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Everything posted by kirstie

  1. kirstie


    <'> <'> s**t i can't believe i missed this post!!! i'M SO SORRY! You know the strange thing was as i was reading through this thread i was thinking to myself, "I wonder if he sees himself in your Son!" sounds as though you both have a journey ahead!! I hope you're ok and you know where i am... (sorry i missed your call the other day i've been choked with a stinking cold and am just getting on top of it now!) if you need to talk. It is true to say that some families can see 'traits' in other members. My sons Dad and his grandmother have/had so many traits it's unbelievable. Although Lewis's Dad doesn't have an ASD he does have certain behaviours, as for his Grandmother, well she's not with us anymore but boy was she a difficult woman, without speaking ill of the dead she wasn't always easy to deal with. Just take you're time together and you'll both get there, talking is always good! <'> <'> <'> <'> And whatever happens, be happy and be kind to yourself take a breath - it's been such a long hard struggle for you <'> <'>
  2. <'> Poor Auriel, That must be so annoying for him in this heat! I hope he is ok and the exams go well! <'>
  3. About me having to pick Lewis up from School because he was having what seemed to me to be tummy migraines. He was asleep on the floor. As the days and weeks went on i came to realise he was having a terrible time regarding lunch times. I had given hima different roll one day and that seems to have triggered a real anxiety about his food. It has to be a very white roll, no burnt bits underneath or a sandwhich with no crusts and just the right size.......... Anyway apparently it wasn't the right size today and he was physically sick! So i though, right thats it i'm phoning his Paed. She is worried that his fears are becoming too deep rooted and is referring him to CAHMS (back on that rollercoaster ride again.....joy!) for some specialist help coping with his food anxieties. The other thing she is worried about is these episodes he's had where he's been complaining of a sore tummy, gone white, started shaking and fallen asleep on the floor, and sometimes he pukes too. She is wondering if he's having anxiety induced fits. Has anyone any experience of this or even heard of it before? I would, as ever appreciate your advice. Thanks guys.
  4. Yeh it's pants really, I mean, carers allowance is classed as income..........how ridiculous. Shows what they think we're worth.
  5. Lindy-lou, i'll be thinking of you both too! My wee boy (9 months) has something called Laryngomalasia (sp??) which is floppy larynx basically. He has had terrible problems breathing and has been admitted a few times to be tube fed and have suction. He's a little better now he's older but he does have this Apnoea too. I listen when i'm in bed at night and it seems to take ages for him to take another breath sometimes. He also makes a grunting sound as if he's got a fight almost and it's made him take that breath. I wake up with a start most night and give him a little prod to make sure he's ok. It terrifys me and i'll be mentioning it the next time we see the Paed. He has a ganglion on his hand and they really want to whip it uot under general but i'm really not into it atall, he's only a wee baba!! I hope all goes well for India (and you too Paula!)
  6. If anyone asks me what As is i just say it's a social and communication difficulty. They either go"Oh right, "and pretend that makes perfect sense to them now or they will ask me more about it. so thats when i get into the nitty gritty of it. Some peop,e are interested, and some are just afraid to ask i think. I hada great chat about it with my Midwife when i was in strong labour with Aiden (dontcha just love those epidurals!) she was really interested.
  7. Oh i know how you feel. Although i have to say it's my eldest NT son who can be the problem. Especially if he's grounded. He'll pick away at Lewis and he'll end up in tears and then he'll nag the life out of me it drives me crackers. When he's stuck in we all know about it!!! I don't move the goalposts though, Ever so you'd think he would know by now to shut his gob but oh no..........
  8. <'> Hi Lindy-lou! Lewis used to go through this at Nursery too. He would either try and play with the other kids but it had to be on his terms and would dominate the play, causing many difficulties. He would kick off that much the kids would avoid him if they could, or run for cover when he went into meltdown. Either that or he would play by himself and it didn't seem to bother him. He just didn't have the social skills to realise that some things are about sharing and turn taking. The other thing though is his imaginary friends! He has loads!! Don't worry about it. Many kids with or without an ASD have them. I would always go along with it, to the extent we would have to open the car door for 'jimmy' or put his seat belt on him and even chat with him at the dinner table. I remember once asking 'Jimmy' if he wanted any dinner and Lewis replied "He's not real you know MUm!" made me look a bit of a plank, but they do realise they're not real or at least Lewis does. The time we went to Town (it's rare!) he had about seven of his imaginary friends with him on the bus. He got very angry with the woman who got on and 'sat' on them. I have come to realise these friends appear when he is quite stressed out. Couldit be the same for India? Anyway Lewis is at School now and he seems to have matured as well as learnt a little more about social skills and is doing very well. He isn't in Mainstream primary though so he does have a lot of help. He has friends and sometimes he does prefer to be alone or with the adults but that's ok, when he feels ready he will play with the kids. Is India going to have support at School? What about SALT? because they could make her up social stories if she needs them. School is a major step for them, so if she needs the support make sure she gets what she deserves. As for the imaginary friends, they'll disappear as soon as they arrived!
  9. <'> Oh Caroline, We will have to meet up for that pizza.......and soon.... I'll pm you!
  10. That made me laugh! They are so honest!! I think with the sensory issues perfumes can smell really strong. Theres nothing worse when you've got an old biddy on the bus guffing of the strongest smelling perfume ever and Lewis would say, "Oh Mum that lady stinks" i've had many an embarresing moment on the bus with him...... Anyway i'll keep you posted!
  11. Oh wow, does he really? I''l let you know if i speak to his Consultant!
  12. kirstie


    <'> Lilme, I'm sorry you've had it so rough but soooooo glad things are on the up for you.
  13. Yeah this is what i've been thinking lately too. Should i phone his Consultant and have achat with her about it? I don't think it's particularly problematic right now (and a far as i know the kids in the mainstream part of his school haven't 'cottoned' on to it......YET. i just don't want them teasing him) but if he is going to have obsessive tendancies maybe it's worth having a chat with her about it??
  14. Hi Everyone, Just wanted to ask some opinions on this one. Lewis has been doing this for ages now but i got to thinking the other day and wonder if it's obsessive compulsion or if hes stimming or what??? Everything he touches he has to sniff his fingers afterwards. Whether it's his hair, my hair, my skin toys the dog, soap you catch my drift..... for whatever reason he's doing it and whether it smells or not doesn't have any effect on him. I don't think he's doing it for the smell as such but he just needs to do it.... Got any thoughts oh wise ones??
  15. Bullet, Lewis is the same. I sit an watch him when we go to my Dads house with a lump in my throat. He goes outside and plays on his own and wants nothing to with any of us. I just feel desperatley sad for him when i see him alone. But i have also come to realise he sometimes needs the space and we just let him be and hope he'll come in and join us at the table.........
  16. kirstie


    <'> Well done, and that is super fast for them!! What about the Mobility component? it's worth applying for too.
  17. <'> hi Caroline, Hope the party went OK. I know the feeling of dread! We didn't get any invites to parties untill Lewis started school. The kids in his class are all on the spectrum so it was far more relaxed and no-one bothered about the kids wants and needs. It is hard but don't NOT go. If anyone takes exception to Robert if he does kick off then it's them who have the problem. He is who he is and should be accepted regardless! Let us know how you got on! Kirstie.
  18. <'> Thanks guys, I had a lovely day. I had breakfast in bed where all the kids came in and gave me beautiful flowers and cards and vouchers to buy myself some jewelry for the wedding. My Mum and Dad came over later to wach the kids while Richard and i went out for Dinner. It was great the first time we've been alone since we had Aiden! So yes, i had a really good Birthday!
  19. kirstie

    Lipstick Aspies...

    sounds like you had a great day! May it be the first of many and............I WANNA JOIN!!!!!!!!!! the only thing i ever dissed was my maths teacher... sorry, thicko standing proud and ....er, alone!!!
  20. Sounds like you had a good night! Good on you, we all need these times when we lose our boots in the garden. Me? well i tend to do hedge bouncing! On purpous which is even worse i suppose. It's actually great fun. The idea is to throw yourself onto it and hopefully bounce back, but the last time i did it i'd had a few too many and bounced myself right over the other side of the hedge and landed in a heap in the garden. laughing my head off! Ooooh i was sore in the morning though!
  21. Interesting! My eldest sons Ed Psyche always said Jamie had auditory processing problems. He is currently being assessed for Dyscalculia.
  22. I know.... Child of our time was bitter sweet to watch. I would often see the other kids at Nursery and my heart would sink when i'd watch them all play 'house'together or dress up or even paint pictures. at that time Lewis was a tormrnted little soul who wouldn't participate in any of the activities. It would hurt even m,ore to see him try and interact with the kids and then watch them scarper! Something that has made me think of Lew as a baby is having Aiden who is now 9 months old. He has just gone onto lumpier food. It always make me think of him at that age gagging on his food unable to swallow the lumps. At the time the HV said he was just a lazy eater, but now i know otherwise. Where Aiden will return a smile Lewis would look at you sideways and never smiled, infact it felt like he cried constantly. If only i had known then what i know now, maybe i could have done something different to help him smile......
  23. Lewis would eat and eat and eat if i let him (sadly nothing healthy) he just doesn't realise he's full. I have to stop him raiding the cupboards for crisps and biscuits. He is the same with drinks!
  24. Thanks Nellie. Will i still be eligable as i had a rebate for both at the start of the year thanks to Phas giving us the info. I will give it a try in the morning though!!
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