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Everything posted by baranigirl

  1. arghhhhhh the dreaded 9yr old and hormones! You are luckier (IMO) with boys as girls are horrendous for about 4 years! Hope he settles down soon and it is a shortlived experience for you both xx
  2. Wow thats the first person I have ever known call it the same thing! I was dx with a spastic colon when I was little and now due to knowing my body I can manage it quite well, raw onions seem to affect me most, but as long as I eat them occasionally I am fine I was told to eat Bran! I still recoil at the thought of bran nowadays
  3. thank you, I shall get him on the case asap with the GP Good luck again xx
  4. Do you think they will have free sample out of migraleve with all that choklitt strings being sold? :dance:
  5. Cadburys got took over by Kraft, so choklitt is now going to be made in a cheezee flavour
  6. lol I am a woman and own one pair of shoes does that make me a shoe-phobic? Took me over a year to buy some trainers for the gym
  7. forgive my dumbness and noseyness lol Would a statement give him a quieter classroom? Does he need to be in a specialist school, I do not know the criteria for meeting these different schools, we have one near us and the children there seem to have learning difficulties, downs and autism, but more the classic type. My friends daughter is there as she has DAMP, Dyspraxia and LD but tbh she has regressed loads since being there and I don't know if that is because her peers are more regressed than she is and she has now learned their behaviours? I totally understand you want and need to do the right thing for your son and give him a happy time in education, you know I feel like that about my 4yr old too, its so difficult being a parent sometimes :hypno:
  8. Justine thats made me giggle! Especially the getting run over bit
  9. :thumbs: :thumbs: DP to a tee!
  10. what have you been doing up until now? Obviously this isn't a new thing and I have absolutely no idea about statementing aside from I know round here they are nigh on impossible to get. My gut feeling is keep things as they are, ok they may not be working perfectly as you would like otherwise you would not be asking for a statement, but this must be a gradual thing that has happened over 2 yrs of being at primary school and making any 'sudden' change could adversly affect not only the statement but your son too?
  11. Hi and welcome, you sound an awful lot like my partner (DP) who is currently awaiting a psych referral for AS, his GP is certain thats what it is too. I can relate to the food thing as DP gets extremely anxious when food is getting low (due to finances) yet I can prepare a meal out of virtually nothing, for him it almost scares him and he will then get angry and shout, if he is hungry it causes the same anxieties, however I have learnt to recognise his pre explosions and they are lessening now as I am reacting differently and able to calm him before he does become over anxious He too is artistic, but refues to draw at the moment as he doesn't think it is good enough as his confidence is in tatters, drinking for him was how he kept himself calm, since he stopped drinking his AS traits have become very obvious, in some ways it would be easier for me to have him drinking, but I know that is not really the answer! There was a lot of other points that I found quite similar However I am still learning a lot about AS and other things and my advice would be to speak to your GP about your thinking and go from there
  12. sorry should have also added am very pleased you have got through the first hurdle xx
  13. Wow you got that quick, DP still waiting on the psych referral from the GP in October 2009 and he has already seen 3 psychologists! How comes it was so quick?
  14. she is a star in my town as we have the gurka peeps living on our local barracks, off to read the MRLP manifesto as I may change my vote to them!
  15. Same here from me and I too am losing weight, but thats my concern xx
  16. oooh I dunno, but I do it all the time and assumed it was my age!
  17. Sally she has been there for 2 years! Her keyworker is the SENCO, but tbh I do not think she has got much experience with SN kids I get the impression she has done the relevant training and never needed to use it, obviously I could be completely wrong in my opinion, but that is how she appears to me. DD3 number recognition etc can be done in books she hasn't seen before so there cannot be a 'pre learnt' association
  18. That could be part of it I guess, she does not like unstructured time with large groups. Her nursery class is about 10 kids and nothing is structured per sey, it is all about 'free flow' Toddler group she is fine with providing we are one of the first to arrive, she seeks out her one friend and it doesn't then get overly noisy after, although more recently she has been asking to leave after an hour of being there and we are generally there for 1 hr 45 mins I am going to speak to her teacher Monday morning and try to get a few more clues about what DP is saying, as he does get muddled quite easily
  19. Would deffo see my GP he is like an old friend we have been at the surgery longer than him and he has been there 30 years so he has seen me grow up iyswim. I think I am doubting the SENCO's as I know how hard things are to spot sometimes, especially if the behaviours are different home to school. They are starting to see some of her meltdowns now, which really shocked them, all over her bag getting taken home by accident as it is the same as another child's, nursery ensured her bag was back for the Friday session as I explained (through her meltdown screams) that she would be inconsolable if it wasn't returned next time she attended! My sister is a preschool teacher in the states and studied AS for her dissertation, she has asked me loads of things which do point to AS, however some things don't. My sister visited us last summer and this was before anyone was even thought to be on the spectrum, she said she didn't notice anything, with DD3 but that she must be high functioning?
  20. mumble she has those little puzzles here as well, mainly now for her younger brother and she does those in seconds, so there is no problem with her holding the pieces, but thank you for adding that thought as it could have been something! Now your second point has got me wondering...
  21. Thanks Justine, I just feel something isn't quite right, but I can't go to the GP and just tell him that, he has known me 30 years and knows I don't go in about silly pointless things, but I don't want her to be unhappy at school this september either? She has been assessed at nursery by her keyworker who is the SENCO and the area SENCO also came in to assess her and they said she was shy, something I would not call her!
  22. With DP it all fell into place once I spoke to a friend whose DH had just been Dx with AS and OCD, his first 'sign' was an inability to control his moods / feelings once he stopped drinking alcohol although I have said for about 8yrs he has ADHD! So I knew there was something going on! DD3 - have just posted about her now, on a different thread, but she was very active as a small baby, ate loads, slow to gain weight, late to wean, late to talk (went from nothing to full sentences at 2.5yrs) awful to toilet train, never had a solid poo til she was 2.5yrs, is still pooping in a nappy overnight and does not realise this causes her pain and discomfort if left, cannot understand why things can't happen, throws a strop if I go the wrong way in the car, even if it is the way we are meant to be going! She rarely sleeps more than 6 hours Food is locked away, she can unpick locks to the medical cupboard at adult head height, climbs anything, yet won't jump down into something!
  23. Nursery had a long chat with DP today about DD3 skills - she was 4 in february She was very funny about going in today, she demanded they give her a bath, yet they don't have a bath there and she refused to accept that even from her teachers? Said she had earache and was starving, but didn't want breakfast at school (she had eaten one at home) and the earache appeared when she got in the car? I did ring a little later and she had settled down by then, but she is doing this kind of thing more and more now, not sure what it is all about DP picked her up and they said she doesn't recognise her letters or numbers and they were a little concerned, nor can she do simple jigsaws or write her name Here at home she has good number recognition, I ask her to press number 2 on a lift etc. and she can that sort of thing and with different numbers. She can point out the letters on a keyboard, does get some muddled like M and W She does 100 piece puzzles here all by herself, yet at school she 'can't' do the really simple ones She has been writing her name for over a year too I just don't know what this is all about Why is she so different at nursery to home? she is still hardly speaking their either, yet they say she has no social problems What do I do?
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