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girl interrupted

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Everything posted by girl interrupted

  1. I've been wondering why I get into arguments filled with some much rage over the smallest thing and go nuts,swearing and all sorts then afterwards feel totally guilty and shameful and have terribly headaches and an even lower mood. my parents think my personality changes dramtically too. I end up in my bed like the article says a lot too. I'm up and down in a split second. I might just be that kind of person but is this something I should look look further into do you think? or is it probally just my aspergers and depression causing it?
  2. i'd love to go. where is it exactly/is there a number my parents can call?
  3. I love the manchester scene Joy division are my favourite but I love the fall a lot
  4. sounds increidble. laura marling is fantastic actually. I'm seeeing mani and such djing at the wickerman festival
  5. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1272519646
  6. I love them both! saw them at glasgow green which was incredible.
  7. I've been trying to get them to but they won't let me they think its too much hassle so I'm stuck in hell bascially quite a few singing,reading anything and everything,writing poems and lyrics,watching films and drawing.
  8. Do you have a child with ASD who is passive or pretends to cope? I am one How do you get your child's difficulties recognised by professionals, relatives, friends etc.? they see the small times when it all gets too much How do you help school staff to recognise your child is pretending to cope? they find me hiding away at lunch and such Do you think the fall out at home after school is due to the child having to pretend? yes. when i get home arguments are common as my days so affecting Do you think there can be other reasons for this fall out? im angry i have to stay at it Do you think the child who is trying to be invisible wants attention or would rather stay invisible? i'd rather stay invisble a majority of the time Should the LEA put provision in place for a child who is coping or appearing to cope at school? I wish they would. How do you convince the LEA that the child is only pretending to cope? they can't
  9. I've been looking for a club like this for so long. I'm from hamilton near glasgow.is that too far away?
  10. the bell jar & the perks of being a wallflower
  11. I went through a lot of shite last year and I'm terrified about returning. my parents could'nt get me into a local school with atustic support as it was so full. I've lost the small amount of friends I had and we're also in a new school which causes more problems. durign the summer term I resorted to hiding in toliets and places a lot. I dunno what to do to survive this last year. Its so bad I'm doing my highers in college.
  12. My musical taste is rather weird for my age but I'm really in love with the following just now: radiohead-bodysnatchers http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=LB8Hxeq8Clw the divine comedy-our mutual friend http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=MEixi67WjTA pulp-do you remember the first time? http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=iSzR5EZk_dc and the vines- http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ez3FcsK32S8 the singer has aspergers too this live performance he did was amazing...
  13. hello my name is jessica. I'm 15 & comefrom glasgow. i was diagnosed with aspergers 4 years ago. lifes been hard lately and I was told about thsi website for support and such I don't think I've been this alone since I moved primary at 11. I lost all my friends back then. ones I was bound to go to high school with & ones I loved and others I hated. The weird thing is its the same now.I've lost friends but I'm unable to escape somwhere else. I face these people and my insides feel like an overflowing well. I always thought I'd look back on our tears and laugh, but I never thought I'd look back on our laughter and cry... I have made friends recently with a wonderful girl called kathy & have got closer to an older distant friend steven but apart from brief time with them I'm alone all the time even with my family. things are confusing and my energy is sapped. I.hoping to try and meet other aspies but theres no groups for teens here in south lanrkshire. I'm looking forward to getting involved in the forum. thanks ^^
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