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Well title is about how I feel


As most know my son was given a Note in Leiu a few months ago and I was not impressed at all.


I rang up and went a little OTT with the lady from the LEA who deals with it.


She said put it in writing that you are not willing to accept the decision. So thats what I did very basic 'I am not willing to accept note in leiu for my son and intend to appeal as I believe he should have a statement'


Without any further information or the appeal she has wrote a letter and it arrived this morning stating he has been given a summative E Band and a proposed Statement will arrive soon :huh: I'm not objecting but I have no idea how with the same evidence he can jump 2 bands. Must have been the fact she knew I wouldn't let this go :lol:



:D << me right now


I was dreading him returning to school, new class, no support etc but now it's looking much better.

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Thanks Flora, I've actually sat here crying out of relief :crying: this has took over 2 years of fighting, last year he got D band and school just managed but not very well, and next year D band funding stops so his support would too :( .


I was already planning on how to home school him as I doubted without support he would be able to stay in school. Wish my DP wasn't on nights last night as I am dying to tell him.

Edited by lil_me

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Thanks Hally, just shows first people I told was you guys on here, it's been a wealth of information and support for me over the time it's taken to get this and I am eternally thankful >:D<<'>


Then woke DP up, I know he's thrilled really just a bit tired I am sure as I didn't get much response :lol:


It even states in letter following further evidence you provided we have made the decision, I didn't put any further evidence in :blink:


Oh well not going to moan now, just got to wait to see what the proposed statement contains.

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:dance::dance::dance: perhaps they read your evidence because you refused to accept their offer? :whistle::whistle::whistle:


make you wonder how many parents just accept the crumbs offered, especially if they don't have sites like this behind them!!! :D


Anna x

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Guest hallyscomet

You did it Lill Me


Sometimes it feels like us against them, but when you put your foot down and dont take no for an answer it is amazing the turn around you can get.


It certainly worked for me, I had to be very verbal on many occasions to get them to sit and listen. They dont live with them 24/7 and see a lot of the stuff that we live with day to day.




You did it >:D<<'>



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Hun that is so brilliant!!!


It really makes me wonder where the heck I am going so wrong!!!!


I have already appealed to SENDIST against the note in lieu we recieved and the hearing should be in October, PP are mediating too but do you think I should put my refusal to accept the decision in writing too or not?

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Thank you all, it's nice having someone to share news like this with, most people haven't a clue what I am on about :unsure:


Pink - I was advised to do it by my support group coordinator who is my other life line, and the LEA lady confirmed that , and she has a lot of knowledge about the system what she said today when I questioned that I haddn't put any further evidence in is

often when they re-look at evidence they change their original decision - it always pays to get them to re look


So first thing I did was send the letter saying I was not willing to accept it, and it worked B) They realised I wasn't happy but inside I was almost ready to give up the fight, been loosing sleep over it for so long, and nearly lost my partner partly because of it too.


Still smiling about it, occasionally crying out of relief/happiness, I keep reading it over and over to make sure it's real it's been that much of a fight, but the light just got switched on and there is one at the end of the tunnel after all :D

Edited by lil_me

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I completely understand the effect the pressure /stress of all this constant fighting has, its not doing my marriage any good at all either.


When we were given the most pathetic note in lieu (they blatantly have ignored the several reports that formed the statutory assessment, inc their own EPs report after we took them to tribunal to make them assess in the first place)


I phoned the LEA woman and the only thing she said was that we had the right to appeal to SENDSIT again,

I spoke to PP and they have now looked through all the reports and the note in lieu and agree there is LOADS missing from it and it makes no sense so they are talking to the same LEA woman (who is also the one who goes tot he tribunals) to see whether she will either add it all to the note in lieu or change it to a statement,

but I have already registered my appeal with SENDIST and are waiting for them to just confirm the earlier date we have requested for the hearing.


I think I might also just put in writing to the LEA I disagree with their decision as that can't hurt either can it?

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Well done Lil me :thumbs:


Keep fighting the good fight PinkSapphireAngel - I am only at the start of this process and about to appeal a refusal of Statutory Assessment. The whole thing is very hard on a relationship, read somewhere that 80 percent of marriages involving an ASD child fail :(



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PinkSapphireAngel - Didn't hurt in our case. I know it's exhausting but best to keep on at them


Hopefully PP wil help and your appeal will go well >:D<<'>

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lil_me :clap::clap::clap:


Excellent news!




PSA - I think it varies very much between authorities as to whether going to appeal makes them think again - ours just dig their heels in :( You may have to take it all the way :(


We look like having to go the Ombudsman or Secretary of State route ... I'm going to ring IPSEA tomorrow as their latest posting on their website re SALT is exactly what our LEA are doing ... :(

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PSA - I think it varies very much between authorities as to whether going to appeal makes them think again - ours just dig their heels in :( You may have to take it all the way :(


We look like having to go the Ombudsman or Secretary of State route ... I'm going to ring IPSEA tomorrow as their latest posting on their website re SALT is exactly what our LEA are doing ... :(



They were not put off by us appealing to SENDIST last time (refusal to assess) and there wasno mediation as PP advised me to go straight to appeal.


This time for reusal to statement PP are liasing with the LEA as the note in lieu is such nonsense, I am waiting to hear back from PP hopefully this week after they meet with the LEA again.

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I'm now working on a zillion resources for him to use as now he has more support they will have the time to use the visual resources I have been suggesting for ages hopefully, so I shall beat them to it and make them myself for the school (They tried last time and made a pigs ear of it so time to show them how) might not get them made before the start of term but the statement probably won't arrive for a little while yet.

Edited by lil_me

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