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Everything posted by reuby2

  1. The reason I find this forum good is that people do explore the issues and can debate in a positive way.We may all have differing opinions on things but here I have found that people treat each other online with respect and care. I think this thread has actually been a positive experience as everyone showed what they are made of. Thanks to everyone for being here!!!!
  2. Really sorry to hear about your money and diary etc. I really hope someone has the decency to hand it in. Take care hon
  3. We have problems in this area.As "j" doesn't have any brothers or sisters it is hubby (and me) that get the hitting kicking etc, he thinks he is playing but will not stop and then when hubby gets headbutted, bit etc I rush to the rescue with "he didn't mean it" because I can see that my hubby is ready to blow. I think really this is causing problems in our own relationship, I am protective but my son genuinely doesn't realise (or sometimes he does and finds it funny! ).You can tell him something over and over again and he just doesn't stop, then if he does get shouted at he looks all suprised and says he didn't realise.
  4. reuby2

    major meltdown

    Just sending you some of these <'> <'> <'> Take care. <'>
  5. I think reading your posts is invaluable as I for one was worried about my son's future ,whether he would get married,have relationships etc. It's good to see you sticking with your girlfriend despite the problems and working through them. Keep posting
  6. All my husband can hear is me chuckling loudly as i have read all these. I do often feel that i would like a big hole to swallow me up, but it is so funny later when I think of some of the things he has said. He told my Mum that she needed to exercise because she was getting fat and went on to tell her what exercise she could do ,in a very informative way !!! I think it's the serious way that they do it that makes it so funny!!!!! And the way they think they are helping! (Bless!!!!)
  7. Oh no jaded,did you get it back? I can't rest now till i know. Take care.
  8. I have found this forum to be extremely helpful and comforting.I get advice from people who are experiencing the day to day life of dealing with the problems that an ASD presents. In some respects the most challenging part of this is that an ASD is often a invisible disability and so peoples attitudes cause a lot of pain and misunderstanding as we are desperatly trying to help our children in a world that is frightening and uncomfortable to them. We are all here to help one another and gain support.Nothing that causes extreme anxiety or discomfort for our children is mild.We are all trying to take one day at a time. I think the thing about the triad of impairment (BIG WORDS FOR ME AT THIS TIME OF NIGHT!!!!!!) is what we all face. I think i know where you are coming from when you say mild, although personally i don't agree.Perhaps you mean that when refering to a certain aspect such as comunication etc, but our children all have difficulties in the same kind of areas. Anyway sorry to ramble.
  9. wow this is better than chocolate (mine are the strawberry creams) I have just laughed my socks off at these replies. Just what i needed!
  10. My son told me today to move over with my fat body. When i asked him whether he meant that i was fat or was being silly he said, "it's because you're fat, okay?" when I was a bit upset about this he said "no i wasn't being rude it's just because you're fat"............... he then went and wrote a little note saying "sorry for hurting your feelings" which was lovely and i knew he wasn't trying to hurt my feelings , he is just very honest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well pass the quality street!!! Anyone else have any "honest" stories???
  11. My asd son always covers his ears up, if he has a hood he wears it (even in summer) or if he doesn't want to hear something he covers his ears, funny thing is I do too, if i get scared i always cover my ears , just posted on another thread about parents having AS symptoms i suppose this could be one too.
  12. Again I look at my son and see him doing exactly the same things that i did as a child, that's why at first I blamed myself (as i have g.a.d) but I remember the anxiety and not being able to eat in front of people, Taking things extremely literally ( i remember once getting extremely upset with my mum when she called me a little monkey, i explained that i was not a monkey but a little girl!!!!!!)They said when i was a baby i didn't smile but just frowned at everyone (it bacame a kind of joke) I was very musical and love to write music although i became too afraid to play in front of people. Self harmed during teens, seemed to feel that i had missed something in conversations etc .I am not seeking a dx but can definitely see traits in myself. Kind of answers a few questions really. Just found another one on another thread, my son covers his ears. I have always done that if i am afraid or shocked, can't stand too much noise and even if someone sneezes too many times it drives me mad!!!!!!!!
  13. yes i have struggled with deep anxiety all of my life even as a kid but it only got brought to light when I had my son ,2 years later I couldn't keep on top of the fear anymore and was treated for depression and anxiety, now i am treated for a generalized anxiety disorder and will probably take anti depressants all of my life, at first I wouldn't take tablets which was suggested in the months after my sons' birth, but then i couldn't go on and now it's the best thing i have ever done.I see it as helping me to just be myself without all of the fears that were making me miss out. Sorry to have rambled .
  14. I am treated for a anxiety disorder (had it all my life) and before I had medication I tried Bach remedies and also Kalms (herbal remedy) I swear by the Kalms more than anything and even now if i am feeling especially edgy I will take them.Sometimes things like this creep up on us and the little things gradually take their toll. Also i find that boots botanics range of massage oils are a godsend, again they are herbal and they do work. Try and look after yourself a bit and find a bit of time for yourself. One of the other things for me is just talking it over with my mate and having a cuppa , we just need to vent sometimes. I think you may find as well that the things that you are worrying about aren't the real worries (e.g the post office) but perhaps it is a feeling of being overwhelmed? Maybe? Relaxation tapes can sometimes be borrowed from the g.p or your library may be able to get hold of them. Please take care and hope you are feeling better today <'> <'> <'> <'>
  15. I loved reading this and thought it was a fantastic idea, i'd be over the moon if someone else just cleaned the house up for me!!!!!!!!! never mind gave it a makeover. I was so glad to see that your mum liked it....fantastic
  16. I didn't See it unfortunatly but did they win anything??????? I always did want to be the one on crackerjack that won all the prizes!!!!! showing my age now.!
  17. You're all fantastic <'> <'> I love this site and the fact that people take the time to actually care.
  18. 7.531 after numerous attempts, it's addictive though i bet i'll be back on it later !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Thanks Hailey, I rang camhs to verify the situation and to be honest she didn't sound as if she understood the terminology very well ! The senco said that an ASD isn't a dx of autism that's what confused me. I thought everything seemed to be going too smoothly after reading about other peoples fight for a clear dx !!!!
  20. thanks, I just don't understand why they told us it was higher functioning autism but then in writing it says autistic spectrum disorder and isn't HFA part of that anyway? It's all very confusing.
  21. We were told by Camhs 2 weeks ago that son was HFA and to look at information concerning HFA when looking at leaflets etc.The written report has now come through that states that he has an autistic spectrum disorder but at this point not enough to "meet the rigourous criteria for a diagnosis of childhood autism as per the International Classification of diseases" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What on earth does that mean??? Anyway I spoke to his SENCO who said that she had spoken to camhs and they had told her they were not giving a diagnosis of autism, whearas I had told her that they had said he was HFA.She kind of implied that the autistic spectrum disorder wasn't anything really and now i feel confused.They are getting the autism outreach team in to school but we are really getting conflicting views now, the senco doesn't class it as autism . Can anyone help? it is all getting too confusing and they now want to do some kind of test with the pyschologist to see at what level he is functioning at. I thought we were settled but now i am not sure.
  22. reuby2

    uh oh

    Just sending some of these, <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> I've not been in the same situation but i have witnessed my hubby starting to lose it and then stepped in.It makes you feel like you are the referee, look after yourself, it's not just them who are suffering the fallout! <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'>
  23. reuby2


    Thanks a lot, Had a look at the websites and feel a bit better now.Cheers.
  24. reuby2


    I have had to stay at home today because "j" is ill and couldn't bear to be left with nanna.I am so scared that I am going to get in trouble at work. He hates being picked up twice a week by nanna and ends up blanking her for the hour and a half that he is with her.I only work 3 days but now that I know that it is autism that he has I don't know whether i should finish so that i can be there for him when he finishes school. He finds school especially difficult and hates being away from home. Money isn't the issue it was more that working got me out and was a lifeline for me when i had depression I am a bit scared that it will come back if i am in the house all day which also is not good for the family. I don't like to see him getting so upset and he spends all day just coping at school. I have already asked about dropping a day at work but they couldn't find a way to do that and now that "J" has been dx I have asked again today. But it made me feel awful to explain the situation with my son and the fact that he can't cope in certain situations.
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