,and they used mechanical instead?] *Fly Away Home [Geese or ducks?] *Disneys' Damn That Cat [cat] *The Horse Whisperer [horse] *Shergar [horse] *Cats And Dogs [although part CGI] [cats and dogs] *Seabiscuit [horses] Animated film: *Spirit-Stallion Of The Cimarron [horses] *Madagascar [various animals from the Madagascan Island] *Watership Down [Rabbits] *Disneys' The Fox And The Hound [Foxes,vixens and dogs] *Disneys' The Lion King [Lions] *Shrek 2 [no idea whether Shrek 1 has animals or not] [cat] *Ice Age 1/2 [various eg,mammoth] Animated non film: *Animals Of Farthing Wood [various,eg badgers] *Samurai Pizza Cats [cats] *Bikermice From Mars [mice] *Father Of The Pride [various,eg lions] Can anyone add to the list?
  17. It is could be possible that the IE files have become lost or corrupt in some way,if there isn't one-get another browser [or 2] as backup[eg..firefox,Mozilla suite,sleipnir,kmeleon..] reinstall/repair IE and see if it solves the problem.
  18. How about horse riding? It's a quiet type hobby and helps to gain better balance/coordination,equestrian centres usually have classes specifically for SN kids.
  19. TuX

    Just for fun

    Wouldn't that be what Endermol[?] want? well actually...it's a good point......would it be possible with the right cats? perhaps a couple of ferals to satisfy the publics' need for contreversy and fighting,cats who are obsessed with cleaning themselves,some lazy cats,some inexperienced kittens,some cats who pose for cameras at every opportunity,some catnip addicted cats[again,for contreversy],obese cats and hyper cats. It'd be great if endermol would see the appeal in this,the prize could be something like a years supply of breath freshner and those Bob Martin bum wipes for lazy cats that Sainsburys sells [can't remember their correct name]. Perhaps a deal with one of those celebrity magazines as well.
  20. They are fairly heavy to hold with one hand,they were both originally mocked for their large size. Never play space invaders or Asteroids? Am hoping it's going to be a successful one for Nintendo,when will people forgive Nintendo for the mistakes of the n64,if the downward trend continues to the revolution,Nintendo might exit the full sized hardware industry altogether like SEGA-and we will have lost yet another maker of originality,will be horrible for gaming if we're just left with SONY and Microsoft as the main console makers.
  21. TuX

    Just for fun

    I don't watch it as it has no interest for me. However,I would like and watch it if they changed the format a little,and used cats instead of people.
  22. TuX


    Those things are of all colours,but I think yellow shows up good on most backgrounds.
  23. Had another look now,and yours has been posted and it hasn't been edited,need more posts like that. I would like to know how they are choosing posts,because they are making it seem very anti ADHD,excluding the minority of comments from people from here,and elsewhere who actually have experience with ADHD. They did not post mine like Rachelp2 and Laurens' ,they are quick enough to accept comments from people saying all we need is a kick up the backside and our struggles do not exist,but not quick enough to give a more balanced view,with those of us who have it and/or know it is real.
  24. It is one of the hardest jobs to get into,as it's also the most popular industry sector,I think they accept most ages for the informal tester jobs,so he could do it now,theoretically,IIRC. Perhaps there should be a one off Krism/ASD-Forum gaming event,people playing against each other,I would be rubbish at it probably as I never play against other people,gaming since 5 yrs old [anyone remember Frak? Streetfighter 1? Double Dragon 2?] but excluding a few games,have always played against AI,which usually is inferior to a human player,unless they play as bad as my sister,in that case,AI=superior. Daisy,try the Wild Arms series,if liking the RPG elements of BG,Wild Arms' is more traditional to RPG though-and uses a turn based setup as opposed to real time. Even the Tekken series? [am guessing this will be in their collection] It's the easiest BEU out there,as it's possible to win just by button bashing when playing against AI. Use the one that specialises in Capoeria [Tekken 3 onwards],practically guaranteed a win with that one.
  25. Regardless of being stupid enough or not to open dodgy attatchments from strangers,might as well have a scan [update AV first] or use the online scanner http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ . DOesn't matter whether the office software and Photoshop are used on the computer,as it intefers with other things like AV and peripherals.
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