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Everything posted by harmony

  1. Welcome to the forum glad you found us Harmony
  2. My 12 yr old AS has a lot of balance issues, failed her cycling proficency 3 times, has now given up. NT son age 9 can't ride. NT son age 3 can ride! Me I ride as oftern as poss, hubby v keen on his 2 wheels. Harmony X
  3. harmony

    sore face

    Thanks very helpful Suze, will be off to boots tomorow morning. Harmony x
  4. Mel, good point, will go and get one. Harmony x
  5. harmony

    sore face

    Thanks Karen. DD is 12 we went to GP who said it was neither impetigo or herpes, said it was due to her licking her own face! weird I know. Harmony x
  6. This is an odd one, not really related to aspergers, but then it might be. My DD is always getting sore lips, this spreads around her face. She will not stop licking her mouth when it's sore, and then obviously it gets worse. Dr gave her an antibiotic cream, we have tried vasaline, savalon, germaline, lip balms of every discription, nivea (sorry about brand names) Once she has it it lasts for about 2 weeks, then for no reason goes away again. It looks dreadful, and she seems to take delight in licking her ever increasingly sore face. It becomes almost an obsession when it's sore. I wonder if she makes it worse on purpose so she gets attention. Any suggestions, remadies greatly appreciated. Harmony x
  7. Well I havn't been on this thread for a while, I got my scales, worked out how to use them, and have decided that weight is not the issue it is more that everything is heading south, so other than standing on my head all day, will have to spend some time firming everything up. It is funny that the height weight charts say that I am fine, but in my new cossie, yuck!!!!! I am about 5ft 7 and the scales say 8 stone 4lbs so the weight is fine, I know you lot will probably say "oh you skinny thing shut up moaning" that is what my DH says, but I seem to have this out of proportion thing going on with the rear end, it looks like it belongs to someone else, and as for the top half, well the less said the better. Saggy is my new middle name. So gym/running in addion to my regular yoga will be the norm. Firm up the bod is my new mantra for spring. I will shut up now. I just thought I should let you know why I hadn't posted on this thread for a bit. Harmony x
  8. harmony

    this bliddy forum!!

  9. HI Just wanted to say I know where you are coming from. I still feel guilty/unsure I have done the right thing getting a dx for my daughter, now she will have to live with her label for ever. On the other hand, it makes sense as she is different to other kids, yes her bluntness and social faux pas can be a nightmare sometimes, but she has no major obsessions, and on occasions she can appear as normal as the next person. Yet she has other AS symptoms, and I know deep down her dx has answerd many questions I have had over the years (DD is 12) We all feel guilty, it's what mothers do best, at least now you can get the right support if and when you/she need it. love and luck Harmony
  10. Welcome. I hope you find some like minded souls here. Harmony
  11. So understand where you are at! holidays have gone on forever!, my 2 eldest go to different schools, the day no1 went back to school after Easter no 2 started his holidays. They are all back on Monday, and it will have been just over 5 weeks with a child at home. AHHHHHHH ( mind you I have the little one here in the afternoons all the time) Harmony x
  12. harmony

    my positive thread

    dd HAS JUST USED MY HAIR STRAIGHTNERS FOR FIRST TIME! She looks fab, I have never seen her take an interest in the way she looks before, she says all the other girls do it each morning. At last some personal grooming YIPPIE Harmony
  13. WHAT YOU MEAN SANTA IS NOT REAL!!!!!! WE STILL BELIVE IN HIM HERE! seriously though, it is a tough one, my middle nt very practical child told the other two when he saw me collecting stocking filers in Tesco. Actually my AS daughter wasn't upset, I don't think she ever really was keen on the big old beardy man anyway. hope your day gets better. Harmony
  14. WHAT YOU MEAN SANTA IS NOT REAL!!!!!! WE STILL BELIVE IN HIM HERE! seriously though, it is a tough one, my middle nt very practical child told the other two when he saw me collecting stocking filers in Tesco. Actually my AS daughter wasn't upset, I don't think she ever really was keen on the big old beardy man anyway. hope your day gets better. Harmony
  15. Baddad, you're lucky it's only heartburn with that lot!!! cheers harmony
  16. I have just come in from work, couldn't decide between a green tea or a large G & T, (the G & T won) What is your tipple of choice? Harmony
  17. both my nt boys have loved thomas. No1 nt son, used to know the names, colours and numbers of all the trains, and play with them for hours. No2 nt son lines the trains up beautifully, and we are not allowed near them. My AS daughter on the other hand, can't stand trains, thomas or boys for that matter! (sometimes I know how she feels) Harmony x
  18. Hoping everything has worked out ok. The school should be held responsible, if they don't check kids bags, or don't keep tabs on what they are up to and when, then it can not be 100% your boys fault. My brother went to a boys boarding school, and he was found twice in the local pub, very merry. he was also found in a bad way with 2 empty bottles of scrumpy. My father was mad with the school for not checking on my brother enough, and blamed them for their poor handling of the boys over all. Boys will be boys AS or not. If the school wants to throw stones, they should first look at themselves. Harmony x
  19. You are not a failure. You have a son with very special needs, you run a home, you have a partner, you work. Good God woman, don't be so hard on yourself!!! You need a big hug, and to know you are doing really well. My 12 yr old with AS causes me to tear my hair out, and dispair she will ever find the bathroom let alone have a bath! She was suspended for a bit last term, did she do the set work? absoloutly not. she only works when she is having a good day. I wish I could do that! You will cope, it is only 4 days to the weekend, then have a big glass of wine, watch a good film, you have a lfe too remember. Harmony x
  20. The Green Mile. Working Girl. Sabrina, Roman Holiday.(Audrey hepburn) Summer holiday (the one with Cliff and the big red bus) the never ending story The Wild Geese. This is a bit of an eclectic mix, but It depends on the mood I'm in. Harmony.
  21. Hello My Dd is also 12, with AS, She is in mainstream school too. She has a few friends who also have 'issues' but I have not worked out what they are yet. I am sure our daughters will be ok. Somedays A is fine, scatty, messy, smelly but fine. Other days she fidgets, flaps, crys, has meltdowns becomes obsesive, and everything that comes out of her mouth is innapropriate. Yet, I try to focus on her good days, she was really tuned in this am, so I gave her a couple of pounds to go and buy a paper for me, and some milk and a bar of choc for her at the newsagent down the road. I watched her all the way there, she had a list incase she forgot. she also had my mobile with her, with me at the other end. I saw her go in, and watched her come out with everything she had gone in for!!!! huge result. I was crying with joy. A small task but it showed me she can do it, If she can do that, in a few years who knows what she will be able to manage. Try to keep positive, I know it's hard. I am sure there are people on this site who will be able to give you info on how they manage day to day. best wishes with everything Harmony
  22. I love all the old guys. The two Ronnies, Morcome and wise. John cleese, oh and Rowan atkinson in black adder. I also love Jo Brand and Victoria Wood. Actually the list is endless, I love them all!! Harmony x A penguin goes in to a bar and says to the barmaid "have you seen my brother" she replies, "what does he look like" !! (latest from my 3 yr old, who is desparate to be a stand up, actually we think he's just desparate)
  23. Hi Mumble really interesting. My 3 kids DD age 12 has AS although only dx recently she has always been very As and was dx with dyspraxia at 5. my son age 9 NT. YET.... likes order has obsessions. is considerd to be at a 12 year olds level of maths. Could tell you every detail about star wars known to man. He does not have melt downs or any social phobias (a little shy perhaps) or any other unusual behaviours, and is popular at school. other NT son age 3. very forward with speach, motor skills, numbers. YET.... likes to put all his possesions in straight lines, and likes his food best when it is symetrical on his plate. Other than that very typical 3 yr old. I am dyslexic and have always had poor fine motor skills. I have 2 cousins with autism, and am convinced my mum has some aspergers traits. On the other side of the family my Hubby never can throw anything out, fidgets constently, and is dreadful in social situations, oftern says things others would consider innapropriate. So my kids get a double whammy. I am 99% convinced there is a genetic link to AS and autism, although most of the family seem fine to the outside world, I can see the traits in all of them. They maybe mild but they are there I think. My daughters consultant says "there is a little bit of AS in us all" love Harmony x
  24. what a nightmare, a blue son, but blue is a great colour, In this house all the boys are big chelsea fans so your son would have been held in highest regard, now if it had been red.............................. I so empathise about the mess. my daughter with AS is 12, I have never seen or smelt a more disgusting festering pit as her room. I cleaned it yesterday before work, and after she had gone to school, I won't go in to what yucky things I found lurking, but they wern't nice! It was fairly ok when I left it, but went into it half an hour ago, and it was a complete state again. She has only been in from school for an hour, how can she turn it in to chaos in that amount of time heaven knows! DD cut her hair last term, her lovely soft curls chopped off in to a rather bizare spiked top style, she cried for days said she hadn't wanted to do it but just did. I expect that kind of thing from a 5 yr old but not from someone her age. Sometimes I want to scream, but we all have to deal with this kind of stuff, and is great that everyone on the forum knows how it is, and understands without question. harmony x
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