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About Fagsandbooze

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    Scafell Pike
  1. hi, mother in need , i am trying my absoloute best to learn german and in fact know quite a lot, i have been there loads of times and find that they are fine with me not being able to speak the language. I just wanted someone to give me some support with us having a common link namely aspergers. This will be my last post on this forum as i feel completely let down in terms of support. Danke. P.s. I have recently been dx with AS aged 35.
  2. my understanding is that as soon as outside agencies have been involved your child should be on school action plus. In my experience having this label does not make much difference anyway. I thought it would make things better/easier, but just made things even more complicated. I wouldn't waste my time if i had the benefit of hindsight!
  3. we get 25 hours on the statement and the school cover lunchtimes all be it reluctantly. That's why we're moving abroad....... for a better education and hopefully more respect and understanding.
  4. Hi, as my as son gets older his differences seem to be more obvious (i still find it hard to accept the dx) he seems to spend more and more time just pacing back and forth, anywhere even in the classroom. Is this common? When he is stressed it's more intense, tends to walk round in circles sometimes on tiptoe. Why does he do this? Is it a stim?
  5. Hi, Can anyone help me with the language once i move? I'll need help enrolling my as sons into school etc Any little bit of broken german would help enormously. Thanks in advance x
  6. my asd son has been excluded more times than i can remember even a permanant exclusion. He is now in a mainstream school and doing ok, i won't hold my breath though, if you know what i mean. My advice would be trust your instinct, if you think he's not happy, tell them in no uncertain terms that you are going to defend him no matter what, because if you don't who will? Never agree that he is naughty, he's not, he has aspergers.
  7. thanks lks and tally, lks anything you can find out from your dd will help me enormously and will be much appreciated. Thanks for saying i'm brave and not mad, that means so much to me.
  8. Hi, I've decided to move to Germany with my partner and two sons one of whom is dx with aspergers the other almost certainly has it. None of us can speak German. I intend to put them in school there. I'm hoping they will relish the challenge, they are extremely bright and get into so much trouble at school here, what do you think? Am I crazy?
  9. why has bid resigned? I haven't been on here for a while.
  10. Our CAMHS is totally cr*p!! When we needed a dx the psycologist said there was no point in labelling people, and generally spouted a right load of twaddle(star charts etc) in this really patronising dreary tone that was so irritating, anyway after about three appointments we had had enough and literally shouted at her if you won't diagnose send us to someone who will!! and guess what.... she did!! So it just goes to show that those who shout loudest.......... So from experience my advice is, forget politeness and patience with these people it gets you no where, give 'em what for.... it works!!
  11. my youngest son(7) does this and it's soooooo annoying. He will not shut up until he gets an answer, that's fine when it's me, but other kids at school and even his AS older brother don't realise and can end up getting on the receiving end of one very angry and aggressive boy. He is suspected of having AS as yet not diagnosed, could this be a trait worth mentioning to professionals? that's if I can muster up the energy to go through another onslaught of appointments etc, it took years to get the dx for older son, I often wonder if it was worth the aggro and stress!
  12. Fagsandbooze


    School is closed on tues here in staffordshire too.
  13. Wow! The first thing his dad said was along the same lines, he's really into all that spiritual stuff, but I have no idea about all that kind of thing. I suppose it's a nice idea, the thought of him being watched over by some kind of spirit guide or guardian angel. One things for sure, it's better than my initial reaction, that it was a mental health problem like paranoia or something. This has turned into a much more interesting thread though!!
  14. Thanks, that helps a lot. It's funny you mention playstations, my son hasn't given his up yet but he did say he keeps losing on his game because he has to keep looking around to see if anyone is behind him, he finds that really annoying!! Kinky, I had considered saying something along those lines (guardian angel) but decided it could be too hard to explain, and he used to be obsessed with death and dying so I don't want to bring that back again, I think the thought of anyone or anything watching over him whether good or bad would worry him. I haven't mentioned this to any health professionals, mainly because I never think of it when I'm there, if it gets worse though I will make an appointment.
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