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Everything posted by Mike_GX101

  1. Just seen on Freeview TV Guide it is on TV tonight again! So glad because watching hour-long programmes online is a real no-no for me - buffering fails every 2 minutes if it is allowed (some website already have it that everyone is on super-super-fast broadband and see no reason to permit buffering!).
  2. Is this programme going to be on again? I was annoyed when I realised I'd missed it...
  3. Surely that would provide inspiration though Lyndalou for females with asperger's - it demonstrates that with determination and hard work there is hope out there contrary to belief. Maybe there are those who cheat but I'm sure there are those who work their socks off and make it too.
  4. Well that's easy: It's a discussion forum for Asperger and ASD in the UK. That is all. ..."but wait! Isn't there more to it than that??" You're asking. Well here's where I'm a little confused; I'm confused because it isn't really a forum where you can happily discuss about Aspergers and ASD in confidence because...well...I've said this before and I'll say it again...everything we type on this forum is apparently available from any number of search engines and I find that unsettling. Sure if you treat it as a bit of fun and don't reveal anything personal then it's a good thing. But I do worry about how much some members are putting out there about themselves. In some respects I think some of the topic areas should be restricted to members-only like in other forums.
  5. Funny thing happened to me actually regarding vertigo while kayaking out on the sea surprisingly. It was a fairly calm day and very hot but the waters were murky. Then suddenly I looked down and I could see the sandy sea floor with a sort of glassy-effect. I almost fell out of my boat too because it looked such a long way down, almost as if I were flying several hundred metres above it and it threw my navigation out through instinctual confusion - I had to row hard back to the shore and was very pleased to touch land again.
  6. It can get worse when it's raining and the puddles are distorting the view with all the reflections LOL! Just be careful not to look down if you at all suffer from vertigo!
  7. About 25 minutes. Although be my guest if you feel you have any other animals you want to add to it...
  8. Yes! I did this during the Millenium celebrations - my friends got me drinking spirits, wine, cider, beer, etc and I paid the ultimate price for the next 48 hours not to mention the sight of my parents when they returned before the end of the following day to find me totally out of it and throwing up everywhere. Once was enough and then thankfully milleniums only come round once every 1000 years any way, LOL!
  9. There's a really good article about disabilities and dating here: disabilities and dating What do people here think about this issue. I remember a time that I mentioned to a girlfriend that I had aspergers and she couldn't have backed away quicker if she tried - there was literally a woman-shaped hole in the door where she'd left. I was heartbroken. How could someone be so cold just because of a disability? I'm no different from anyone else and dating is something I will do whatever anyone says. Your thoughts...
  10. It's a hard life though LancsLad and not one someone should quit a contractual job over unless they're already millionaires and they're doing it for kicks. Besides if you had talent like that I bet you wouldn't be wasting it on street corners - you'd be recording songs and selling them online and helping make British Great again!
  11. To the layman "disease" is probably the closest thing they would understand which is probably why they're using that as the terminology. I don't think it's meant as a way to undermine what we know autism as - it is simply a mask to raise awareness to the uneducated as simply as possible.
  12. So you have the power to know that do you by some sort of advanced telepathy that you can mind meld with every animal on the planet? Wake up and expand your horizons to limitless possiblities...
  13. Definitely something I'm familiar with yes. I think when we're tired our minds get overloaded and go into meltdown and then anything else we're faced with doesn't have a cat in hell's chance until we've had chance to rest and de-clutter our minds (which is what dreams do by the way).
  14. Wow - wouldn't it be nice to be able to say that! "I have made the decision not to go into employment for the time being" How many people can say that in this economic climate. Good on you if you can say it though - hats off to you! But for the rest of us it's a luxury we can ill afford.
  15. I was always having disagreements with my younger sister when I was younger (still do) but often back then she would attack me by biting and scratching me, and of course also hitting me when we fell out. But having lived through it and survived I can say that she grew out of it (thankfully) and our rivalry became more adult in nature. I think it's just a phase kids go through particularly when they're all competing for attention. Do your children have a father? Can he have a bit more of a presence? I think you need a bit of extra grown-up support because it sounds as if you're starting to feel a bit out numbered? If not their father then could you get help from your friends? Help to role-model the correct behaviour and they'll be more likely to follow rather than resorting to arguments.
  16. Wow those were the days - when I got the house to myself I got up to all sorts including spending several hours everyday glued to the first version of GTA - wow what a game that was! I used to buzz around the map on the maximum of 4 stars for hours until they gave up - sadly that feature is no longer in the newer 1st person versions where they re-spawn indefinitely on a maximum of 6 stars (gets kind of boring after a bit - yawn!). I'm sure you'll be fine smileyK - just don't forget to tidy the house before they get back, LOL! Me and my Millenium party that I cannot remember except for the intense sickness I had the following day; one should never mix their spirits with their beers and cider - I've never made that mistake again since!
  17. From what we know today it isn't. It might seem like a bit of a dis-ease to some especially those on the more affected side of the spectrum to whom I have a lot of sympathy for because life must be hell for them. But that isn't to say that it categorically isn't; it's just that as far as we know today (as far as our medical science has got us) it isn't classed as a disease. Maybe one day someone will find a bug that we don't know about yet which causes autism. Like for example the mysterious bug people can apparently pick up from cats which actually cause changes in mental health: see here. There might even be bugs/viruses that alter DNA which again we don't know about. Who's to say there isn't some parasite that lives on the double helix of the DNA strands and eats bits of it? Just because we haven't found it yet doesn't mean it's impossible. Similarly all these microwaves we have could be exposing our DNA to disturbances no one has investigated properly yet. Radio waves are all around us and with the increasing usage of mobile phones and wifi only time will tell on that one. Just keep listening to the news and who knows another breakthrough might just be around the corner...
  18. We're all accustomed to them now and most of us have accepted them almost like modus operandi of modern times but do any of you experience irrational levels of stress and anxiety with security guards and cameras in shops? I remember when I was much younger having many such irrationalities when masses of cameras first started springing up everywhere but with education in security I learned a lot to dispel many of the myths I'd imagined and was able to quell some of the anxieties I felt back then. However with education there is always the danger of knowing too much and that can backfire and make one even more self-conscious to the point of pure paranoia. Even now I get uncomfortable sensations when I'm looking up and round at the signs over the shopping isles of shops I don't know so that I can easily navigate to the correct section of the shop but then accidentally ending up locking sight with security cameras (which seem only to beg to be stared at with their huge bug-eyed appearances) and then feeling as if I'm being followed by every camera and security guard until I've finished my purchases or walked out empty handed (which in a way is even worse as every security guard is suspicious of people leaving huge supermarkets without having made a single purchase). I had one such experience yesterday when I was in a DVD store and I suddenly got this surge of anxiety because I'd taken my coat off before entering the store due to being way too sweaty and I'd wrapped it up and held it in an ever-unravelling ball in my arm which I had to keep re-wrapping. I became self-conscious that it was bad to have my coat wrapped in my arm this way (bearing in mind thieves use these ploys to conceal things) but could do nothing practical about it. Well that was it wasn't it - as soon as I'd thought that, I could do nothing to forget it and the anxiety intensified. I decided I didn't want to buy anything as nothing took my fancy and that only made things worse. I slowly began to gravitate towards the exit and I floated near the security fences on a kind of high-alert that they were following me - I exited the store and just froze in cold petrification for several moments in the precinct where again there were more cameras and just very nervously began to walk away from the store. You see from the point of view of the Security agents I would probably have seemed highly suspect and that thought was circulating round my mind at the time which only made it worse and I could see no way to stifle those feelings to help me relax. And I needed to escape that situation (that discomfort) but again any hasty exit would make me look even more suspect. Of course I understand the common reason for having security in shops and elsewhere for our protection but it does a lot to undermine our confidence too. There's nothing worse than feeling you're being following/stalked/watched which only intensifies anxious-behaviour which makes them even more likely to follow. And all of this has made me wonder if any one else here has experiences like this. What are your experiences with security?
  19. Vasovagal Found in response to a search on wierd faint-like sensations I've had on and off for a while - I think I've whittled it down to "Vasovagal Response" which happens in reaction to stresses including prolonged seating (so make sure you take plenty of walk-abouts when using the internet, etc as not doing this can lead to blood clots and collapse if not too careful). I also discovered about the carotid sinus reflex and I'm pretty sure I accidentally activated that too in March when practising some pressure massage just under my chin - not recommended!!!
  20. Nope!!! The problem is still there...
  21. Besides what if your destiny lover awaits you online. Who says destiny doesn't play a hand with modern technology? It's a clever trick destiny is believe me - there is no place destiny cannot reach - it is everywhere, all around us; it's in the very atoms vibrating with vibrant, positive energy (if you're lucky) and everything shimmers with it. All you have to do is play along...roll the dice, as the say...
  22. You'll be waiting for an eternity then! I did and got nowhere. I suppose if one lived in a busy metropolis like New York or Tokyo then it would be easy to go out and mingle and meet the right person but for the rest of us the internet is the next best thing.
  23. That's what I'm talking about; there are clearly unresolved issues. That's why you need professional support such as via Relate: 0300 100 1234
  24. So you must be someone who enjoys washing clothes, ironing them and packing them when you move?!?
  25. I don't even know if this is an aspie issue (not that the autism helps) but family breakdown is always a stressful situation. Someone mention CAMHS further up which might help your son. However it won't help the wider issue of family breakdown which is quite potentially what is exacerbating things at present. So here are some other options you might try: Relate SupportLine
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