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Everything posted by UltraMum

  1. No wonder he did well - a couple of his favourite topics!!!!! He was reading a huge book about volcanoes, tectonic plates and all sorts when he was only 7
  2. Hope that helps - bluejean-genie
  3. The Transition Plan The role of the Connexions Service
  4. The Annual Review in year 9 Not quite sure what a condition of grant is
  5. Ok: This is from the SEN Toolkit and is based on Chapter 9 of the Code
  6. Not in length of hours but the COP does state what should be covered by the meeting ... I'll see if I can find it in a mo... VERY important ... I'll check out the COP and get back to you ...
  7. Thanks all :-) <'> <'> <'> J is chuffed with himself in his own little way - he was only expected to get a 4 in English so that is an excellent achievement for him. It must be related what they had to do for the writing test as his reading age is 18+ - still have no idea exactly what the tasks were - probably never will!!!!
  8. That's excellent - well done
  9. As a former radiographer I am appalled that this IO has suggested a CAT scan ... no investigation should be performed without the necessary indications and a risk benefit analysis ... a CAT scan would involve a large dose of radiation (medically speaking) and would only show up any physical features - that's why they should only be used if indicated - the radiation dose received would be seen as valid if the CAT scan confirms or denies a suspected diagnosis - which it is extremely unlikely to do in the case of ASD's MRI scans show slightly more functional detail PET scans (specialised and horrendously expensive) would be the best way to investigate function and physiology. That said - you could ask why she recommended this investigation. Would be good to see her squirm.
  10. UltraMum


    Excellent news
  11. Just thought I'd let you all know that J got level 5 across the board for his SATs!
  12. It's definitely on the NAS website ... http://www.autism.org.uk/[name of our town] ie stick the name of our town in the bit above [name of our town] to see it ... or EASIER go to the NAS website and stick the name of our town in the search box - follow the first link ...
  13. The NAS have a list available of some ed psychs ... http://www.nas.org.uk/content/1/c6/01/07/8...ychologists.pdf
  14. Mine actually replied very early - trouble is I don't recognise the provision they say they provide ...
  15. I shout and then tell DH off for shouting
  16. Paula - been wondering how you were doing ... will be hard
  17. Hope it goes well - <'> <'> <'> Will be
  18. I think you need to be aware that "any evidence" etc etc "may be used against you" at a future date .... Why not drop a line to be enclosed with your signed report along the lines ... That way you've got written evidence that the report is not a true representation of the whole situation at school - should you need it ...
  19. From: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/DisabledPeople...ort/DG_10011731
  20. Not literally I hope!!! Will look out for you on the news ... seriously - hope you don't get flooded ... thankfully the river has gone down some more overnight - hope there's room to take the rain that's forecast PS your name change confused me for a moment!
  21. Next village to us is flooded ... strange to see the main news coming from there last night - we're near the sub station that was in danger of flooding - J was excited to see a Sea-King helicopter and a Chinook y'day - didn't see the sand bags though. Water level has dropped about 5 foot today but it's raining heavily again ... :-(
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