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Everything posted by Frizz

  1. Hi again! Yes I go to the group,Have been for over a year now.I enjoy it & it helps restore my sanity. It's only monthly & runs for 1.5hrs-then a bunch of us head off to the pub! Same lot each week with the occasional new face. I am always so surprised at how few people go. Maybe those of us who turn up regularly are just a needier bunch!! It's a light relief to meet & chat with people who dont judge your child on the behaviours that they may witness but dont understand......... And speaking of children;I have 2. DD 9 with aspergers & a high probability of a comorbidity of ADHD (awaiting full asessment). My DS is 7 & NT. How about you & your family? & just incase your free, the group are meeting again on Nov 26th, at THE school,that I'm probably not allowed to name on the site!!
  2. Hi Tugra's mum.Welcome to the forum.I know exactly how you feel about getting your head around the site etc.! I'm still learning. Just read your post & noticed that we are from the same neck of the woods! Do you ever go to the local support group?
  3. I heard anyone can take on the senco role, its attraction is financial-a bit extra in your monthly pay packet! I recon this is definetly the case at our school-the senco hasnt a clue
  4. My AS daughter was 1 day early. I suffered high blood pressure for the whole pregnancy tho! I was 34 when she was born. She was very high risk down syndrome & they tried to force me to have the amnio,which I refused! She doesnt have downsyndrome, but AS & probable ADHD.
  5. Hi, and thankyou to those who took the time to try & help me out! Had to squeeze in a positive note just to update on our situation. We had a meeting at school today & good old parent partership battled on our behalf for a representitive from the SEN team at the LEA to attend. DD's caseworker couldnt come,but his senior did!! Without going into all the boring stuff, it was agreed that DD can change school if that is our wish-Yahoo! We can look at a school with a department, an ASD school or another mainstream. I am delighted. The only challenge i have now is getting DH onside. He believes the school accepted her statement & the funding that went with it, so they should accept the challenge! We have appointments to view the ASD school & the department so I hope his attitude will change when he has viewed this provision. Wish me luck.
  6. Hi there. Does anyone have any experience of changing schools, less than a year into the first statement being issued? Even with a named LSA for 25hrs a week,my DD is still being excluded from school for agressive behaviour(mainly kicking). Ive looked at IPSEA web site & just about everything else I can think of & it would seem it cant be done. I tried phoning IPSEA,ACE & parent partnership & think I may have worn out the speed dial!! I have reached the point where I'm running out of fighting spirit & have faced up to the fact that DD may be better off in an ASD specialist school. DH wants to battle on at the mainstream,I am trying to win him round to the fact that we should do what is best for DD. There are many things about her school that make me very cross & despite odd training & advice days I am not convinced that school understand her AS. After a kicking incident on Friday I was summoned to the school &DD was still in the fiery phase of meltdown. The SENCO said she was displaying attention seeking behaviour. She is now on a 5 day exclusion! DD enjoys going to school, but on 'health & safety' grounds spends break & lunchtimes mostly in isolation. She isnt a violent child,she just becomes agressive when stressed or when she doent know how to handle a situation. Am I niave in my belief that an ASD specialist school would reduce these episodes because they would have more of an understanding & be less inclined to put her in situations that would make her prone to lash out? Oh, one last thing-do schools have to work on all areas detailed in section 3 of the statement or just the areas that they break down & put on the IEP? I'm a cross,upset mummy on a mission-if I'm not pro active I'll go insane. Would love some advice if poss please.
  7. I love this forum- it can lift your spirits when youre down, you can let off steam when you need to,but most importantly it is full of lovely people giving help & good advice. Thank you, I'll go & chill with a glass of vino now. x
  8. Hi js mum, & thankyou. Im feeling somewhat calmer now, tho still fed up with the schools attitude (its not the first time this has happened!) I am familiar with the details in your first post, but not your second. It has made interesting reading & even if I dont follow through with it this time,I will certainly be well advised if we are in this situation again.(which is most likely looking back at our record so far!!) Many thanks for taking the time to respond to my outburst. x
  9. Things at school have been fine(sort of) D D doesnt like her named TA & isnt doing much in the way of work,but has been succesfuly using her calm time space & agression has been virtualy nil, until today! She kicked a TA & the head excluded her instantly for "asaulting a member of staff". What makes me so cross is that when things are going well we hear very little. Then things kick off & we are treated like the bad parents,recieve a scolding & are summoned to remove 'the problem' It appears I might add, to be an un official exclusion as we have no paperwork & no re inclusion meeting planned! When school policy makes no allowances for kids like ours & sticks to their policy on agressive behaviour etc, it makes a mockery of 'inclusion, every child matters,etc,etc! How will things change when the schools have this attitude? When DD was taken from school today, it was under protest as she was totally calm by then,but school of course wont take that into account-the heads decision is final!! GRRRRRR
  10. Frizz


    Welcome. I also have a 9yr old daughter with Aspergers & possible ADHD. It is a relief to find youre not alone. We are also going through a really hard time at the moment & I fear it will only get worse-back to school tomorrow!!!!
  11. Oh boy I could have written this post myself!! Two mums at school suggested 'getting together' in the hols. Lovely I thought,despite all the difficulties in school, I'm obviously not as snubbed as I imagined. WRONG!!!! I made contact but both parents were busy-every day,naturally! We go on hols tomorrow, then its back to school. DD has a younger sibling at least, so she has some social contact.When she's not playing her DS of course! How are our kids social skills ever going to improve when school is a nightmare for them & other kids (or their parents) just dont want to know?
  12. Thanks guys. That has been a great help. Fingers crossed my application is sucessful!
  13. Hi. I work part time,15 hours a week.The nature of my job means that I work 42 weeks a year & am on hols for 2 weeks over christmas & Easter & 6 weeks in the summer. This ties in fairly well with school holidays with very few child care issues to worry about. The summer holidays have run well(so far!) DD & sibling & myself are all feeling de-stressed & this has set me thinking about half term holidays- I struggle with child care big time & they are rarely an enjoyable 'break' for any of us. Do I have any legal rights if I approach my employers to ask that I no longer work during half term breaks,thus reducing my annual work time to 38 weeks a year?
  14. Hi lisa2701. We had similar problems when our DD was 4! Trying to explain the danger was just a waste of time with her,she found it funny & did 'scary' things repeatedly. She just didnt(& still doesnt) link cause & effect. The penny dropped with the climbing on the windowsill on the day that she pulled a roller blind down on top of her head. The cord had been round her neck! As we waited in casualty to have her head stitched up,the 'rope' mark became more & more visable-looked like we'd tried to strangle her!!! 5yrs on & you still wont find a set of blinds at any of our windows & its only in the last 12 months that we have allowed her bedroom windows to be un locked. I know your DS is young but could a social story help to explain the dangers? When DD was 4 we didnt have an AS diagnosis & knew nothing of social stories, if we had I would have given one a go, in a bid to try to get through somehow. Good luck.
  15. Just listened to it too. One particular line produced a lump in my throat & a watery eye. There is probably something in this song for everyone.
  16. Done mine too! Thankyou for pointing it out to us.
  17. Done & checked I'm on it too! Will get hubby to do it later too.
  18. Frizz

    Harry Potter!

    Havent been yet but its on our list of things to do in the hols. I am also waiting until my NT son7 has finished reading the book(takes a while bless!) I remember being disappointed after watching The prisoner of Azkaban. The movie messed about with the story line & wasnt half as gripping as the book(I read the kids version too!) Still I guess they cant include everything in an adaptation. Still looking forward to going tho.
  19. I'm with you all! A total relief that school is out & the fear of being called in gone! seven weeks to entertain with no ME time....mmm! Tesco vouchers are our saving grace too. We did all sorts last summer & it really keeps the cost down. We are fortunate to be going away for 2 weeks right at the end. Ive told my two that we are having a huge toy clear out-that will keep us busy for days!! DS(n.t) says we can sell them all on E bay! What do they teach them at school?Recon I'll be on here a fair bit,just to keep my sanity in tact!! HAPPY HOLS EVERYONE!!!
  20. The school year nears the end. A time to reflect or is it time to panic? I so dont know what to do for the best for my DD. She wants to go to school, but the whole thing is a shambles! Most of her school day is spent in solitary-with just a TA. Playtimes are few & far between. She completes work some of the time but if she doesnt want to, then she just reads. The focus for the last term has been to relieve the pressure from her so she isnt stressed & to reduce the violent & agressive outbursts. In a nutshell--tread on eggshells,pussyfoot around her,try & persuade her to do some work & if all else fails, duck the chairs & dodge the feet!!! I've lost count of the number of exclusions & the number of times I have been summoned to school. We have had fantastic help & advice from some outside agencies, but still school arent getting it. Situations are misread,escalate & it just feels as if we are going round in circles! So in a matter of weeks we move up into year 5. I dont know how much progress DD made in year 4 as they have very little recorded work. I am now considering looking into a specialist school for autism. What I dont know is do these schools follow the national curriculam? Do they sit SATS & exams & leave with qualifications if they are able enough? My DD is a bright child,I think that she just needs to be in the right enviroment,then perhaps we can make some progress. Maybe I am just living in cukoo land,but I do know that I am so stressed out by this school thing & I recon DD isnt feeling great either! She has a full time statement,Aspergers & possibly ADHD(just looking into that one) Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  21. My heart goes out to you. We have several fixed term exclusions on record for my DD-and 2 illegal exclusions which went undocumented, In my opinion because the staff dealing with the situation delt with it badly,thus allowing the situation to escalate.Now school wouldnt want a record of that would they!! A child I know of was permanently excluded several months ago for the same challenges you & I both face with our little ones. His parents were advised to find a new school quickly so that the exclusion could be kept off his education records, thus it was simply recorded as a change of school! Good luck.
  22. Ive been trying to get onto this site for days.My brother mailed me about it on Tuesday. I still havent been able to register my details & time is running out! Does anyone know of any other avenue? It seems so wrong that they can do this & that you may not be able to stop them listing your number!!
  23. Hi. I wonder if the test is similar to the connors rating test? My DD has an AS diagnosis & CAMHS want to do the connors test at home & school because they feel she possibly has ADHD too. School is just a constant battle (a nightmare infact) but thats another moan for another day! Although I dont want another lable for DD, I so want her extreme behaviours cease. Maybe your child has both & its not an incorrect diagnosis? Good luck-we all need some of that!
  24. Frizz

    Ball or no ball?

    Thankyou all for your views. I wish I had the answer now, but still dont!!!! Guess thats typical, fits in with the rest of my life- Always searching for answers!!!
  25. Frizz

    Ball or no ball?

    My vac is only 11 months old-I have hated it since I bought it & really should have taken it right back,but it was on bargain & I figured I would get used to it!! I have been looking at a replacement & all sources say Dyson is the one. I have wooden floors,tiled floors,rugs & carpet so I need an 'all floors' variety. Dyson seem to have options that come with a ball or without. I want to get it right this time,especially with the cost involved! There are so many cleaners out there but I guess I am being sucked into the Dyson world even tho I have never used one before, because of their popularity. Any comments would be much appreciated. Oh, & my toaster blew up today as well............
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