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my dd and William have both got their own cats and Luke was agitating for a pet of his own. With two cats and two dogs in the house I wasn't so keen. So today as a surprise me and William went and bought Luke a gold fish. (:sick: see note below), and he's so chuffed to bits! He is all full of importance and said tonight that he was going to get up early because the gold fish is his responsibility :wub: It's already had half a dozen names including; Davros, speedy, zoom and the latest is Fred :lol: It's just so lovely to see him happy, confident and feeling important :wub:




NB :sick: I hate gold fish. I'd forgotten until today how ill they make me feel. :sick:



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Ahh, good for him (my goldfish were called Harpic and Demestos, you can work out why! says alot about my humour :whistle: )

Can't get "I" a pet yet, her cuddles aren't "gentle" enough yet, as the rabbit at the petting zoo found out :o

BTW, like "Fred" the fish :D

Anna x

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That's lovely hope it isn't short lived DD promissed to look after the goldfish we got and after three months guess who is looking after it :whistle:


Lisa x

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Keegan loves his goldfish that we got him, he so wanted a dog but we live in a rented house so we are not allowed - he settled for his fish and their names change daily from Posh and Becks to Jaws and Pinky and the Brain....


I must admit that i am the one that remembers to feed them but thats par for the course in our house...

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:shame: .................flippin heck Lauren..........I can,t believe the pet shop allowed you to buy only one goldfish :o .Even the smallest fish outlets know that goldfish are in fact a very sociable fish and like to live in large herds............or should that be shawls :oops: ...............shoals :rolleyes: .So aunite suze suggests that you toddle back there right this minute and get fred some friends :wub: ............well at least a chick/girlfriend for him...........poor guy...........on his lonesome.........in a large bowl.Did you by some plastic fern and a sunken ship too :dance: ...........do ya know I,m quite likeing this idea me self........might bob down to my local gold fish shop and get my self a fish :whistle: .............or two :lol: ..........seriously it,s great he loves his fish.......and I bet t won,t be long before he persuades you to by him some more........bigger tank...........gravel.............bubbley thingy...........eel...........octopus........a little nemo..........

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Suze :o


It was the garden centre...... And now I feel guilty :crying:


AND I got a big bowl and some real plants to put in it.... no plastic tunnels or ship wrecks :shame:


The gravel is a nice idea...... and I might go and buy a little friend for Fred..... Luke did wonder if he'd be lonely in there... :rolleyes:


jeeesh, there I was feeling really pleased with myself..... :huh::o:lol:


Lozza :P

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We've just got our son 2, and a Spong Bob tank, which is cute :D unfortunately they've got whitespot so I hope they recover :huh:


Hope your son enjoys his new responsibility B)

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:lol: ...............LOZZA........... :lol: ........little fred will be fine I,m sure I read somewhere that they only have a three second memory.........so I suppose he,ll never realise he,s on his own will he...........cor thats confused me..........gonna ponder on that :blink: Edited by Suze

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..........and remember Lauren they also need a biological filter and a water testing kit, not too many real plants cos they go yucky in the water, defo on the gravel and play stuff, but remember to lift them now and again or the water can get to poisonous levels inside the ship, skull, Greek temple or whatever.........if the fish gets ill and you need to treat it take out the carbon filter for a week ........ and as Suze said it needs some friends.......a book would be a good idea too........partial water changes every so often........they like defrosted live food too :D


We've got goldfish and tropicals (separate tanks) ........ a flippin dog would be easier .... but at least you don't have to take a goldfish for walks. :D

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Hi lauren -


Ben and i had all sorts of problems with semi-tropicals and chubunkin and goldfish... The problem is, apparently, small tanks/water changes/oxygen to surface area ratios etc...

We'd all but given up, and then a friend gave us a small 10l tropical tank with a little cyclic filter strip (which acts to aerate the water too)/heater.

Can't remember the name of the website, but i did a search for a tropical fish forum that had a 'design your own tank' feature, and this helped me to stock the tank with the right fish in (roughly) the right quants so they would all get on and be healthy.

We've now had them all for some time, (yrish?) with no fatalities and no problems, and ben LTTB.


6 neon tetra

3 bronze cats

1 male siamese fighter...


20% water change once a fortnight, and fanny's your uncle and bobs your aunt! :D


Now toying with the idea of a marginally bigger tank with undergravel filters, as this would be even easier to keep up and running...



A little fluffy story...


Years ago my neice had a 21st birthday coming up...

'What do you want?' I asked

'Doesn't matter as long as it's GOLD' she said. So I bought and wrapped a small tank, bags of gravel, pot of food, plastic weed etc etc and got one of her friends to go into their local pet shop and pay up front for two goldfish. we then got the shop to 'stamp' the special 'goldfish' token I printed off at work, and my neice was able to take it to the shop and choose her own two fish at her convenience...

'Bitt' and 'Bott' lasted her for many years, before eventually making their final journey to that great bowl in the sky via the 'Dudley Duo-Flush'... Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :wub:




BD :D>:D<<'>

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Thanks daisy and baddad.... :huh: ... I think!


I'm thinking now it would have been easier to get a kitten!


I don't like the tank we've got though, the shop had some of the ones that have the bubbles going in so think I may invest in one of them and a couple of buddies for Fred.


Ho hum grumble grumble


Lauren :D


Bitt and Bott???? :lol:

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:o ................sorry to go off topic Lauren but I thought this needed to be addressed ASAP...............and if I knew how to do quotes I would.But has no one else noticed Baddads post??????????..............he has a neice who was 21 a number of years ago..............jeez..........he,s older than I thought. :wub:Love ya really bads :lol: Edited by Suze

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Suze... That particular bit of evidence for how old the old man from Kent actually is won't stand up in court... one of my friends has an uncle who's 4 years younger than her !!!!!


The only way we're actually going to find out is if we cut him in half and count the circle lines :lol:




Lozza :D

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Lauren's on the money, I'm afraid Suze: I have a NEPHEW who is a year older than me!! I am the 'babby' of seven kids - there's 20 yrs between me and my oldest brother, who was 19 when he had his first kid! :shame::shame:


I can tell you in all honesty that i am 35 and a number of months - that number being more than 50 but less than......... :devil:;)


Just remember, there's many a good tune played on an old fiddle - and i've been fiddling for years! ;):lol::lol:




That 'well preserved' man of Kent... (and for those of you who don't know your geography, Piltdown is in Sussex!!)

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........ and as Suze said it needs some friends.......a book would be a good idea too........


If a Goldfish has a 3 second memory, what use is the book to it? :crying:

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