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Everything posted by CarolineJ

  1. I'll prop you up. LOL!
  2. CarolineJ


    Cool! We have such a laugh with the Wii. The PS2 gets more use when alcohol's involved though!
  3. CarolineJ


    What are your favourite books and also, what are you reading at the moment?
  4. CarolineJ


    Is it gimpy to admit I'm desperate for Wii Fit?
  5. Imagine you didn't have a choice and had to move. How would you feel then? I think you're loading yourself up with guilt when you really needn't. ((hugs))
  6. My husband is exactly like you. He has no diagnosis, but both he and I would swear he's on the spectrum. I imagine my DS would be the same as you too.
  7. We're in the same boat. Our 7 year old son was only diagnosed in March too, so we're probably on the same timescale of emotions as you are. I see you're a Durham lass? Are you still in the Durham area at the moment? The reason I ask is that your area has a wealth of knowledge and research on ASDs, so I would imagine the team who assessed and diagnosed your daughter would probably be well expereinced in the field and as such, your daughter would be unlikely to get a false diagnosis. Baddad had a lot of wise words about situations. I agree with what he is saying.
  8. Thank you. This is the support and affirmation I need. It's what we're doing now, but I need to hear that we're doing ok from others who understand. C x
  9. Stealing and the lying that goes with it, are a huge problem here. I still don't know the appropriate way to deal with it, but we're trying so hard to be consistent and not let our feelings get caught up in it, but it's so hard
  10. That's fantastic! Brilliant news!
  11. Bim's very similar. He's really calm and capable for a 7 year old. He doesn't need the whole street hearing him like his big sister does. Vomit doesn't repulse him. Nor does vomitting. Maybe that's why? Hmm....
  12. I feel for bjkmummy. It's hard for her to say something, for fear of a backlash on her DH. It happens still
  13. *Biting my tongue really hard* I know where you are coming from. I too live at an RAF base and have done all my life. Some SCs wives see themselves as a high member of society. They put themselves in the position of royalty at times. I don't know which base you are at, so can't offer any personal advice, but I would certainly be putting in a call to the Padre, right now! She needs to wind her neck in, as do the staff at the nursery. That's a breach of confidentiality and they can be in huge trouble about it. Maybe Ofsted should be informed too.
  14. ARGH!! That's so typical! It'd be the same here. I'm sorry. Have you thought about videoing him?
  15. Bim's case worker is coming to visit on Wednesday, for the first time sine Bim got his diagnosis. I don't know what to expect. When Bim was given the diagnosis, we weren't given any information about the condition or what to expect from CAMHS next. It felt like a dump and run. Does anybody have any advice? Is there anything we should be asking about?
  16. We've been in a similar situation twice, so I called the police and asked them to send someone round. It scared the living daylights out of him, but he still nicks from school
  17. We were referred by our GP. What a palaver that was!
  18. Oh Lizzie! You took me straight back to some moments we had. I think I need a strong cuppa and a couple of choccie Hobnobs now.
  19. I have Bim home today after a bout of sickness and diarrhoea. I've looked to find some child friendly sites with AS info, but haven't found anything yet. Can anyone help?
  20. Wow! This is really interesting! I have four children. Lily is now nine and she was breastfed. I had trouble at first with sore, cracked nipples that I can now recognise as poor attachment, but otherwise everything was fine! She refused at 9 months and I found out I was expecting again a few days later. Bim is my second child. I expected to slot straight back into breastfeeding again. He was born three weeks early, weighing 8lbs 5oz. He had the cord around his neck and was not a great colour. I had a really quick labour, but he slept a lot in the first few days. This soon changed. Feeding became almost a constant activity. He was like a velcro baby. It felt like I was feeding him 20 hours out of 24. He was very fussy at the breast and needed to be held in place. Bim was very fractious and we tried so many things to keep him soothed. Nothing worked. I remember trying to wedge a dummy in his mouth, with a towel up against his face, in the swing. He couldn't keep a dummy in. I had him in a sling, in front of the washing machine, in front of the TV, tried letting him sleep in a beanbag - at night time! I remember having love bites on my boobs when I'd wake in the morning. I don't know how I managed to breastfeed him as long as I did (11 months - it got so sore when I was pg again) and life with him was very, very difficult. He did end up with what they called breastmilk jaundice at around 4 weeks and we later found he had a tongue-tie (of which the frenulum stretched itself), so we had a rough time. I don't remember very much of his first year at all, so I'm glad I have photos and video. Ruby, who is now 6, was a dream to feed. From 3 weeks, she had chronic bronchiolitis from being RSV positive, but even then, she could feed ok and continued to breastfed till she was past two. Blue is 7 months and though she feeds well, I keep getting blocked ducts. I think my boobs are getting too old for this lark! lol Though I wouldn't wish what we went through with Bim on anyone else, it's comforting to know we weren't alone. I've had lots of "a-ha!" moments here already!
  21. Did any mothers here have difficulty breastfeeding their babies who were later diagnosed with any of the ASDs?
  22. Good luck. This worked much better for us and I hope it does for you too.
  23. Thanks everyone! I'll have a good read through later, with my husband
  24. Bim is obsessed with puzzle books. He loves Sudoku, dot to dot, mazes, wordsearches.... I keep them in my bag for when we go to appointments. They keep him well occupied! Karen, I was in your neck of the woods yesterday. I braved Ikea LOL
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