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Everything posted by ScienceGeek

  1. ScienceGeek


    Any gluten free bread that doesn't instantly fall apart when trying to make a sandwich would be nice. Tried having a bacon butty this morning and it all fell apart so I ended up having just the bacon and about half a slice of the bread (which is always tiny, and expensive). Our favourite things to eat are spag bol, lasagne, curry and salmon with mash (not all in one dish obviously )
  2. I absolutely hate Soya milk but decided to try goats milk and that has worked out fine so far
  3. ScienceGeek

    Bad News

    Sorry to hear Bid, I hope that she will be ok <'>
  4. Does that mean you are some kind of genius?
  5. The thing that put me in shock the most was that she was so young! She was only a year older than my wife My thoughts go out to her husband and boys.
  6. Lol! I thought the whole aim of Glastonbury was to get very drunk and muddy??
  7. Well it has got even more interesting. I found a private OT that did work for the NHS, and told my GP about them. GP enquired and told PCT, PCT put pressure on Learning disabilities and now all of a sudden the OT there will see me after all! Apparently they are supposed to be ringing me at some point to arrange an appointment. Why they couldn't have sorted this out in say, erm... November?! ARGH! I hate this whole being stuck inbetween and therefore not getting the help I need. Every little bit of help I do get is a freaking fight to get.
  8. Very sad. It certainly shocked Em (my wife), she is a youth worker that covers that part of Gloucestershire. Our thoughts go out to the family.
  9. I don't like wearing the noses but I do like buying the badges so I have one on my bag.
  10. Many many things! - Euphonium so I can start playing again. I miss playing so much - A mobile phone that works reliably. - New bed - A room full of lava lamps and swirly sparkly things I think that is about it really.
  11. It could be worse. My mums best friend used to make mash that was somehow lumpy, runny and burnt all at the same time.. Then again everything she cooked was burnt. Charcoal anyone?
  12. Hi Ben, Welcome to the site. I hope you find it useful and as friendly as I have. SG
  13. That stuff is evil and tastes nothing like the real thing
  14. What I do is cook the potatoes, start mashing without the aid of butter or milk. Once the lumps are out I then add a little butter and milk a small bit at a time to make it smoother. After that I mix it very fast with a wooden spoon and it comes out really nice.
  15. Noticed that. I haven't been on that much this evening, not been well today
  16. ScienceGeek


    I'm already cutting out gluten in my diet and I would like to cut out the lactose as well but will do so slowly. Anyway the main thing is that my mum is coming to visit and recently was told that she is lactose intolerant so she needs to cut it out of her diet. I don't want to make her ill or anything while she is visiting. Any good recipes for food that is gluten and lactose free?
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