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Everything posted by dogfish

  1. Hello all. I am doing a study on autism/asperger syndrome for my PhD and would really like it if i could use some of your experiences and views. In this thread i am looking particularly to hear from young people aged 8-21 years old. I will write about these as part of my study. If you are happy to share, please come and post a little about yourself, i.e.your age, diagnosis, hobbies, etc. Please tell me about your special interests or obsessions. Do you like a certain character, such as Dr Who, or Sonic the Hedgehog? What do you like the most about your special interest? Also, tell me about your friendships. Feel free to write as much or as little as you?d like.
  2. Girlchild has just been put to bed. She hates me and is never talking to me again, and she means it. I am the meanest mom in the whole world.
  3. I'm sorry it is so hard for you. Can you ask school, the SENCO or someone, to get onto CAMHS?
  4. Gosh. It usually helps me to know that when my son is telling me he hates me or whatever, that it is not personal. Talk it over with him when he is calm. Best of luck.
  5. I do not know what an SWA is, or MAT... I've been thinking about getting my daughter involved in young carers groups. She is nine. Sounds really positive.
  6. I cannot get care allowance because i work for over 30 hours a week. Even though i work from home for most of that.
  7. While i love making my own decisions and managing my family, i think it would be nice sometimes to have someone to back me up. To know that i am not always alone with this.
  8. I have just had my son's assessment report following diagnosis a couple of weeks ago. But he is in high school. You seem to be doing all the right things. Keep the lines of communication open with school. Good luck.
  9. That sounds extremely tough. *hugs* I am a single parent of an 11 year old boy with an ASD and a 9 year old girl.
  10. Thank you Pookie. Fiorelli, don't feel bad. Feel special. I'm almost finished with my research. I just need a couple more to give a deeper sense of what it is like to live with autism. I'm wondering about telling my boy about autism, he says he has special needs so i doubt he will be bothered much, i don't know. When is the right time? Is it even necessary? Is not easy being a parent. He is a good boy though. Sorry, i am threadjacking my own thread.
  11. That is very true. Writing in red was frowned upon when i were a lass too. I just find it easier to spot my own posts. And i like to be a bit different. I haven't managed to get my avatar sorted yet. Just for you i will change to blue.
  12. My son was diagnosed last week. It is still a shock even though i expected it. Feeling for you right now.
  13. Thank you for your replies. I write in brown because i like brown. I use brown on another forum so i feel it is sort of part of my online persona. I'm sorry if you don't like it and i am not at all offended. fiorelli, those are all very good and valid questions. I have an information sheet ready to email to anybody who is interested in finding out more. It answers most of your questions and then some. I have found that many young people with an ASD are happier to make a video about themselves than to take part in a face-to-face interview. And my son, who is eleven and has autism, loves to play with the camcorder and make videos. I have also found that many people with an ASD are happy to talk about what interests them.
  14. Is there a better place to post this? And is there anything i can do to make it more appealing?
  15. I am planning on telling my boy soon. He doesn't have the social awareness at the moment to perceive himself as different though. He tells everyone he has special needs and doesn't really care what people think. I am wary of giving him a label to hang all his problems on but i also don't want to drop it on him later. It is a difficult decision. Good luck.
  16. dogfish


    Hello jewel. My boy is 11 and has just been diagnosed, adn i too am a single parent. I hope you find lots of useful information here. I'm still finding my way around the place.
  17. My boy received his diagnosis yesterday. Even though i knew it was coming it was still a shock and i am quite upset by it. So be prepared for that. Good luck honey.
  18. Poop i missed it. I shall try and watch it on the channel four catchup later.
  19. My son, now 11, used to do this. I think partly this is because of having tried so hard all day to behave in an unnatural manner, it overflows in the safe environment of home. Also because they are tired, and frustrated, as most of us are after a day's work. Again, it is not safe to release these pent up frustrations in the school environment. My son gets incredibly tired in the first few weeks of school. I was putting him to bed at 7pm for the first week. Also, it is well documented that the change in routine, from school to home, can be really unsettling for ASD kids. If i can remember the name of a chap who has some really good practical advice (I went to his conference last year) i will post it. He recommended a routine aimed at enabling the kids to make the transition between home and school. Can be something like having the exact same snack in the same place and then a game or even a bath or something. Whatever works. I've had to try lots of different things to manage the school/home transition, from having dinner ready, quiet lego time, etc. He is much better now. HE comes in and has a cuddle and a snack and then he will go off and play quietly and chill out. But if he is overtired he will still kick off. If i can see this coming i will find him something to do like watch John Barrowman (current interest) on youtube. Maybe your child has a favourite dvd you could play each day after school for twenty mins or so. Good luck anyway. It will get better.
  20. Hope he's okay. They are a worry aren't they?
  21. *rushes off to the council office to ask about RADAR keys* My boy is a mature looking 11 year old and he has to come in the ladies with dd and i, not that he is the slightest bit bothered. Couldn't let him use the gents alone. Not only does he copy people, spend half an hour sat on the loo humming and singing one line over and over, but is likely to start a conversation by commenting on somebody's genitalia.
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