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Everything posted by baranigirl

  1. have learned that you cannot change peoples opinions no matter how smallminded they can be, so I agree that the AOT is doing the best for your son and well done on telling him too xx
  2. same thing happened with my 'uncle' he tried his hardest to walk up the stairs and they said his DLA had to stop cos he could do it, even though he was completely out of breath at the top and took ages to do it!
  3. we have also lost £200 off TC as our new figure for 2010 - 2011 will be lower than 2009 - 2010 cos DP changed jobs halfway through the financial year, TC notified and TC adjusted for 2009 - 2010 income, however their estimate for this financial year is lower by a lot and I know once I get all our P60's together it will go up and they will pay back a lump sum, it happens every year They are allowed to stop payments whilst they sort things out, not that it helps you out much, have you spoken to your local MP? Twice I have had TC stopped for over 4 months whilst they sorted out THEIR ERRORS and twice my MP has sorted it within 48 hours, whereas I had been onto them for weeks and weeks! Both times I had back pay of over £2000
  4. have a great time, something like that is my partners worst nightmare lol, glad you cacn enjoy it xx
  5. tax credits often ask me for my details when I call them to make a change, they are part of the same department, I have no issue with this as it is as they say random questions they have to ask to authenticate you on their system Our TC account is 'locked down' so we have to call a different number than usual and its a darn sight quicker to get through, but as I can never remember the other number I end up going through security questions twice with them!
  6. the only thing I can think of aside from DLA / carers allowance is childcare help within WTC Althoug if your earnings are under a certain level (was £14.5Kish) you got free prescriptions, milk token, veg tokens and school dinners
  7. hmmmm ok, will try and get DP to agree to me speaking to his GP about it this week
  8. thank you, I have suggested she contacts peeps for getting the wording right too as that was my mistake as well in the first instance He is on meds for ADHD and without them he is off the wall! Will pass on the info to her As for DP I wondered if it was worth contacting the GP ourselves as well? Although I attended all the appointments last autumn when everything was getting dx etc with the GP, so I know what was said and done etc.
  9. baranigirl


    Well done for coming on here and admitting to all that! My partner had the same problem as you (he is now 31) and he was never diagnosed with anything until he turned 16 and they said he had dyslexia 2 months before he sat GCSE exams after hardly ever attending school, so he put all his future problems down to that, we now know a little different and he regrets not being able to get support at school when he was younger (it just didn't happen back then) Anyways, chin up and don't give up the right school is there for you and you and your parents need to track it down xx
  10. ooh will deffo watch it xx
  11. Hope this is in the right place lol Today we received a letter from the DLA who started reviewing our application in February from the original claim made last October! They are writing to DP's GP, what can we expect from this? His GP is aware of where we are at and he has put in for his referral and agrees with a dx of AS, but there are limited records of anything of DP as he never goes to the GP unless it is terminal (which of course anything is with him but you know what I mean, I have to drag him there) My SIL had her application refused for my nephew who is ADHD and currently awaiting an assessment for ASD or AS, I have told her to ask for a review as her son cannot be left unatrtended at all, however the school wrote saying he had no problems, yet he pulls his hair out and bites inanimate objects all the time, but isn't a disctraction to the rest of the class and he reading is soo high up the scale! So 2 questions please xx
  12. huggles I tend to follow the step back and watch the flower grow from a distance approach with all my kids and DP (who has AS still awaiting dx) as standing over them puts the flower in the shade and wilt good luck with it all xx
  13. my 4 yr old also constantly cries, she cries cos she is hungry (even straight after eating 3 adult bowls of porridge for breakfast) cries cos she is in pain, her recent one is her tummy hurts too She is also very thin, but eats like a horse(she eats more than I do and I am a good eater!) Yet at nursery she never cries and is a selective mute I have put hers down to attention seeking as she is child number 3 of 4, (her 20 month old brother rarely cries either) however the more I read the more I realise it is probably not just that behaviour, she cannot cope with change, like today her dad text me saying beans on toast for tea, I made the mistake of telling her, when we got home he had managed to get veggies on and no beans on toast so we had floods of tears over that! So all in all I have no idea, but I am assuming it is something to do with her ASD traits (that nursery say she doesn't have)
  14. same as am working this arvo and worked Friday too
  15. well done for admitting it on here, next step is to find a friend you can confide in, they can go to see a GP with you xxx
  16. periods will stop if someone is underweight (usually under 7 stone ish) and for other reasons too, but from what you have said she isn't eating sensibly and is also exercising too much deffo a GP appointment, but that will only help if she is willing to admit she has a problem xx
  17. baranigirl

    Dr who...

    was ok,we all felt it wasn't a great start to the series
  18. good luck with the GP appointment thats the first step Getting a formal diagnosis takes ages we have been waiting since last October for a referral to come through for my partner who turned 31 last year As for the job is there anything volunatary your brother could start doing (ie within his interests) as that will help him build a CV Also RBLI are renowned for employing special needs have you a branch near you?
  19. Already wore blue to celebrate world Autism day today
  20. My DP will use calpol 6+ as he cannot swallow tablets without crushing them first, his GP always prescribes a liquid form of whatever his meds are if there is one available which with around 90% of drugs there is!
  21. oh indeed if I didn't nag him gently or otherwise nothing would get done and yes I do nag him about the business too He likes lists! I don't do lists mine are in my head and I get sooo much more done than he does, but he won't write his lists cos he is also dyselxic so I have to write his lists lol
  22. Thank you DP = Darling Partner He has recently changed jobs as him working shifts is what almost killed him (he almost jumped off a building through not coping), he is doing a job he enjoys, but the money is poop but the hours work for him therefore I HAD to find more work to compensate for his HUGE paydrop as we have a hefty mortgage and 4 kids He cannot work nights as those really messed him up, I work them aoccasionally and not bothered by them particularly, once September comes things should be easier on childcare as we will only have one at home in the daytime and it will be more cost effective to pay for childcare for him than for two as we currently do. We have no family around that can help regularly with childcare, his Mum comes over every Wednesday to 'assist' DP with his duties as he cannot cope with the kids very easily he struggles to prepare food for himself, let alone 4 kids as well! DP's main issues are the work to home transistion and he is great if he comes home and keeps doing things, ie putting up a shelf or mowing the lawn etc, however with 2 toddlers in tow he can't do that if I am at work. Like I said before come September I shall review how I am working and it may be better for me to work in the day rather than evenings and hopefully my 3 jobs can help with that! He is meant to be setting up a small business with his friend but that has now gone off the boil which is typical DP, he is all excited about something for a while and then he loses interest and moves on or wants to move on, his latest thing is to move to Ireland or to completely destroy the house by knocking down walls and stuff
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