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Nic m

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Everything posted by Nic m

  1. Nic m

    Went to the cinema

    SG, was juno good? Hayley wants to see that but i wasn't quite sure of the content even though it is a 12A nic
  2. Nic m


    Oh Clare, i hope it went ok and that you did mention it to her. nic
  3. Nic m

    pancake day

    Hayley's favourite is chocolate either n*t*lla or Gr**n and Bl*cks. I love butter and maple syrup. I also like savoury fillings with them too. nic
  4. I am so very pleased for you, Kathryn. You have achieved a great deal. Well done and enjoy the victory, if you are too 'spent' tonight do something nice at the weekend. nic
  5. Very cool, I am impressed. nic
  6. Oh that does not sound too good, lorry. I hope you get some help soon nic
  7. Jen rose, i think you are doing all you can. let the H/V line manager know of this and cc a letter to the paed he will be pleased you are doing what he has suggested and the H/V line manager will act because it has gone above her too. good luck nic
  8. Me and my daughter went to see over her dead body today, and it was really quite funny. We have been trying to get to see St trinians but have still not managed so the choice was limited (the times are a bit odd at the weekend). Anyway we saw this and we really did laugh out loud. It was rather obvious but still good fun. nic
  9. Woohoo that is fabby news. well done all of you nic
  10. This is something i was unsure about before my daughter was diagnosed, sciencegeek. So i think i know kind of how you feel. I think if you are comfortable posting here keep on keeping on.You will eventually get your answers. I think many people have found this forum when they have been searching for answers so you are not alone. nic
  11. Frang, that is quite amazing! Well done you. Thanks everyone, this has been quite a fabulous weekend. nic
  12. Sesley that is fantastic news! well done you for persevering. nic
  13. Thanks everyone, i think because i have seen so many similarities between my daughter and what others have written, i kind of hope you will all experience this too. I have gained so much from learning about all of you and your children, and the adults on this forum that i wanted to share this with you. It's a very weird feeling, i hated the fact that people struggled to see what i saw in my daughter, but i still wanted them to be correct. Now though while i still wish my daughter did not have daily struggles, i cannot imagine her any other way and i am now appreciating the positives of how our life is now. I am not that great with computers, and i did not expect to care so much about all of your lives but i now realise at this point in my life you are all quite significant. I want to hear how you are all doing, and want to share my good times with you, and i love when Hayley is in bed and i can get my next instalment. Take care everyone, thank-you nicola
  14. Jenrose, please please write everything down in a letter and get someone to go with you if you are speaking to these people. They have no right to say it is down to you that your child is not out of nappies yet. Just a thought but paediatricians probably wont take kindly to someone suggesting what they are saying is incorrect. I spent 5 years working in a hospital (within social work) working closely with paeds and lovely people they are too. Heirarchy within the health service is still very strong so if a HV has gone against what they have said i am sure they will be none too pleased! good luck nic
  15. I have been feeling very thankful of late, and i wanted to share it with you. Two years ago, my daughter and i were in a terrible state, waiting for diagnosis, both really stressed and my daughter was really struggling. I gave up my work and could not focus on anything else, to the point my sisters were all really concerned that i (always the dependable, organised and reliable one needed help) needed them. Now though i am so thankful that my life has changed. My daughter is healthier, less stressed and is starting to enjoy life again.She wants to start doing activities again and our lives have returned to our 'new' normal. I had to start earning a living again and opened a shop near our home in the hope that it would provide an income while allowing flexibility to get my daughter to appointments etc and having more time for her while working. Anyway, life is treating us very well and the shop is picking up, and i got my first corporate customer this year! woohoo. Everyone around us is so supportive and quite a few people who i had lost touch with have come back into my life. I have been going into my work smiling, and when my daughter joins me there she makes things that are selling! She has a very artistic flair and some of her cards have sold along with baskets she has made up. This has given her a fabulous boost, and it makes me smile through teary eyes when i see this. My daughters needs forced a change in my lifestyle and i will be forever grateful because this has been another area of my life that she has brought me joy. If anyone is struggling at the moment, take care and i hope you find your joy soon nic
  16. Thar sounds really good, well done nic
  17. Mumble, and bid, I know i did not start this thread but you have both just helped me with explaining this more clearly. I am going to remeber the flexible thinking thing the next time someone mentions imagination. Thank-you nicola Rocketgob thank-you for helping by bringing this up nic
  18. Rocketgob, my daughter has a great imagination and when she was younger it seemed more than it is now if that makes sense. At three staff at nursery were amazed at how far she would go with a story she would tell, but i read lots of fairy stories to her and would make stories up for her, and they kind of got her version of all of that. Her imagination is more rigid now and i think it always has been really, just that at a young age she articulated really well and had a fantastic memory. Her memory is changing now and some things she remembers word for word, and other things she cannot recollect at all. Imagination, though vivid in a particular sense with her, is fabulous it is always rooted in fantasy land (fairy stories, princess stories all the stories from when she was younger) but asking her to visualise anything in any kind of structured way is not possible at the moment. If i try to run through possible eventualities in any particular setting, we might get a response but it is then fixed in her head that that is the way it will end up. So i am sorry, i have probably not helped any but i think she has a great sense of imagination, and you would want to live in the worlds she creates but i find it is limited to that. I would love to have the power of her recollection, and it comes in very handy when i get us lost.She is like a wee homing pigeon and always remembers routes we have taken and looks out for landmarks.(This may be nature's way of protecting her from a rather ditzy mother though) I hope you get some answers soon nic
  19. Something better will come along, hope you feel better soon nic
  20. Nic m

    Different world

    One small step, one great achievement for both of you! Great stuff to hear about. nicola
  21. I hope you feel a bit better soon take care nic
  22. Nic m

    need fashion help

    Lya, I love clothes shopping. If you are going to try things on, make a day of it. book a personal shopper, most shops provide this free. you get to sit in a room and they bring things you will like and other things they think will look good on you. They will advise on shoes etc. There is no need to buy, you get the chance to do it in a less stressful enviroment and you get to try on things you would never normally look at. The most important thing is get your foundations right! buy some good underwear and even the most simple dress can look fantastic. If you are short a cocktail length dress would be nice, or a ballerina length. Lots of girlies are really dressing up now to go out and i love it. I love getting all glam. You should get some fabby dresses in the sales but to be honest even shops like new look are doing quite fancy dresses. Now what colour would you normally wear? What kind of shoes do you wear on a night out, can you walk in heels? Is it a long time you will be there? When is it? nic
  23. very relevant tonight, my lovely daughter had a stressful week and it has been building. So tonight cue the lashing out. i did stay calm was reassuring but very determined. Result she is now in bed, rewind two years and this would have lasted 3 nights. I love classical music but she has cottoned on to that and even if i have it on just for me she will say, why have you got that on? I really just had to slow our lives down completely and go at her pace, i dont always get it right but im getting there and i see my daughter progressing. It will be very interesting to see what everyone else does
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