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Everything posted by asereht

  1. Hi Viper , really glad it all went well . Theresa
  2. I thought the programme was good but also thought the same as you Daisy. My son was much the same when he was 7 although not exactly the same as sophie, but issues have changed with him over the years. Theresa
  3. I know exactly what you mean.
  4. Brilliant we need more of this . Really cheered me up. Should have been doing housework , but who cares!
  5. asereht


    Sometimes when we have a lot on our plate we just can't give,luckily this forum is about receiving too. We all need to step back once in a while and take time out. Hope your daughter is feeling better soon. Take care of yourself.xx
  6. Well done , it's great to hear good news!
  7. Hi Viper, Try not to worry. A few years back it was suggested to me that because K was my youngest, that maybe I was trying to keep my baby! It is very upsetting to hear this when we want so much for our kids to be able to do things for themselves, but at the same time don't want to push them too far too soon if we think they will not cope. Why Oh Why do we have to spend our whole lives defending ourselves over everything we do for our kids. It's so unfair! Let us know how you get on .Take care. Theresa <'> <'>
  8. Fingers crossed. Hope it goes your way!
  9. My son often looks in on this forum ,but then asks " Do these people ever talk about anything other than ASD!" I think a non ASD part could be good. No offence meant by my son I'm sure.
  10. Phasmid and Bid ,so sorry to hear of your loss. <'> <'> <'> take care Theresa
  11. Yes I realised the other day that since I came back I have not seen a post from gordie. Hope you are well! Theresa Oh and thanks for missing me folks.
  12. We too seen the psych for an emergency appointment , he didn't put him on meds as he felt school was the problem ( my son would rather have died than go back in sept). So he advised us to take him out. Yes it is hard not getting a break ( although I do feel guilty about saying this ) My son too is on a waiting list like yours. Lets hope we both get some help. It is a help to know someone else is in the same boat. In the dead of night it often feels like your on your own and no-one in the world can help.Then the sun shines in the window and we look forward to a new and better day. Lets hope we have that day soon <'> <'>
  13. Hi Az and welcome I too find this site and the people who post wonderful! Theresa
  14. asereht

    Oh dear!

    Me too , I thought com was short for something and must admit I never noticed Dot being mentioned. Theresa
  15. My son was really bad a few months ago look back at my posts for july. We thought we had come to the end of the line and considered medication to be the only option other than putting him out of the house which I could never really do but my other children were suffering . I almost had a breakdown . Now he is fine most of the time and hardly ever aggressive. What did we do to achieve this? Took him out of mainstream school . Hope things improve for you soon . Sorry I have no better advice. <'> Theresa
  16. Had worries from a very early age was a little slow to talk but then seemed to come on in leaps and bounds , not socially though, tried to get assessments for years. Finally got one at 12 and was told possibily ADHD and dyspraxia, six months later may be Aspergers. Then last Feb dx of (ASD) Aspergers and Developmental co-ordination delay ( similar to dyspraxia) when he'd just turned 14. Now added to dx Social anxiety disorder and elective mutism , he will be 15 next jan.
  17. Sometimes I wish I had never heard the word Aspergers and could just say my son had autism. Sorry but so fed up
  18. Just received the e-mail . Well done Carole. really looking forward to the conference now. Theresa
  19. Well done Alex! Annie you must be so proud of your son. Theresa
  20. I'd been away for a while and just realised that there are two people called Tylers mum .Very confusing! T ( easily confused)
  21. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Well done. And good luck to anyone else who is looking forward to a new family member. oooh... I love babies especially teeny tiny ones
  22. Thinking of you Bid. Hope your Dad is home soon. <'>
  23. asereht

    Hi all

    Ah thanks everyone! It's good to be back.
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