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Everything posted by col

  1. Because they think they know everything!! And us parent's know SFA!!
  2. just hate people like that. Why on earth do people like that, have jobs like that.
  3. I don't think they will ever learn that a child's and parent's view is more important then what they think.
  4. <'> <'> <'> <'> I am gobsmacked!!
  5. <'> <'> flutter that made me cry.
  6. You should film it. It's a pity that it's to late for this week gazette
  7. Oh goody i was hoping hubby wouldn't get off too easily i have to explain periods to the girls when they get older. So now HE has got to explain wennie washing to our son when he get's older This has made my morning...
  8. DD7 report, was has to do this, that and the other. The teacher assessment varies from the school. OH GEE no big surprise there!! Have fun telling the school off
  9. There's mainly me and hubby as well. His parent's are deceased and i'm happly astrainged (sp) from my family . But before that happened, my "mother" couldn't accept that the problems were genetic as it would mean that there was something actually wrong with her 'family'. And hubby and i are both kinda anti- social so we not big on the "friends" front. The way i feel is that sometimes the ppl you met over the computer are more of a family then my actual family.
  10. col

    Transition days

    Just dropped her off at her new school for the afternoon. Got a question to ask. Who informs the parents about these days. As i only found out about today at the 'lovely' review last week as the head at the new school was there. So when i dropped her off, got told that they had one last week as well, which she missed. I had nothing in the post, nothing from her present school. So who's responsibility is it? Was it mine? Did i have to ring up to find out?
  11. col

    what a weekend

  12. Thanks for explain what 'W' means. DD7 got that for writing in her SATS. The LEA told me that she more then likely will keep her statement whils she's in junior school but if her speech has improved enough by the time she's secondary she may not need it. If she's still unable to write by the time she leave's junior school, she WILL be KEEPING her statement!!!
  13. col

    Feeling tired?

    DD7 has been wanting an unusal amount of attention too. Keeps saying my mummy. I go .... and .... mummy too. She goes " i love you the most!" Holidays is a swear word in this house. Hubby is off this week which means i have got 2 toddlers in the house. The big one being more demanding then the 2 year old. Although he's off to NY in a few weeks for a week. I wonder if DD8 will actually miss him this time?
  14. col

    Feeling tired?

    Don't know about you lot, but i have been feeling really shattered. My 3 have spent most of the day flaked out on their bed or on the bean bag. With the fan on full blast. Hubby and i have been fighting over the air conditioner that i brought last year. May need to buy one for the bedroom as it was so hot, i ended up kipping on the sofa with the fan right in my face. Hate to see the electric bill
  15. was getting twisted in my head with doing the WBA-BA etc but hopefully you get the idea
  16. IN the back of DD7 book is a little chart WBA=well below average BA=below average AV=average AA=above average WAA=well above average RECEPTION WBA=wc BA=wb AV=wa AA=1c WAA=1b+ year 1 WBA=wa BA=1c AV=1b AA=1a/2c WAA= 2b+ year2 1b 1a/2c 2b 2a/3c 3b+ year 3 1a 2b 2a/3c 3b/3a 4a+ year 4 2b 2a/3c 3b 3a/4c 4b+ year 5 3c 3b 3a/4c 4b 4a+ year 6 3b 3a/4c 4b 4a/5c 5b+
  17. col

    class problems

    That's our LEA for you and their version of "inclusion".
  18. DD7 has a planner, which her school gave me. On a page at the back of the book it says "how the national curriculum levels build up.' Goes from reception to year 6. As your son is Y1. will use the scores for that year. WBA is well below average BA is below average AV average AA above average WAA well above average WBA FOR Y1 is wa BA "" 1c AV ""1b AA ""1a/2c WAA ""2b
  19. DD8 it was just done for her. For DD7 the first time we applied and was kinda blackmailed( it was either nursery or statement- choose the SRP nursery) second time we applied they just changed their criteria so we were turned down. Then we went to tribunial and as i had choose a school out of borough they backed out of tribunial. So we got the statement. there was 2 boys in DD7 class who's parents had been told in the first term of reception that they needed statements. We are now in y2 and the boys have got their statements a few weeks ago. All this time they have been latching on to DD7 support!!
  20. I have no idea if DD8 school does sport's day as it is her first year there. But she does have an animal play which i think may be on the same day as DD7 sport's day. Draw back is that they are 20 miles apart. SO it's not worth trying to watch half of one then go and see the other. Although i wonder if the girls at DD8 school will take more of a part this time in the play.
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