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Everything posted by ogsplosh

  1. I agree with Dooday24, chocolate!!! yummy
  2. Sounds horrific, how can they expect a autistic man to cope with this sort of upheaval? What are your options? suppose you could either appeal, perhaps taking it higher? or look for an alternative? Either way, I wish you tons of luck
  3. Welcome to the site, happy birthday and good luck getting the extra hours
  4. What they thought certain members wanted for birthdays what would they say. This was something that the pead said raises questions with a ASD DX. R was asked what she would buy mummy for her birthday and she looked at me and said earrings (which I am wearing) For Daddy she said black trousers (which he was wearing) and for our son she said Thomas as 'he likes Thomas for everything' (peppa pig quote replacesing dinosaur for thomas) . The pead said that ASD children would reply something they wanted not thinking about the other person. So apparently shows she can see otheres have different wants and needs to her. Opinions?
  5. The head told me that if a pead says they need one to one then no one agrues but if the ed psych says if people say if and buts.. She has an assesment with the ed pysch on the 16th june so I will ask then
  6. How do you all cope with the change in routine? Looking for some advice
  7. How do I get a one to one help for DD for school. The DR said that its highly likely that she will get a dx of ASD but she wants a second opinion. She said in the meantime the school are to approch her as a ASD child and access all the help and support they can. The school said that unless the DR states in her report that DD needs a one to one they are unlikely to get one. Is this true and am I stuck until the next appointment which I have been warned can take time
  8. yes it happened to my husband once you have a BPD label its hard to shake and you often get labelled as being uncooperative
  9. The Dr said that its highly likely to be ASD but she wants to get a second opinion before and labelling happens. In the meantime the school are to treat her as she has ASD and access any help they can. There was only one area that stopped us getting a diagnosis straight away. She was asked what mummy would like for her birthday and said looked at me and said earrings and for Daddy she said black trousers. The Dr said this shows that she understands people have different wants and likes to her. I'm not sure about this as she didn't say something we would like it was something she could physically see on us at the time. So not sure how to take that one. I feel OK, strange that its like a almost yes
  10. Good luck, I hope they find a solution that will help him
  11. this is today, argggggh Why can't we havea test thats 100%??? I am so worried they are going to say no and it is..
  12. Beans on toast with cheese on top
  13. Good idea, I have our family support worker coming too so that will help
  14. We have had a phone call from the hospital and they have made an appointment for the assement! I am so nevous and it came through so quick!!! its next thursday at 10.45am
  15. my DD ,6, has no problem with meeting new people as long as she is introduced, infact she gets overly friendly, often stroking the person or constantly hugging them. I am told that keeping friendships are harder for her. I am firmly told that she can't have AS as they hate meeting new people, this is certainly true for my husband
  16. Children with autism have no imagination
  17. My husband has some star wars lego too. Should have seen his face when I said we could hand it down to the kids
  18. well I am embracing the toddler toys We have even got some extra from ebay. I think I was just worried by what other people would say which I know is silly but there are still people out there that think I am 'making her act autistic'. Trying to close my ears to them all
  19. Happy Birthday ScienceGeek!! have a wonderful day
  20. They do say that some people with dyslexia can find words easier to read on coloured backgrounds, So its not silly at all
  21. Hello and welcome! I love the new doctor though never seen any other the older ones
  22. That sounds like my daughter whe she is talking about pelicans
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