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Everything posted by lorryw

  1. ME?....SHOUT......NEVER!!! Once I start I really cant stop. I know I sound like a fishwife but once Im in full flow theres no stopping me.
  2. Sorry, I always pride myself on my sense of humour but this completely passes me by. Is Baddad around? Hes the humour specialist around these parts (oh yes, you are!) perhaps he can enlighten us to the merits of this "joke"
  3. Has he always been frightened or is this a recent behaviour? Can I suggest that you desensitize him with thunder recordings played at a low level, gradually increased until he can tolerate the sound. It may take months but he will improve. It sounds simplistic but we had the same issues with a little girl and fire alarms and gradual exposure in a controlled enviroment reduced her stress and she no longer has a problem.
  4. Great news Hev, so pleased for you all.
  5. Good luck Hev, I have a feeling everything is going to be fine, cant wait to hear how you get on. Love and luck Lorainexx
  6. lorryw

    home insurance

    Hev, Only just noticed this thread. hope Im not too late! Tesco have a special half price insurance deal at the moment but it ends today. Just Google "Tesco" and click on insurance. Good luck Lorainex
  7. Could you get hold of a video camera and get evidence of his behaviour that way? It would ideal if you get get it together for your joint meeting.
  8. Is it possible he has relieved himself somewhere other than the loo, perhaps out on a walk or something? I know its really hard but I would clean it up with as little fuss as possible and not mention it to him. Sometimes the more attention paid to a behaviour the harder it is to extinguish. Lets face it, having a wee in the corner of the room gets a reaction everytime and sometimes the reaction and attention feeds the behaviour.
  9. My son is 21 and he has his shoes and socks off at every opportunity. I find it a very useful way of calming him when we are out and about. If you ever see a 6 foot young man having his feet rubbed by a demented looking woman, come and say hello. I even carry oils and a footspray in my handbag, just in case. If its something your lttle girl finds soothing its a brilliant strategy to have up your sleeve for stressful situations. I agree with the reflexology connection, having bare feet is very soothing, especially if you can find someone to rub them.for you!!
  10. I know exactly how you feel. Im currently making a formal complaint about the lack of services/help/information offered by my counties social service department. Im on stage 2 which involves an independant investigator who decides if I have a case and then interviews relevant staff, examines paperwork etc. I just wish more people would make formal complaints and hopefully change will happen I seem to have spent the past 20 odd years trying to get things sorted for my son, going to the next appointment, writing the next letter, phonecall etc. It just seems to be an endless uphill struggle.
  11. lorryw

    Work as LSA

    Great advice from Bid but to be honest I dont think many schools will be taking on staff before the end of this school year. Have a look at your County Councils website for all current vacancies in your area.
  12. I dont understand why social services would suggest calling the police. I can see that they would recommend an ambulance, or an out of hour GP service, its a medical issue not law enforcement. At least he could perhaps be hospitalised for a while and you would have instant access to people who would then have to help. Social Services are completely out of order here, they are completely dodging their responsibilites and leaving you and your family high and dry. Could you try ringing the NAS and asking what they would suggest you do, you cant go on like this.
  13. Please forgive my ignorance but why call the police in the first place. Why would they have the depth of experience to deal with a little boy with ASD?
  14. Please, please make a formal complaint to ss. Im afraid its the only way forward and the only way to make proper changes to the system. Its even worse for adults with autism. My son is 20 and is non verbal and with severe learning difficulties. The service is just not geared up for him or adults with similar difficulties. It has taken me a long time to realise that the only way to change things is to complain and make as much fuss as possible. Its time consuming, draining but the only way forward.
  15. Is the respite worker employed by social services? Has a risk assessment been carried out? Im appalled at what Im reading. If the session worker is "bored," sorry but thats just tough. His/her job is to make sure your son is safe, happy and that you are having some respite, not worrying about what is going on when he is away from you.
  16. There are huge differences in the behaviours and abilities of those on the "autistic spectrum" A quick look through this forum shows that no two people with autism are the same. My heart sinks when yet another teacher appears in our staff room having been on an "autism course" and now feels they know all the answers. Autism awareness is very important and courses can be useful in raising this but there is no one size fits all teaching method. Every child is different and Bards idea is brilliant. It saves an awful lot of misunderstanding and upset if you know why a child is presenting with a certain behaviour. When my son was younger I helped out in class and it was a great way of seeing exactly what was happening and building a relationship with staff.
  17. I love the name Ernie, we met a Bassett hound last week with the name and I thought it was brilliant.
  18. Just a word of comfort from an "old" Mum. My son is 21 and has spent years eating a very restricted diet. It mainly consists of sausages, rice, marmite and crisps. Over the years he has had the odd fling with a new food and then reverts back. I gave up worrying a long time ago. Nothing will make our children eat what they dont want and making a fuss makes things worse. My son is now a healthy, strong, hairy chested, 6 footer! Loraine
  19. Im with you on this one, I know its not really funny but I cant help imagining the posties face as your son legged it with a handful of letters. Sometimes a bizarre sense of the ridiculous is all that keeps you going. A couple of weeks ago we had a very important meeting here at home with regard to a social service complaint. Three suits sat in my front room delivering lengthy speeches about lack of funding etc etc. My son decided it was a good idea to play with his Homer Simpson Christmas toy. We were treated to several (very loud) renditions of Jingle Bells.The sight of these chps trying to talk over Homer and pretend nothing was happening makes me chuckle just thinking about it. Lorainexx
  20. As soon as I read that he was a loner I knew that someone somewhere would link him to ASD. ASD has suddenly become a common, all encompasing personality disorder.
  21. Hello Kathryn, Im not sure what the criteria is for lifetime DLA. I had heard of very young children getting it for life but Im not sure what the circumstances would have to be. My son is now 21 so perhaps its linked to his age and the probability that his disability is not going to change. Lorainex
  22. Im my son appointee and it was a very easy process, a chap came from our local social security office and I signed a few forms. My son recieves DLA at the higher rate for both care and mobility. It was granted for life last year so no more horrible forms to fill! Lorainex
  23. Hi Gillsfan, I totally agree with Puffin, the teacher was completely out of order and unprofessional. Im afraid that ASD is currently "flavour of the month" in many schools. Ive worked as a teaching assistant for more years than I care to mention and the description of your little lad fits at least 10 in my current class. School is such a huge leap for a child to adapt to and learn the "rules". Why on earth should she be concerned that he doesnt need visual prompts, fingers, number lines , to help his numeracy? That is the whole point of the visual prompts, to encourage the internal thought process. The more I think about this the crosser I feel for you. This wretched teacher has planted a seed of doubt in your mind when you sholud be enjoying your lovely little boy.
  24. Loulou, It makes things easier if you turn it on its head, its the behaviours you dont like not your actual son. Dont worry its normal, parents of nt children feel exactly the same! You must be absolutely k*******d with a new baby, try and be kind to yourself. Love Lorainexx
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