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Everything posted by pumpkinpie

  1. Since last year little P has been going to a new special school and is coming on great. Best decision weve ever made To get little p in I agreed to transport her and our LA agreed to pay me a nominal amount towards petrol. Well fuel prices have gone through the roof and its a very hard financal burden for us. I have found out a child from little ps school lives 2 miles away and gets transport - in another LA! I was not aware of this when I agreed to transport her last year!!!!!!!!!!! Neither was the panel our case was reffered to I have pushed and pushed and finally the LA have made enquiries with the other LA and taxi firm. At the moment their costs are 64.00 per day but they would half it , if sharing. So the LA have said if I am interested I would have to pay 42.00 per day ( they pay me 15.00 per week for fuel and it actually costs me approx 58.00 per week). We find 58.00 a massive struggle and havnt been on holiday as a result I could do with some advice , the LAs website is ...... and I want to know how I can find out taxi costs to our nearest special school as our LA arguement is that 15.00 is what it would cost her if she remained educated in our LA - i DONT BELIEVE ITS NOT GONE UP AND FEEL THEY ARE ....... Any advice re a battle plan would be great. I have seen the bit above from ipsea but just wanted practical advice about my options
  2. pumpkinpie

    senco issues

    I think you need to look at the exact wording of his statement, does it say 1 to 1 or is it vague?
  3. pumpkinpie

    senco issues

    I think you need to put your concerns in writing to the head, ASK the school for a copy of their complaints procedure and follow it. Are you unhappy that your child isnt recieving the support detailed in his statement?
  4. pumpkinpie


    Well they do sound as if they are contradicting themselves dont they - which is good for you in A STRANGE WAY. Have you spoken to ipsea?What kind of school do you think she needs? I havent heard f the assessment they are suggesting and it sounds strange to me but then most things do......
  5. Have you thought about writng a letter of complaint to your local child protection safeguarding board , the police, ss education sit on them and to me this is a prime example of interagencys not working together
  6. If it was me I would just ask for a meeting and then go through it point by point when you are there. I dont like giving them chance to think of excuses
  7. I would ask the doctor to put his comments to writing so you can give it to school asap I wouldnt be waiting until mid june as it will take time for him to reply.
  8. Good luck hun, but just be careful. If this meltdown was avoidable did the school acknowledge it? Its ok getting a sicknote but its also lettng school off the hook whilst you are left with your son at home.iT will reflect on you that you are keeping your son off school, their is no come back on the school . Just be careful
  9. Nothing now but at one time when the manager was actaully on the side of parents , they used to have meetings about school reorganisation and linked up with a parent support group to run information sessions on diffent disabilites ie autism, downs, communciation etci
  10. If its a greneral meeting for parents I would just go to the one your friends goes to if thats more convienient it doesnt matter if you have an invite, the way I figure it They are supposed to be more parent friendly and flexible , so you go to the one that suits you best. I am a bit wary of parent partnership too so as llong as you dont tell them anything you dont want the lea to know youll be ok.
  11. It sounds to me hun that you did yourself proud, keeping calm and getting your point across Well done
  12. pumpkinpie

    What happens now?

    Have you complained about this formally to the head of education?
  13. Its not over til they say hun. From what you have said the panel has not been taken in by the nurserys attempts at forgetfulness regarding dd progress. They may have made questionable decisions ie regarding allowing EP report etc but I would hope they are not totally blind. DD has long term needs and the fact that the lea EP said that dd may well recieve a diagnosis of asd in the future to me shows if they refuse to access they are being very short sighed - she said she wasnt a diagnostic(sorry cant spell). i would hope they see that not accessing now would e a waste of maney. If they are stupid I would look at your rights re appeal. But jenrose well done
  14. Ive been thinking of you and wishing you luck all day Jen Hope t went well and you are ok
  15. Just think were you were a year ago hun. You and your kids have come so far and fought so hard I think the way your lad has come on shows you and your hubby were right . I think you are fantastic But you have worked and prepared for You have a fantastic indep psych on your side who wants you to win Just try and keep calm and remember in a few hours it will all be over You also have a lot of friends here who are on your side and supporting you Go get them girl
  16. Eps etc are employed by the LA. So I think they are wrong with their dates. In our area before a child starts at nursery if they come to the notice of health oficals ie attend the child development centre ..health sends a form to the education office very early on o notify them that this child with sen is coming through the system. Is there something similar in your area ?
  17. Hope hes feeling better , did you ring the police?
  18. I agree with the advice given. The school is policing and not actually dealing with the issues, I dont want to sound negative but do you really think it will ever get better? I think a meeting is essential and you need to detail in it all your concerns about both chidlren. I would tell them what you have been told- you dont have to say names but the fact diffent parents are concerned says a lot! Is it possible to ask for an asd support specialist teacher to attend as well as soeone to support you. You need to create a paper trail to support what is happening so you can be proactive and chase the school up. I would be looking at specilaist /resourse provision for your youngest as a possiblity. Be brave hun <'>
  19. Parent Partnership in my area is extremley close to the lea and really does discourage parents from appealing. I ended up sacking our PP rep (but thats another story). My advice is use them but beware and dont tell tham anything confidentail to. I think ipsea have given you good advice hun. Write your letters but just keep on top of the lea and make sure they dont forget to arrange the meeting. Personally I would write and ask the school to get in touch with the lea as documentation they were obliged to submitt to the lea regarding your child was not sent in thus making a decision regarding her educational needs impossible for the panel to make( I would do this to create a paper trail as the school seems to have trouble with verbal information). Be Brave hun youre getting them rattled but you need to stick to your guns
  20. pumpkinpie


    I dont know the area but I would try asking the lea. Have you any contacts within your local nas support groups? Parents are always more in the know?
  21. You take care at your meeting and get them told
  22. The way I look at it is that by writing and saying I appeal you arent loosing anything( if you feel like it you can withdraw the appeal). By doing this you are putting pressure on the school and lea to show them you want action not words. 3 years is an awfully long time to have been asking for support like you have with little improvement. Take care and be brave
  23. If the school has a website it will be on there as well
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