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Everything posted by bikemad

  1. O gawd I so know what you mean id love to live on a anti bullying island. My o/h is the same till he is really riles then the whole village knows lol.
  2. My lad used to do it right thru infants and into juniors only recently age 9 has it begun to correct itself.
  3. I know my lad had the same as your lad when he did something at school n he said 'so what id rather be in than in the yard'...so he didnt really learn itms....I do think adhd/hfa/aspergers kids need discipline when they do something wrong but I do think it needs to be thought out more than it is for a non dx kid if that makes sense.
  4. Im renowned up the school now....noone crosses me...my attitude is basically I look after me n mine cos noone else will n if that means telling someone exactly what I think then I will.....im sure some might not like that but I dont care tbh...my son was also bullied for 3 years n the stink I kicked up you wouldn't believe. Good for you I say.
  5. Know what you mean its a pain having to constantly explain to people who think your child is fine cos they aint a mute grgh.... <'> My lad has hypermobility of his joints and it took forever for me to get the school to let him use a different pen n aids on pencils etc...... <'>
  6. Well sent the letter in with J tho it took everything in my power to get him to school as he had his 'headache/earache/bad belly etc'......no call off the school as off yet so if no joy il go in and see them tomorrow.......saw another little girl in Js class n she said the kid is not the nicest of kids so glad ive sent a letter to nip it in the bud!!!!
  7. J was reluctant to go this morning but went....argh picked him up n had a meltdown when he came out cos some kid has been teasing him n winding him up all day blaming him for stuff when he was nowere near n generally being a mean so n so, asked him did he tell anyone n he said no cos he didnt know what teacher to tell so have already written a letter for him to take in tomorow.....want it nipped in the bud or it l end up like the last school.
  8. bikemad

    First Day Back

    O heck sounds even worse than the one I moved ds from!!!! Id bypass the lot n ring the LEA.
  9. bikemad

    First Day Back

    Def be suspicious if a head says theres no bullying.....theres always bullying!!!!!! The head in my lads old school said that yet 2 kids moved cos of being bullied by the same kid n my son went thru 3 years of it before I moved him. You want to put a complaint in writing n send a copy to the board of governors too n when I did it I also spoke to the LEA. <'>
  10. My lad went back today eeekkkkkk he wasnt totally 100% bout going back...had the proverbial ear ache n 'hay fever' symptoms that he hasn't had all holidays lol. Dropped him off n felt like I was leaving a lamb for slaughter...no calls as of yet thank god. Know for a fact he will be horrendous after school what with being tired n stressed etc.
  11. My lad does this he can not grasp the hang of blowing his nose at all so does what your lad does all the time...no ideas but know what its like eewww.... <'>
  12. J has inset day so back tomorow....he hasnt left his room so far today n is pretty grumpy so think tomorow is playing on his mind...it certainly is playing on mine tho the break will be welcomed lol.
  13. Could be yea cos the weekend he was like a recluse n it was a battle to get him to eat at all.
  14. Thats fantastic.....
  15. Now theres an idea......lol.....only teasing. He has the capsules so no fluid n id carry it in hand luggage yea......just hope they dont ask one of us to take it to prove its ok cos one of us would be a zombie for the trip haha.
  16. No advice but didnt want to read n run.... <'>
  17. He has made up for it today mind lol but after such a nice day yesterday ive even found im more chilled with him today lol.
  18. That broke my heart reading that as half of it my son deals with daily n the other half I just know will happen when he hits comp..........im glad to hear you are finally getting help and they have picked up on the aspergers... <'>
  19. Woah...really dont know what to suggest but had to give you some of these.... <'> <'>
  20. Thought id let you know bout my day yesterday...prob to many would sound daft to be so happy over it but know you will all understand what a big thing it was. In the day we got a train to Cardiff to meet my sister n her lad (poss adhd awaiting dx) and we took the boys to the museum for an hour or so and ds loved it...the last 5mins he got a bit touchy n grouchy n headache type thing so knew it was time too make a move but was so pleased that ds went and also enjoyed it. Took the train home n there was a train broke down in the station so had to change platforms n get different trains etc but ds barely paniced just asked is this the right train bout ten times to the conductor. Then in the evening we went for a meal for my birthday n we took ds...its a chinese restaurant but they usually do a plate of chips for ds lol....but this time he asked to try the food he ended up eating a lettuce roll, a spare rib, rice and crispy beef!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a kid with an eating disorder n sensory issues bigtime. I was so pleased n could have cried.
  21. Dont worry.....im stuck with ever changing diagnosises...no wonder its always 'verbal and will write it down after the appointment'!!!!!!!!!
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