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Everything posted by NickyB

  1. NickyB


    Hello and welcome I don't know if it's any help, but my son's school used timers to warn him of impending changes, and a visual timetable help him understand what's coming next. Now he's a bit older, we give him a 5 minute warning and then count down the last 30 seconds - mind you, we do get some odd looks when we do that in public Hope you get school sorted without too much hassle Nicky <'>
  2. HI sonj. Exactly the same thing happened to me I am sure these things should be confidential, like any other information a school holds about its pupils. I spoke to the SENCO and she was very embarrassed and apologetic and I left it at that. I would definitely take it in and tell them - you are right, they need to make sure it doesn't happen again. As for the other child, I think it depends how well you know them. Maybe it would be best to ask the school to check with them (and all the other children with IEPs). Hope that helps Nicky <'>
  3. NickyB

    so tired

    Kez <'> >< <'> ><
  4. Hi all I've got the exclusion paperwork from school. The SENCO has received a request from the LA for further evidence - it's in fact all the stuff I sent them last week. She called them and pointed out that I had sent it but they said that they had to have it from her as well !!! Is it any wonder we lose faith in these people The LA have to submit their case to SENDIST by November 25th. The SENCO said they asked for her paperwork by today, but she's told them it wasn't enough notice and she would do it as soon as she can. She said to me that she will not be rushing it Apparently the LA are having a meeting soon and said that they may call the head teacher to give her side of things - I really hope they do, as she's supporting us wholeheartedly and she can't wait to tell them what she thinks! I'm really hoping that might be a turning point In the meantime I've sent a letter to the LA to tell them about the latest exclusions and one to SENDIST to ask for an earlier hearing date.
  5. Blimey - opened a can of worms there, didn't I I shan't enter the debate about dangerous dog breeds etc. as these are definitely not defined as a dangerours breed. However, I will say that this was not in a park or open space - it was on a normal residential street, and yes I do think all dogs should be on a lead in this kind of area. OK so they didn't bite my son, and probably wouldn't have done (I don't think you can ever be sure), but they were barking and growling aggressivly, and running around his legs, and he was scared out of his wits. Added to that, she really didn't care. I have seen her around the village and I have never seen them on a lead - they run up and down the pavements and across the roads, so it would be better for their sakes to be on a lead, too. Edited to add that DS does not have a fear of dogs - in fact, he absolutely loves them.
  6. Hi JsMum I work at the school myself, although I'm not directly employed by them. I know that morale is very low and I wouldn't be surprised if stress was a factor in the number of absences. There were a couple of other children sent home early on Tuesday (they both have ASD and statements) but no others today as far as I know. I really don't think that the staffing issues have affected DS directly, but I will be keeping an eye on things as it is a worry. Thanks again everyone <'> Edited to add that there are actually another three staff off in the junior department
  7. I was tempted to give her a kick rather than the dogs The local community warden sometimes follows dog walkers around and makes them clear up the mess I might have a word with her - I am sure the whole family is 'known' to her
  8. Hi bettyhen My DS had exactly the same problem. I had a chat with the SENCO and teacher and it was agreed that I would take him in a bit earlier so as to avoid the whole playground/lining up thing, and I stayed with him until everyone else came in. Now we've changed it to going in a bit later (5 mins) for other reasons, so they are being really flexible, which is great. They also take him in earlier after breaktime. As the head teacher said to me 'There is no point in setting him up to fail before he's even got into school'. If your son has a diagnosis and is on School Action/Plus then they are required to make 'reasonable adjustments' to accommodate his condition. I really don't think it's unreasonable for them to make adjustments that will help everyone - not just your son, but themselves as well. Hope you get it sorted out. Nicky x
  9. Hi all I had an incident today and I'm not sure what to do about it. I came out of the house with little DS this morning, and there was a woman walking past with two dogs, not on leads. They barked and growled at DS and started to run towards him. This of course freaked him out and he started to scream and run away. They chased after him and were running around his legs barking. I ran to him and got him away, but he was in quite a state. I politely () asked the lady to keep her dogs under control, and she just said 'well, he shouldn't have run away - that made them chase him', and walked off. She showed absolutely no concern for DS. I shouted after her asking what the hell she expected him to do but she ignored me. I know the woman concerned through one of the kids at school - she is his gran. My friends' child also had a similar incident and her cat was also attacked by the dogs. They are only tiny dogs, but they are never on a lead and they are really aggressive. The trouble is, I don't know who to report it to. Any thoughts??
  10. Thanks BD. I did point out today that I want letters for these last two exclusions - the head teacher, deputy head, SENCO and class teacher are ALL off sick at the mo, so I am a bit concerned myself about them seeing it as a way of making their lives a bit easier. On the other hand, he did hit and kick two teachers and gave one of the children an injury, so I can't say it's not justified. I have drafted a letter to SENDIST and the LA, so I will have another look at them later when I'm a bit calmer, and post them tomorrow. Thanks again Nicky x
  11. Well, DS has now been excluded for the last two afternoons due to his behaviour. I am getting seriously angry that there is no urgency on the part of the LA I was all ready to call them when we got home today and tell them exactly what I think, but I need to calm down a bit first, otherwise I will end up a jibbering wreck on the 'phone. I am thinking it might be better to write to them, explaining exactly what's been happening, stress the urgency of his case and ask them to reconsider their refusal to assess. Of course, what I actually want to say is 'get off your backsides and get on with it' (with a few added expletives of your choice ), but I suppose I had better be a bit more tactful than that!! What do you all think - is it better to call them or write?
  12. Hi all Just to say that I'm going to be away until the end of next week. I'm giving myself a break from worrying about statements, assessments and tribunals etc. I think I need to just enjoy my family for a while. DH is off work next week and we are going to visit some friends and family, who we've not seen for a few months, and we are all looking forward to the break I hope half-term is relaxing for all of you who have kiddies off school next week, and I'll 'see' you when I get back. Nicky <'>
  13. Hi minerva <'> I'm OK if someone calls me - although I quickly run out of chit-chat. I hate having to call other people, even family and friends. I don't know why, especially as I spent several years working in a call centre, and had no problem at all making calls Then again, maybe it was the years in the call centre that have caused it
  14. Hi I have spoken to SENDIST and they have said I can apply for an earlier hearing date. I have to write in and then they will arrange a conference call with myself, the LEA and the tribunal judge, to decide whether an earlier hearing is necessary. This sounds like an ideal opportunity to get the LEA on the phone and ruffle their feathers a bit Has anyone else had experience of these conference calls and what I might need to say to secure an earlier hearing date? Thanks <'>
  15. NickyB


    Hi Andrew and welcome
  16. NickyB

    Hi all :)

    Hello Martin and welcome
  17. Hi lisa <'> My son is only 6, but I can relate to everything you've said. Dealing with all these issues can feel so overwhelming - like you say it's full-on all the time. I try to remind myself, it's not my son that I'm angry with, it's his condition. It doesn't make you a bad mum to feel like this - just human. It sounds like he (and you) have come a long way in the last year, so try to focus on that. Hope you fell better tomorrow <'>
  18. Thanks everyone - I'm feeling a bit better now. It will be worth it in the the end and I will definitely not give up. Thankfully, the school have been very supportive throughout, and DSs teacher writes down everything that happens, and I have copies of this. I have records of every meeting that we have had with the school, and every internal meeting the school have had. I also have reports from all relevant professionals. I have sent all of these in with the appeal, and will also submit evidence of his recent exclusions when I send the Forther Information form in to SENDIST. Sadly, there is no way I can afford private representaion at the hearing, but I will contact IPSEA and ACE and get some advice. Thanks again for taking the time to reply - It's made me feel even stronger and more determined now
  19. Hi all As some of you will know we are wrangling with our LEA to get them to carry out statutory assessment. We have appealed to SENDIST and got our acknowledgement today. They have given us a tribunal date of . . . . 12 March 2010 That will be almost exactly a year to the day since we first applied for SA. By the time any decision is made, another year of DSs schooling will have passed by. I'm getting so frustrated at how long it all takes And this is just to get them to assess him. I know some of you have been through all of this - how do you cope with the slow pace of it all? What worries me is that if we fail, we'll have to wait another 6 months to start it all again, and then if they assess, do it all again if they refuse to write a statement. The SENCO has said she has rarely seen a more obvious case for a statement, but the LEA just won't budge. I was hoping that we could start looking at special schools soon, but I'm feeling that we are going to be in limbo for years, by which time DS will have lost most of his foundation years in education. AAARRRGGGHHH !!!!!!! :wallbash:
  20. Thanks guys They tell him at the time what the smileys are for - one was for writing and the others were for following instructions. He also got a sticker on his lunchbox and he told me it was because he ate all his lunch
  21. Hi all Just thought I'd share this with you - we got it in DSs school bag today : 'Quick Note to Parents To [Ds]'s Family Just a quick note to tell you how pleased I am that [DS] has worked very hard today and has earned 4 smileys. Well done ' Lovely :clap::clap::clap:
  22. OMG Sally, poor you Thank goodness your consultant got you home - I hope you make a very speedy recovery <'> >< <'>
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