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Everything posted by forbsay

  1. Hi Waccoe Em I usually watch X factor as it is on at the same time. Though I just watch the results! My co-ordination leaves alot to be desired but I can bound around the livingroom and nobody can see me. Kids are usually in bed and hubby is on the computer doing some golfy stuff! Forbsay x
  2. My son gets his hair cut with the clippers by his daddy in the house
  3. Hi Decided to start a thread that was non-asd related! About 2 months a go I joined a Rosemary Conley class - it is fab! Get weighed and aerobics all for the sum of �4.95. I am trying to get away from using food as a comfort............... Also bought her salsa dvd- it is really good! Has anyone else seen it? Forbsay xx
  4. My asd 5.5 year old son is getting a snooker table and a plane. This year is the first year that he has started to ask for things - waited a very long time for this! Each year, i also find that he gets a wee bit more interested in opening his presents - priceless!
  5. Hi She was fine last night - covering up the windows seem to do the job! Matthew got up at 6.15 but we can cope with that.
  6. Hi Thanks for the links. Really appreciate it! Not sure what she is going to be like tonight as it is really windy and the rain is hitting against the window. We have also tried to black out her windows as the street lights were coming through the curtains. She also has a total fear of fireworks.................. Forbsay
  7. Hi Having a bit of a problem at the mo regarding sleep (or lack of it). In our family we have Matthew who is 5 and ASD. His little sister is 2.5 years old but is screaming in the middle of the night ie 1.30 ish every night. I like to let her cry for a wee while as I am convinced that she will get into this habit of wakening up every single night. Though the problem with this is that her brov wakes up as well........... Last night it was 5 am - she started screaming (though she did this earlier and i ignored her and she got herself back to sleep) Matthew then woke up and got into our bed, I went down stairs with the wee one. I am getting totally exhausted re this routine every single night. Any thoughts? Forbsay x
  8. Hello At this moment in time, there are loads of fireworks going off. My little girl who is 2.5 years is terrified of them whereas her asd brother really likes them. Have decided not to get any fireworks for tomorrow night as it would scare her too much - though her 5 year old brother will not be too impressed. Do other kids like fireworks or are they scared? Forbsay x
  9. My asd son is really affectionate and his eye contact is getting better all the time....................
  10. Hello My son had to go into to school via a separate door direct to his classroom as he kept lying on the floor and refusing to get up! All the other kids go through another door. Though, this week we have started letting him go in the door that all the other kids go through again and he is coping well............... Today, I parked my car somewhere differently when taking him to school and i wonder how he would react as we have a sort of routine - but he was fine.
  11. forbsay

    an awful day

    <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> Thinking of you. Elaine xx
  12. My son is not interested in dressing up at all. However, give him a pair of fancy socks to wear and he would be totally delighted. Might get him some skeleton socks out of Sainsburys and then he will be dressing up his own unique way! Elaine
  13. Hi Klou Yeh, it was better today. Really busy at work........... My son went back to school today after october break but they forgot to put his diary back in his bag so I don't know how he got on today........... Elaine xx
  14. Hi Klou Yeh, i think we do have to adapt to a different kind of "normal" - but hey,,,,,,,,,,,,,, By the way, that was a nice end to your day today. Made me smile and gosh do I need some enlightenment after the day I have had! Elaine xx
  15. Hello My son is 5 and he started at a special school in August - had a bit of a bumpy ride but he is getting there. I think I made the right decision for him to go there as oppose to fighting for mainstream as he wouldn't be able to cope. Elaine
  16. sorry to hear that you had a bad day .................... <'> <'> <'> <'> forbsay xx
  17. My ASD son loves watching golf on TV - much to his daddy's delight! If they both had their way they would be watching golf all day and everyday - em I think not!
  18. Hi I think if you maybe speak to a speech therapist that is involved with your son/daughter they might be able to put you into the right direction.
  19. Hi I went on the Hanen programme a few months after Matthew was diagnosed. He was diagnosed at 2.5. This programme and book are brilliant! There are really good principles for dealing with your child. I can always remember the feeling when the lady came to video us one day for the course - it is sometimes done via video recording. I was about 8 months pregnant, dealing with Matthew being recently diagnosed with ASD and morning sickness. Lady came to house to video him. She told me the task that she wanted to do and i remember thinking he will never do that. Well, he did and I still remember this feeling today - it was priceless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The book has got really good ideas and is adapted for different levels of speech............. i strongly recommend it! If anyone has any questions re this, please do not hesitate to contact me or PM me! Elaine
  20. Hi Daisy Yeah, it was ok- not as bad as I thought it would be. He is starting to settle down in school. I told his teacher that I was really worried about him.......... He has difficulty re classroom setting for his work time - before at nursery he was taken into a separate room to do this but now he is finding it really hard to do his work with the other children around him. He is used to being alone (sounds a bit sad - but hey!) and he is stand offish with other children.............. But teacher says that the school that we have got him into is the best place for him so that is good. (he goes to a special school for ASD and aspergers). We have just got to find things to motivate him ie he has got a huge fan in the classroom and a book with all his special pictures (ie fans, escalators, lifts, caravans and golf courses to name a few). Am now tring to think of other things to get motivated. And I was also wondering how i help him to try and associate with other children.............. difficult one! Got his IEP tonight as well. Thanks for thinking of me! Forbsay x
  21. Hello Em my ASD son sleeps all night................I appreciate that we are very very fortunate. We have a safety gate on his bedroom door which worked a treat when he was younger. Now that he is 5, he has the strength to open it but our bedroom routine is still there ie when the gate is closed, then he knows that it is time to sleep!
  22. Hi BusyLizzie He had one when he was at nursery -will this be something that the school will discuss with me? Will see how Wed goes and then take it from there.
  23. Hello My son went to school in August. It is his first parent's night on Wed - em not sure how it is going to go................. He has been struggling a bit settling into his school - in his nurseries he was used to 1-2-1 but now he is in a small group of 5. Teacher has amended his timetable a bit to see if this will help him - i think it is.............. Still dreading Wed a bit. Used to go to his review meetings and I found them really hard to deal with at times................. Forbsay
  24. Priceless- call me jaded! I had a good day y'day with my son. We went for a huge walk - all the way he walked beside me or held onto his little sister's buggy. He behaved so well! It was a very good feeling as I was told that I couldn't do this with my autistic son. He also said today that something was "too very heavy" in the correct context. This is the boy that 2.5 years ago couldn't speak!
  25. forbsay


    I think they should play with whatever toys that they like. My son is 5 and has gone back to playing with his teletubbies - if that is what makes him happy then so be it! xx
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