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Everything posted by Tensing

  1. Yes I had a day like that too. Only it was a SENSS advisor I saw today
  2. Tensing


    Mine get 5 weeks. Sorry couldn't resist telling you
  3. This may help. http://www.occ.uk.com/faqs/faqs.html
  4. Might be worth filling it in you never know someone important might actually care what the results are. National bullying survey
  5. No I wish Henry would show more of his at school, or that school would at least take more notice of the one he does display.
  6. Tensing

    Dx Paperwork

    We had a letter within a week of his diagnosis, it has come in very handy.
  7. Phone the Ed Pysch your self, I do that it it really winds her, but atleast she turns up at school.
  8. I was a cub leader for years, as was my mother mother I grew up around scouts. My ex band is a scout leader. I also run the DoE for the Sea Cadet unit to which I belong now. I am shocked but not surprised by this scout leader, I know lots of adults involved in youth work who have no knowledg or inerest in Special needs. Have you considered a change of youth organisation (not trying to recruit him here) Most cadet groups and St Johns ambulance do the DoE scheme. They also often do the BTEC pulic services qualification (worth 4 GCSE's) and Milenium Volunteers. I wouldn't recomend Army Cadets as they tend to be a macho bawling and shouting type environment, possibly not the best place for a quite, polite lad. I notice you are in west yorkshire too, so if you want any contact details let me know.
  9. Tensing

    Two down ...

    I sat and did all of Henry's in one night. It was hell.
  10. Tensing

    Job Application

    Great News, Good Luck
  11. Tensing

    lea criteria

    I can't find it on our LEA website, so I will write and ask for a copy.
  12. I saw a website just the other day asking for peoples stories for the top women's magazines, you just had to fill in the basic details and then they phone you to get the more in depth story, I'll try and find it. edited to add link, here you go. http://www.money4yourstory.co.uk/
  13. I would send a written complaint to the Practice Manager with a copy to the PCT, if you get no response in say 2 weeks, then a copy to your local paper.
  14. I get loads of ebay and amazon for that matter.
  15. I've seen these beofre they are great arn't they.
  16. Henry was sat on the floor playing when the pead said he would refer him to the assessement team, he imediatly asked "Why", so the descision/task of explaining was taken out of my hands. In some ways it can be great to have a child who as he puts it "just has to know everything".
  17. Makes a change they normally seem to be outside my house.
  18. Small and intimate definatly. Last time I had a big church wedding, conducted by my father (he was a vicar until he died).
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