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Statement - I'm in shock!

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I am absolutely in a state of shock!! I've been battling for two and a half years to get a statement for my daughter and we've finally got one!! It arrived today even though I wasn't expecting a decision for another 2 weeks. I was positive we'd end up at tribunal yet again. I just can't believe it. :dance::dance::dance:



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I dont want to pour cold water on yr joy but make sure you read it forwards and backwards.If poss get someone to look over it (NAS) before u sign it.

Im really pleased for u we got Ts statment on the last day of school just in time for her to start secondary next week.ARGGGGGGGG

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Hi that is great news you must be really pleased.As has been said do go through it with a fine toothed comb to make sure you are happy with it-once you have cellebrated and had a breather. :dance::dance: Karen

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Fantastic news.


I seem to recall that a couple of years ago we were going through the same battles for a statement.


I am so pleased that you have finally got the news you all deserve.


As for me, I gave up on believing we could get a statement, so have moved house, school, LA, everything,...this summer!! Desperate times, desperate measures!


I hope the statement has everything you asked for.


Kindest regards,




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WOOOHOOOO Brilliant, fab news :dance::clap:


Well done to you, and this gives all of us fighting for statements a spurr and a glimmer of hope :thumbs:


Flora :D

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Lisa - absolutely fantastic news!!!


What is a crime though, is that your DD hasn't changed so why one earth did you have to go through the Tribunal Process before? I am so pleased that you haven't had to go back.


I have review in October !!! May end up in Tribunal again!!!


Once again - fantastic news - I know how hard you have slogged for this and the blood sweat and tears that we parents put into trying to get very very basic human rights for our kids.






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Fantastic news, you've had so many setbacks and you really deserve this! :clap::clap:




I hope you find the statement has everything you want: in the meantime, enjoy the moment :)


To those still fighting - don't give up. :ninja:


K x

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Thank you all everyone so much.


What is a crime though, is that your DD hasn't changed so why one earth did you have to go through the Tribunal Process before?


This is exactly how I feel. In actual fact she's doing better socially now than when we first applied over two years ago so their decision doesn't make sense. Although it may possibly have been the doctor who swayed it where he said in his report that if something isn't done now to help then in his opinion she wouldn't cope within a mainstream setting. I also feel it's a real crime that you have to go to such lengths and battle for so long before anything is done. If it wasn't for this site, I most definitely wouldn't have had the confidence, energy or knowledge to keep fighting. So thank you. :clap::clap::clap:


I've photocopied the statement and my IPSEA rep is going to go over it for me. It's quite woolly but at least it quantifies the LSA hours so I'm pleased about that.


Thanks again everyone. Going to have a very large glass of wine now!!!!



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Thats brilliant news :D :D :D


Its such a shame that you had to fight for it so hard , but im glad it worked out in the end, but just to echo others, please get it checked out before signing it

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I am delighted you have got the statement at last.


I rememebr just how hard they made you fight for it too.


Congratulations and well done.



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Thanks. I've been through it a few times (quite a few!) and there are things that need to be added but hopefully the LEA will be ok with these. They put them into my sons statement without a fuss a few years back and she's already getting the support anyway on SA+ so I can't imagine they'd object (I hope).


The first is SALT. I'm happy enough with the level she gets which is a termly visit by a therapist and a program delivered through her social skills group. Although it mentions the SALT program in part 3 and has extended it to include LSA input of the SALT program (which is something we wanted), it doesn't quantify the termly SALT visits.


The second is the ASD outreach input. It refers to advice and training for the LSA from ASD outreach but appears to leave it up to the school when to call them in (although it doesn't say this). I know she'll receive some visits from them as she does already on SA+ but would like this quantified. Again I'd be happy with termly visits.


There's no mention of keyboard skills training either which I also want written in. So all in all not too much at the moment. I'm waiting to hear from IPSEA to see what they think. I'm sure I'll find other stuff throughout the week.


Is there anything else that it'd be useful to get added? Any ideas would be welcome.



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