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Everything posted by caren

  1. caren

    updated re TA

    it took abit to work he's only 7 and i believe him , he can't put a sentence together yet is speech is repeated phases so if some one's said some thing to him or in front of him he repeats it , he repeats pokemon word for word and is so good at picking words up that he has this wicked american accent and uses truck for lorry , ice-cream truck for ice-cream van , the trunk of a car instead of boot oh and best one mail man for post man , had to take him doctors last week for a blood test and nurse asked me where he was born so when i said lancs she said i thought he was from USA it is pretty cool though
  2. good luck with getting the help off school
  3. not heard of it sorry but wanted to wish you good luck
  4. caren

    updated re TA

    It is annoying when they lie , don't they just wind you up worst thing is i'm not making K out to be whiter than white but everything is black or white and i'v asked him over and over again and he says the same she said "big fat cry baby" anfd i believe him
  5. caren

    updated re TA

    she did deny it surprise surprise ...... but said " kurtis calls himself FAT BOY " ###### he has never ever said that !!! that the PE was a mistake !!! and won't happen again and the shouting its the other kids she shouts at ... mark very quickly off the mark said " well she's suppose to be supporting kurtis not all the class" , she also said " she feels undermined by what has been said and wants to move !!!!! we have a appointment at 9.10 am in morning to find out what happen's now , but jack ( disability team guy) is coming in 1 hour so i'm sure he willl be able to advise us
  6. <'> poor ryan , yes complain and keep complaining till they listen , i'm learning this every day we are our childrens eyes and ears and we have to stand up for them good luck
  7. *hugs* aww rach there unfair are'nt they <'>
  8. caren

    TA again

    Thanks rach just drove up to school to pick kirk up and saw Mrs D kurtis's TA her face was really red but i bet she denies everything
  9. caren

    TA again

    well i'm gob smacked , the head master wasnt like i expected every other time he's stood by his staff but this time his face , kurtis told him and he said " i'm shocked and if that's going on we will get to bottom of this as she has NO rights to speak to him like that" it kinda threw me as i wasnt expecting him to say that . he said everything would be investigated properly and then talked about her being dismissed but said its a lengthy process and takes time or he could move her to a different part of the school , mark said well we were thinking of a SLD school and he said they want more kids to go into mainstream but said he'd look into that too , we have to ring tomorrow afternoon to go back and see him in 2 days to see whats happened with Mrs D , mark told him about the way she spoke to me as well and he said thats out of order and i said i'd cope with that as long as she was ok with kurtis but she is'nt and also the PE on friday he did not look happy one bit , so quiet a good meeting in all well positive more than i expected , now just got lewis review to attend this afternoon . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. caren

    TA again

    K has 1 on 1 support and we have had a few times were she's done or said some thing i'm not happy about but on friday she was suppose to be supporting him in PE and she was in class teaching some SN children so a 7 year old girl in K's class had to dress K and tie his laces , that was bad enough but then she shouted at K for getting is work wrong and she told him to shut up he was a big fat cry baby , was told this last night he's in main stream with a band E which means he gets support through his classes , breaks and dinner and he's 7 , now got a meeting in morning with head master and i want his TA finished or i'm removing K from school , K has limited speech and lots echolia so she must of thought he could'nt tell me but since last week his not been going to sleep till 2 in morning then crying himself to sleep i'm so F******* annoyed if i'd gone in today i would of hit her . I'm really annoyed has anyone any advice before i go in all guns blazing Thanks
  11. I'm same never shout and if a rare time comes up the kids know its something very serious , K can't cope with noise so i try and keep the house as calm as i can ( very hard with 8 kids ) but I know where your coming from
  12. My son's TA is same some times she's with a group some times just with K , if your not happy then speak with senco , good luck
  13. I love them there so cute but we can't get any more as family dog likes to chase ours and i think a kitten would'nt stand a chance
  14. caren

    CSA help

    Its disgusting is'nt it , mine pays �1.25 a week
  15. sorry i'm in lancs but good luck
  16. caren

    CSA help

    Thanks alot , it was a topic i think about some thing else , it had been to court and because the child had disablities the CSA took more off the absent father , I can't remember anything else sorry but thanks alot
  17. caren

    CSA help

    Can anyone help other day was reading on here about CSA but can't find the post can anyone help please
  18. caren

    I'm off for abit

    oh glad its not just my lads then and its not the 7 year old one its the 15 year old one
  19. thanks madme , i will also be asking this too
  20. thank you for that , he's not grab your shirt kinda of guy just won't be pushed around one and can get passionate about the childrens welfare (which is fair enough) but will be using the 'I'm just wondering about your reasons for using such an approach' question , think that would come across better thanks for that
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